
5 months, 28 days ago
5 months, 28 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 5 months, 28 days ago

SC Log (Oct 29th 2023)

Andy is scared awake from an awful nightmare. Wisty talks to him, and later goes on a walk with Iseul.

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Talking (w/ Wisty)


scoots in here would you ever wanna HC with Andy and Wisty when you have the time?


sure lemme just finish with the exp AGDFG


Bdjsnd tyt


OKAY im alive enough aghdjfg


She lives hdkdnsks


mostly!! still need to eat so i may be slowish
i assume the hcing youre wanting to do is aftermath to the event AGHJDF


I was thinking mostly about that yes yfxfjdzrhs


valid JGHDJF
do figure andy would just wanna like
talk to wisty while shes sitting w him that night


It’d more or less start as an apology tho (especially if Cami does bean him with a pillow) and give a choppy summary on what happened
Like trying to keep Spare from leaving the elevator, the hair dangling from the doorway, the psychics getting possessed, the scary girl that walked in and took Natsumi away and the panic that followed-


jaghdjf at the apology she's just like "oh it's fine, it's not your fault and cami is just" leans in so cami cant hear "being a pissbaby"


That’d get a tiny smirk from him


but sits back and considers all that like " all really did just go through a whole horror movie though, huh"
"it's no wonder you're having trouble relaxing"


Andy would nod. “It was.. It was awful. I don’t think I’m ever gonna be able to go on elevators again for a while.” He pulls his legs from the covers to tuck closer to himself, resting his chin on his knees. 

“But still, a lot of them were able to just… walk it off like they were used to stuff like this. And I think that scares me more. The fact this could happen again.” He stares ahead.


"Ah...." she sighs and pats his shoulder. "...Yeah, I think a lot of people here have gotten kind of numb to scary experiences. But that's not to say like, 'oh, that's normal, and it'll happen to you' - it sounds like this in particular was pretty out of the ordinary even for us."
"Besides, a lot of the people who just walk things off like they don't feel it? They really shouldn't be just walking those things off. I think it's not a bad thing to let yourself be scared, as long as you don't let it stop you from moving forward, yknow?"


“The girl- She- I only got a glance but it was like something out of The R-Ring.”
He takes a shaky breath and nods. “Y-Yeah, I guess. Still, it’s very- It’s jarring. If I’m supposed to take things like these as tests of courage or find a lesson in this somewhere then I’m not sure what to think. I just- I shouldn’t have- This is technically my first job and I’m starting to regret it.”
He rubs his face. “I get what you’re saying, believe me, but still.”


"No, I understand, it's okay. They have you sign that waiver when you hire on, but it can you said, jarring, to find out what this job can really mean." She leans her chin on her hand. "It's not for everyone, I know, and I mean...if it's really too much, I don't think there's any shame in walking away, or asking for a transfer to another department that doesn't deal with this stuff as directly, people do that all the time. Not to say you should, I think any decision at all should wait till this is less fresh, but there's always an out if you need it. That's good to keep in mind sometimes."


Andy nods, starting to fiddle with his fingers. “I could. I just don’t really-“ have anywhere to go.
“It’s definitely something I’d need to think over. This job I knew would have some danger involved but-“ The memory of Natsumi being dragged away faster than Andy could blink plays in his head. “Not to this extent.”


Wisty watches him, tilting her head a little in her hand before she quietly adds "You can probably stay at SC either way, if you don't want to stop, yknow, supporting the cause. There's plenty of people living at HQ who work in the research departments and stuff."
"I guess as far as that goes, all I can say're almost never alone with it. There's people here who'll always have your back, and try their best to get you out if you're trapped, or pick you up and carry you if you fall. In the end, though, you're the only one who can decide if that's enough, and I don't think anyone has a right to judge you for it either way."


“…” Andy takes a deep breath, nodding. He looks at Wisty and musters up a smile, even if it’s a little weak.
“Right. I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you.. Wisty, was it?”


she gives a peacesign like "That's me~ Sorry I can't be more reassuring than that, just...yeah, the reality is that the job is dangerous, there's no good lying about that."
She leans on her knees. "What I can do, though, is keep you company till you feel like you can sleep again, if you don't want to be alone right now. Does that sound ok?"


“It’s fine. I don’t really think there’s much to say about something like this. It was awful, but it still happened. Hopefully never again.” 

“That sounds nice, but, I don’t wanna keep you up more than I have already. I’ll probably just go for a little walk till I’m feeling tired again.”


She laughs like "Oh no, don't worry, I wouldn't be asleep anyway. But that's fine too, sometimes a walk does a lot to help clear the head, huh?" she scoots back to let him out of the bed. "If you decide you do want someone around, I'll be here, ok?"


He returns a smile. “Alright. Thank you again.”
And then he shuffles out of bed and probably goes on that walk with Iseul bdjwnd


walk time!!


Walk time!
Thank you for the help Wisty but also please get some sleep


eventually she will!


How long is eventually


andy gets back from the walk and shes in bed at least but like, on her phone and waves at him jghdjfg


Andy a little concerned but still tells her goodnight and this time is able to sleep


at times if the nightmare seem to be getting bad wisty might go over and do like, a calm mind on him agdjfg
soothe the fear away without waking him up


So sweet. ;;
And a great way to exhaust Wisty


JGHSDF she has 30 mana and calm mind only takes 10!! but it is a possible benefit this is true JAHGDF


How to tire out your local insomniac without lifting a finger:
1, go through a traumatic experience
2, have disruptive nightmares
3, profit


romeo after cold war plot was being STRATEGIC actually