Boba Time!

oboecady Vesuvi
5 months, 21 days ago

SC Log (Dec 5th 2023)

Andy and Judas go to a café~

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Mhm mhm!! I’m always up for some hc action!! Do@I know what I want exactly? No but I’m ready to figure it out!  I only got one option so up to you who you want to put through Judas’ presence


Hdksnfksj fair enough
I hold out a littol Andy for you, since Hugo’s still unavailable






Sweet bby 


Babi’s been bored since the team c mission


Holds out a bruised Judas who still hasn’t met with a healer! He’s fine just sleep deprived and it’s mostly his ego at this point that’s hurt 


I haven’t read the logs so no idea what happened but holds him


Man’s got tackled by a tiger took out half his health  he also was very very not stealthy denting a wall with his gracefulness/silly


The grace of a bull in flippers


 yes indeed he just wanted a hug and decided he would rather have one from the wall than the people around him


World cold and hard. Wall also cold and hard, but less so


That’s right the wall bends to his will ungraceful ass better than the world


I assume Judas is probably staying at the hotel rn as well


Mhm you’ll find him in a secluded spot reading/passed out, in the kitchen hijacking/sneaking (cause i doubt he’s supposed to be there lol but he will have his cooking time) or in the gym on the treadmill.


Judas being a crime boi /j
Andy could stumble upon him while he’s reading and gives a quick little hello and wave! Hi Judas!


Man would probably startle jump a little  half asleep and look up with a glare till he saw who it was. Softer face “oh- hello Andy. Need something?”


Andy realizes he probably spooked the poor man and smiles apologetically. “Not really, just passing through. What are you up to?”


Blinks a couple times still not fully awake. Looks down at the book in his hands cause he definitely doesn’t remember anything he read while sitting there. “Well- I was reading, but I haven’t been able to stay focused awake long enough to retain any of it” he’s more awake now. Set the book aside and looks back to Andy “what about you? Find anything interesting to do around here the past few weeks?” 


Andy nods, glancing down at said book to see what Judas might be reading before looking back up, shrugging with a small, defeated smile. “I’ve mostly taken walks around the surrounding area or slept in my hotel room.. though I did manage to go to the mall with a couple of friends.” Wandering too far from the safety of his more highly skilled coworkers would be a bad idea, after all.


Hums softly standing up and reaches up to run fingers though his hair (awkward boi) “sounds about like what I’ve been doing- eh minus the sleeping” he mumbles the last part to himself. “I know a few coffee shops and Boba places that are pretty peaceful and actually prepare the drinks well” he may sound kinda snobby- that would be because he takes his coffee very seriously


“Hm?” He hums, watching Judas get up. He thought he heard something else there but he could be mistaken.
His eyes open just a bit more at the mention of coffee(eh,,) and boba! “Ooo, I think I did see a few cafés on the map but I hadn’t thought about going in any of them. Do you have a favorite?”


Picked up book he laid down taking notice that Andy seemed to perk up more when he mentioned boba he runs though the shops he’s been too trying to remember which had the best tea options for the boba. “There’s on near by, about a 5 minute walk, it has some good options for both fruit teas and coffee boba.” Hums in thought again “and they give you extra shots of espresso..” happy after thought about more coffee for Judas


Andy nods, intrigued. “I’ll have to check it out soon then! Maybe we could stop by tomorrow? You look like you might need a nap.” He chuckles.


Judas shifts his weight a little ruffling his hair more he didn’t want to be pushy but he also didn’t like the idea of going to his rooms or falling asleep in a common area again. “Don’t really like sleeping in shared spaces- not very good at staying asleep lately anyway. but I would definitely like to take you to the cafe when you’re ready- if you want to go with me that is I could tell you where it is instead if you’d rather not” shrugs trying to look like he doesn’t care either way but his rambling is giving him away


A tiny “oh-“ slips out, and now Andy can’t help but get a better look at Judas. He keeps the conversation going, still. “Mm, we could go today if you’d like. Maybe that cafe has some tea that could ease your nerves?”


“Mhm- never really put thought into what teas could help with that shit, generally I just go for the black teas because I know I like the taste.” Fiddles with the book in his hands slightly and looks away slightly “I’m willing to try though if you have a recommendation” looks down at the book he’s fiddling with “I should probably put this up first though-eh and change” looks down at rumpled t-shirt and sweatpants he’s wearing. Normally he wouldn’t care if it’s just him but he puts more effort if he’s going out with someone else


He nods and smiles. “I know a few that could help, definitely.” Andy blinks when he realizes Judas is wearing the equivalent of pajamas, or someone who just never bothered to change into something else for a while, but Judas doesn’t seem like the type to do that. (Maybe.) 

