Walk of Shame

5 months, 28 days ago

SC Log (Nov 5th 2023)

Andy and David have an awkward journey back to the hotel after being released from a spell.

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Hey Ash, after this do you wanna do a tiny hc/rp with David and Andy?

Willow Wormwood 

lmao yeah I was actually about to message to ask!!


Andy just wants to check over his injuries and make sure he's not too hurt

Willow Wormwood 

yeah i think David probably sticks near Andy just cause.  Weirdness happened to both of them alsdkjf



Willow Wormwood 

After they start heading away he kinda glances at the group and then to Andy and just goes "So uh....you...you okay?"


Andy glances back at David and releases a breathy, strained chuckle. "Yeah. I think so. I-I got hit with a bomb earlier but I'm still alive so-"
"Wh-What about you? You got kicked pretty hard in the head."

Willow Wormwood 

He rubs the side of his head but drops his hand after a moment.  "Ah- well not as bad as getting hit by a bomb, hah.... you don't feel the effects from her anymore, right?"


He shakes his head. "Not anymore. You?"

Willow Wormwood 

"Nah."  David lets out a sigh and shuts his eyes.  "God what a mess.  I should check in on Thistle, I know I wasn't in control but I still feel bad hitting her with the sword."  
At the mention of it he looks to the hand still holding the sword made of fire, and with a flick it sputters out and disappears.


Andy pats his shoulder consolingly. “I’m sure she’d understand. That influence was.. very strong.” He watches the flaming sword vanish before his eyes and hums.
“Y-You know, that’s a really neat weapon when it’s not chasing after you.” He jokes with a little smile. 

Willow Wormwood 

David glances back down to his hand and to Andy, and winces.  "Ah shit I'm sorry I chased you down like that, promise I didn't mean to..."


He quickly waves his hands and shakes his head “No no no! It’s fine, really. I understand completely.” 

He goes quiet afterwards, and to ease some of the tension, he extends a hand. “I’m Andy, by the way.”

Willow Wormwood 

David lets out a small laugh and reaches out to shake.  “I’m David! Not the best way to meet but happy to meet all the same!” He shakes his head and lets out another laugh.  “man what a mission that was.”


Andy laughs too, glad to see David not too upset what happened. “Right? I was definitely expecting a fight but I didn’t think we’d end up bringing the building down too.” He realizes something, then, and his eyes light up. 

“Wait, you’re David! Wow, definitely a weird way to meet you, yeah.” Andy giggles.

Willow Wormwood 

David glances back behind them with a grimace.  "Yeah wasn't expecting that much property damage, oof..." He look back with a grin at Andy and tilts his head.  

"Oh, heard of me?"


He nods! “Mhm! From Auran. He told me about you and.. um..” Andy’s expression becomes stumped. “It uh- I-It starts with a J-“

Willow Wormwood 

David’s expression brightens.  “Jiemba! Yeah the three of us are all together.”


Andy’s own smile returns.  
“Speaking of, do you need help getting back to the hotel? Maybe take you to one of them so they can help with your head?”

Willow Wormwood 

David reaches up to rub the spot he got kicked in.  "Ah, I think it's alright.  I feel okay, just startled me I think.  But I'm good to head back together if you want, might as well right?"


He shrugs! “Might as well, yeah. We’re probably flying home soon too so I should start packing as soon as we’re back.”

Willow Wormwood 

David lets out a sigh of relief.  "Yeah, man am I ready to be home..."