*small gasp* Judas-

oboecady Vesuvi
5 months, 28 days ago

SC Log (Nov 14th 2023)

Looks like there's a new fellow at SC! They chat over some REALLY good sundubu.

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Author's Notes

2 things! First thing, the log starts off a lil weird just because we were chatting before going right into it hygbrsedf

Second thing, Andy mentions Spare and Judas being on the 4th floor with him. That was an error, I realized later that Spare and Judas are actually on the 2nd floor. Whoopsie.


I promise not every character is violent
But ye, I could see Andy catching a glimpse of Judas on his way to the kitchen to cook something if he's in there!
Maybe give him an itty bitty wave/hello


Hell yeah!! It’s perfect timing he’s gonna be too emotionally/physically drained to throw too many harsh words!!


get em while he's down /j


Judas hears tiny hello looks up from his cooking. “You here to turn my food into worms too?” He asks defeated


That would give Andy pause, and he'd tilt his head in confusion. "P-Pardon?"


Hums quietly “never mind that I deserved it anyway” sighs and straightens up stirring the food “need something?” He asks


He makes a tiny sound that could either be acceptance or further confusion. "J-Just came in here to make some dinner. If that's okay?"


Judas looks around him noticing the mess he’s made “apologies I don’t normally leave this big of a mess when I cook.” Turns off the heat the food was done and turns to get bowl and silverware. “I’ve made too much of you’d like some. It might be a little spicy though” looks around again. “Or I could just clean up if you give me a few minutes” 


Andy gives a little dismissive wave. "It's fine! It smells like the mess was worth it." He chuckles. "What'd you make?"


“Comfort food. Well to me at least. It’s Sundubu stew a Korean stew. I don’t make it as spicy as my father or we would be in for some pain.” He pours two bowls and places a fried egg in both. “Lana’s toad seemed to like it before the witch decided to turn it into worms… mah but don’t feel like you have to eat.” Puts some white rice in a different bowl and puts it next to the stew. “The rice will help tone down the heat.”


Sundubu.. huh! This is his first time hearing about it! But ah.. the bit about the worms seems really unfortunate..  Judas said Andy doesn't have to eat it, but, it really does smell good, and he already prepared a second bowl. It'd feel rude to refuse. He takes the second bowl with an appreciative nod. "I-I wouldn't mind trying some. Thank y-- HH- H- HOT-!!" 

Andy quickly regrets picking the bowl up with his bare hands, because the food is still fresh, and as a result, very hot. He puts it back down as careful as one with burning fingers can, and flaps them in an almost comical fashion, desperate to cool them off.


Judas couldn’t contain the amused chuckle that left his lips and a flash of light sparking in his eyes. “Careful! I guess I should have warned you that it’s temperature hot as well! It’s basically boiling lava stew right now ” More amused chuckles as he gets the flapping man a glass of water to cool his hands off “here let it cool off for a second” getting a glass for himself and a couple of spoons. “You don’t want burn your tongue to ash or hurt your hands.”
Puts a chunk of his white rice into his own stew. “The rice also helps cool down the temperature as well.” Takes a bite of his own stew after a lot of blowing. He still gives a whence after the bite though blowing through his mouth to cool his tongue down . “Worth it” he mutters 


Andrew gratefully accepts the cup, holding onto the cool glass until his fingers cool down just enough to continue where he left off (safely, of course). "S-Sorry, I didn't expect the bowl to be that hot." He giggles, sheepish.  

Taking the man's advice, Andy first applies rice to his own bowl, and blows on it for a bit before taking a tentative bite. His eyes light up."Mm!" He hums his delight before he remembers to swallow. "Th-This is good!"


Looks away flustered “yes well, thank you I appreciate the compliment” awkward boi answer. “I’m not use to only cooking for myself so I keep making too much I appreciate you helping me eat it.” Looks back to Andy “oh, I haven’t introduced myself, nice to meet you I’m Judas Baker”


He smiles, nodding. "I appreciate you sharing it with me!"  
Andy was just preparing another spoonful before Judas introduces himself, to which he realizes he hasn't done either. "It's nice to meet you, Judas." He nods. "I'm Andrew. B-But I usually go by Andy." 

Oh right- "I meant to ask beforehand, but are you new here? I don't think I've seen you around before."


Swallows mouthful “ yeah I got here a couple days ago. Day before yesterday? Not sure it’s all kinda blended together. I’ve met a couple people here and there. They have been… interesting” face darkens irritation radiating off him. “Haven’t met my room mate yet though” shrugs  “their name is Spare do you happen to know them?”
Asks taking another bite and pouring more rice in his stew.