“Mhm! Take your time. I can wait here if you want.”
A beat later and he adds “Actually- I might grab a couple of things real quick. Meet you at the entrance?”


“The entrance  is good I’ll meet you there” nodded then turns to go toward his room. He hadn’t been to his room since earlier that day when he showered snd threw on the first clothes his hands touched… did they even match? Normally he’s more put together than this but he really hates being in that hotel room for longer than needed. (Cramped spaces with multiple big people sharing the space he’s claustrophobic)
Judas chills at the entrance now in a much more put together way forgoing his jacket and just wearing a short sleeved green shirt and black pants (man loves his green)


(Andy can testify. It is a great color)  A little after Judas made it to the entrance, Andy comes hurrying down the stairs, slightly winded from the sudden exercise. But! It was worth it.  He readjusts the little backpack he’s now carrying over his shoulders and meets Judas with a pep in his step. “R-Ready!” Andy says, wheezing a little still.


Huffs a little in amusement and takes note that Andy is winded already “alright follow me I’ll lead the way. Tell me about these teas you know about?” He walks slower than he normally does to make sure not to stress the shorter man.


He gives a tiny ‘mhm!’ And follows Judas’s lead, listing off the teas he knows of off the top of his head. Thankfully by this point he’s caught his breath. “Well a very popular one is chamomile. Then there’s lavender, peppermint, green tea, ginger.. I think?”  
“I’ve had lavender tea before. It’s pretty effective in my opinion. Though it’s more of a bedtime tea because once you drink that stuff, you’d better hope there’s a bed nearby.” Andy giggles at that last bit.


Tiny smile achieved “ahh I’ve heard of Chamomile-always thought it was bullshit though.. lavender I know gives a calming effect my mother would defuse it around the house. Never thought about it helping sleep though.” Nods he’s going to try a lavender. He holds the door open when they get to the shop


“I’ve never had chamomile myself so I can’t say anything.” Andy gives Judas a small ‘Thank you’ as he enters the café. 

“Lavender’s a nice smell but honestly I think it not really effective for sleep. The tea’s different though. My foster mom gave it to me all the time whenever I couldn’t or wouldn’t sleep and always double teamed it with cuddling. Always lost that fight and I’d be out in no time.” Andy smiles at the fond memory. 

When they get to the line, he mutters to himself on whether he should get boba or try the chamomile instead.


Judas looks around for a second at the shelves around then finding what he’s looking for and snagging it off the shelves. “Get what you know you will like. This place has good tea so I’ll just get this and we can both figure out if it’s just shit” waves a box of chamomile tea in front of Andy not looking at him looking at the menu. Does he look soft? Maybe but he will deny it


Andy hums to himself, spotting some strawberry boba. That looks good  
He spares a quick glance at Judas when the box is waved in his peripheral vision, which draws his attention to the other tea packages. He spots his aforementioned favorite and grabs a box for the road.  

Knowing what he wants, plus one box of lavender tea, Andy turns to Judas as he idly bounces. "I mean, I heard chamomile tastes pretty good, so even if it doesn't help with nerves it'll hopefully still taste alright."


Another small smile as he watched the man bounce a little he’s cute. “That’s good. Would suck if it tasted like shit as well” He spots a lavender coffee option and files it in his mind for later. He should probably get something not so caffeinated if he’s seriously going to try the tea to help him sleep. He goes for an iced peach oolong tea with popping boba.


"Well if this place is as good as you say, it probably wouldn't." He smiles.  
Once they get their teas, Andy finds a little table to sit and and skootches into the nearest chair, already slurping away at his drink before he's even fully seated. Andy gives a surprised 'Mmm!' and looks at the cup in his hands, as if the drink itself held a wonder to it. "Wow, this is good! I think I just found a reason to stay out of the hotel now." He giggles.


Judas plopping down in the a seat next to Andy. “You’re probably right- If you want to try some feel free”. Huffs in amusement at the pleased face the younger man makes. “ Glad you like it” he  takes a sip from his own humming in appreciation closing his eyes for a second to enjoy the taste  ahhh it never gets old how wonderful well made boba tastes. “I always go to one of the coffee shops I’ve found if I go out. The hotel is nice but it feels kinda cramped after a while when you’ve walked around the whole place multiple times.” Slouches forward in his chair propping his chin on his hand taking another sip.