Andy nods again, a bit slower. He still wonders what all happened in the few days he's been here, or why Lana (one of the witches, Judas mentioned) had turned his food into worms.  

Suddenly Andy's expression lights up. "Oh, Spare! He's very nice, if not a little strange at first. And kinda.. straightforward." He chuckles awkwardly at that last bit, opting to mask it with another bite. "But if you're roommates with him, then that means you're also on the 4th floor! I guess that makes us neighbors." 


“Neighbors huh? Interesting I have no idea who all is up there I don’t make a habit of staying in the room very much” hums in thought “straightforward can be good. Though in my experience it gets me in trouble with people and ends in my food getting ruined or my ass getting beat” sigh’s irritated with himself. “Ignore me I’m rambling again” sighs. “I Don’t like being cooped up in the rooms  like I said, the gym is not longer a safe place and I can’t cook forever I’ll run out of Fridge space.. what else is around here to do?” Judas asked curiously.


Oh dear. Andy ponders for a moment while taking a few more bites, deep in thought. "W-Well, I figure there's a lot. I'm often seeing invitations in the company group chat to go places like shopping, dining, ice skating," even he sounds appalled by that one "And a bunch of other things." 

Suddenly he gets an idea. Andy puts his spoon down for just a moment, and quickly shares his thought. "You know, I understand you haven't had the best experience so far, and I am s-sorry for that, but there are a lot of nice people here. Maybe we could set something up, like an outing? You could get to know others or vice versa." 


Judas huffs at the thought of an outing and is about to make a scathing remark but bites his tongue taking a breath before answering calmer “I’m not here to make friends…” winced at his own comment because he knows that’s not really the truth. “people tend to only want to be around me for what I can give them and I can’t give anyone anything here I’m the fucking newbie.” Growls irritated. “Your company was pleasant though and I appreciate not being forced into something I didn’t want to do for the first time in however long I’ve been here…” he admits under his breath ruffling his hair and giving it a yank as he thinks through the offer again. “What kind of outing… and with who” 


Andy nods a little too quickly smile shifting momentarily, cautious. "I-It would have just been anything you'd like to try. L-Like going to a local restaurant or.. Well I mean it doesn't have to be an outing per say, it could just be one big dinner here at the dorms. I don't know if you celebrate it, but Thanksgiving is technically next week. It'd probably just be with a couple of friends like.. Wisty, Athena, Spare.. I-Iseul and Auran maybe."

"But that's only if you wanted to. I won't pressure you into doing something you think you'd dislike."


Takes a couple bites of stew while he thinks. Looks to the man beside him recognizing he’s making him uncomfortable. Looks back to the stew. “I’m not great in groups… or one on one apparently.  I’d probably just piss someone off and ruin the celebration. Already making you uncomfortable.” Starts picking up his dishes since he’s finished his food taking it to the sink. “I’ll make food if needed as you can see-“ points to the pot of untouched stew they barely made a dent in “I’m use to cooking for multiple people.” Turns back ti the man “maybe another time when it’s not a celebration I could ruin”


Andy's smile falls at that. "N-No- I just- You seemed- It sounds like you didn't get the best first impression with a few people already and I didn't want to add to the.. l-list." Andy looks down at his nearly empty bowl, guilt swirling in his belly. Thankfully he's able to hide it. "I really did a-appreciate the meal. You didn't have to, but it was still nice." He finishes up the last few bites of his food before taking his own dish to the sink to wash.  

After a beat of awkward silence, he quietly adds. "I can't really say anything since I'm still technically new myself, but there really are a lot of nice, understanding people here, but some people are a little more on the... defensive side. From what I've heard, they've been through a lot. I experienced some of it myself a while back." He flicks his wet hands in the sink before fetching a paper towel, turning to Judas with a tiny smile. 

"It was nice getting to meet you, Judas. If there's anything you need or have any questions, I'll be on the 4th floor."


“Thank you Andy appreciate the thought and will keep that in mind. If you ever catch me cooking again and find yourself hungry feel free to stop in and take a bite odds are I’ve made more than I needed to.” Judas rubs the back of his neck as he starts the rest of the cleaning process “ehhh I’m kind of particular about clean kitchens so I’m gonna be here for a little bit longer.. thanks for taking care of your dishes. I’ll see you around Andy”