“Mn.” Andy nods, mid sip. “Yeah and it gets kinda awkward if you’re always in your room, because that means staff sometimes walks in on you just laying on the bed watching tv…” He takes another sip. “If I had like, a bike or something I’d like to ride around and do some more sightseeing, but I also don’t really feel safe doing anything alone anymore after everything that’s happened so far.”


Nods. He’s not in the rooms enough to run into the first problem mentioned but he gets the idea. “I’m starting to understand the danger of this job and the trouble it brings” he hums thinking about the team members who ended up in the hospital and the tiger that tackled him on his mission leaving some really nasty bruises. He’s never been scared going out before but he’s becoming more cautious when he goes out now. “Don’t let your fear stop you from living though. There are ways to stay safe and there are some cool places close by to explore. You ever want to go somewhere you can just ask I don’t mind the company.” Shrugs takes another sip


Dangers… Andy momentarily thinks back to when he and a few others had gone into the elevator to play that game and.. his eyes go distant and, for just a split moment, the grip on his cup tightens. 

He blinks when Judas assures him not to be afraid, plus an offer for company should he want it. That gets him a smile, at the very least. “I’ll keep that in mind then.”


“Good.” Noticing the brief moment of dissociation hoping his presence was grounding. He leans in a little closer. He’s not great with words but he still tries.


Andy simply smiles, appreciating the distraction. Speaking of. “Oh right, so you mentioned having trouble sleeping lately, yeah?”


Hums taking another sip contemplating what he wants to respond with. “Yeah- been like that since before coming here. Didn’t grow up in the safest area so-“ trails off not knowing if Andy really wanted the details or was just being polite. “Assuming you’ve had problems as well since you know so much about tea meant to help with sleep”


He doesn’t seem to mind either way.  

Andy then fiddles with his sleeve, staring at a random spot on the table. “I mean, technically yes. That was back when I was little, though. Everything spooked me…
Admittedly I’ve been struggling again because of a really bad mission. I’ve been having nightmares again but thankfully I had some people to help me through it a bit.” His smile returns, not as bright as before, but still light.
“But that’s why I wanted to suggest something-“ Andy sets his drink down and twists in his seat to reach for his backpack, tugging out a stuffed animal.  

“A friend told me stuffed animals are great for helping you feel safe at night, like you’ve got someone with you. I’ve done pretty good with it so far, so, I wanted to offer you this for the night and see if it helps?”


Judas listened politely humming in understanding and then stares at the stuffed animal presented. “It’s a bunny”
He mumbled the obvious taking the soft toy in his hands. His chest warms slightly. When was the last time he held a stuffed animal? When was the last time he was hugged or hugged something. He settled the bunny in his lap. “Haven’t had a mission so far that’s caused a nightmare. Mine are from shit that happened as a kid with assholes at school or I see my mother die again” Andy’s vulnerability has encouraged him to share a little bit. “I still don’t know anyone here well enough to really confide in them though. And I haven’t spoken to my family since I’ve been here…”


He seems to brighten just a bit at that. “It is a bunny! Apparently she’s called Cinnamoroll?” 

Andy’s happy to see Judas feeling more comfortable with talking to him, but he can’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for the man. “I’m sorry you had to go through that..” He sighs. “Maybe it’d be a good idea to get in contact with your family again? I’m sure they must be worried.”


Judas huffs in amusement at the name looking down at the bunny and nodding. Yeah that names fits. “They are the ones who pushed me to come here and we left in a pretty sour note…they’ve probably enjoyed the space” face somber he tilts his head. “I do miss them though” ruffles his hair talking another sip mixed emotions swirling.


Oh. Hm.. Andy takes another, long sip. "Can I ask why they wanted you to join in the first place?"


“My mother was killed by a man who hated psychics. I walked in on the fucker so-“ he trails off not really wanting to think about those details. “I became obsessed with finding other people like this man. I wanted to fuck them up before they could do what they did to my mother.” Takes a sip from his tea. Judas has never shared this out loud with anyone but his therapist give me some grace. “My father and his husband saw my destructive path both for myself and others around me and they encouraged me to join SC for my safety and I’m thinking they wanted me sent away as well. I hurt them and the people around us a lot in my blind anger.” He admits giving his hair a little grounding  yank and heaving a sigh. 


Oh wow. 

Andy quiets, taking it all in as he seems lost in thought. “Well..” He speaks up finally “Regardless, I’m glad to have you here with us. Sometimes emotions get the best of us, but you seem like a nice person.” His smile returns.


Huffs looks unconvinced but accepts the kindness anyway. He’s tired again “you’re probably the only one here to think that-but thank you I appreciate it. Sorry to bring the mood down so far I’m not normally this- erm- well I don’t normally dump all my shit on people so thanks for listening.” He fiddles with Cinnamoroll for a second before Shaking his head a little to get out of the funcky mood taking another sip of his tea. Vulnerability over! he’s hit his quota for the day. Time to get to know the cute man in front of him! “You like boba tea and stuffed animals obviously, what else do you like?” He’s shit at small talk but he’s gonna try!


Andy shakes his head. “No worries! I’m always happy to listen. Sometimes you just gotta get stuff off your chest, you know?” He goes back to sipping his drink, but he does note the shift in mood. 

Andy’s cheeks then dust pink when he’s more or less called out for his love of stuffies, but only for a moment . “W-Well uh. I like.. hm.. listening to jazz! And sci-fi novels. And space. Everything space.” There’s a twinkle in his eyes when he brings up space. “What about you? Besides coffee, of course.” Andy says with a little smirk.


He nods appreciatively and looks away for a moment “agreed sometimes it’s nice to just let it out.” Looks back at Andy “I’m happy to listen too if ever needed” he mumbles. Tiny blush? Maybe 

He chuckles the tiny smile is back at Andy’s enthusiasm! “Space huh? I can understand the interest it’s supposedly infinite  it’s incredible beautiful. and we know so little about it but that just adds to its wonder.” He’s fully invested awkward feelings gone. “Hmmm I’m not picky about music but I guess if I had to choose I really enjoy classic rock” shrugs “jazz is a good genera too. There’s lots to explore.” Nods taking another sip as he thinks. His face lights up once he’s got his next thought “ I love sharing my cooking as well! Or cooking for myself is fine too… I always end up with too much though.” His eyes are bright now this man LOVES to be in the kitchen.


He notices the tiny blush and smiles at that, nodding. Judas is a nice guy, change Andy’s mind. 

Judas manages to only spur Andy on and excite him more, his smile growing brighter as he says “I know! It’s amazing! And to think, we’re just a little blue speck compared to the universe as a whole. There’s so much out there, maybe more!” 

Andy’s feet tap away happily on the floor, really enjoying this conversation. “Rock’s nice! It’s got a nostalgic feel to it.”  
“Oh yeah, cooking is a lot of fun. Your cooking is really good, like, that thing you made a while back. It tasted amazing.”


((GASP)) full happy smile achieved! “Yeah makes you wonder what kind of creatures are out there just chilling in a place we might never get to reach. Or at least not in our life times probably.” Noticed the feet tapping and chuckles a little. “Yeah my mom always had some form of rock playing in the house so brings back good memories!” Bigger blush! Complements?? Judas’ brain twirls for a second “thank you! I’ll gladly cook you something anytime” shrugs “like I said I almost always make too much and I like to learn new recipes.”


((Judas is so precious I can’t-))


((He really is a baby boi you just have to get past the swearing and asshole front he puts on))


((The best kind
Andy looks like he has more to say on the subject of said ‘creatures’ Judas mentions, but doesn’t go beyond what’s already been said. Instead, he gives an all-too-eager nod.  

Andy grins. “Sounds good! Maybe you could teach me how to make that dish you made before? The uh.. subudu?” He probably butchered that. He definitely butchered that.


He’ll keep a tab on the space topic seeing how Andy looked like he had a lot to say in the topic.  

He gives short a happy laugh.“Close! It’s called Sundubu. I’ll happily teach you! It’s not too difficult. It’s a spicy Korean soup typically made with Tofu, but when I cooked it before I didn’t use it knowing I’d have leftovers and didn’t know how people liked Tofu. It’s also the hardest part to cook correctly so we could start with something else depending on how confident you are in the kitchen.”


Yeah he butchered it. “Ah- So close.” Andy giggles too.  
“Huh, I didn’t know that! I’ve never had tofu myself so I never really touched the stuff. I’d say I’m pretty confident with my cooking skills, though, so I’m sure I could figure it out.”


Nods as  a couple different tofu dishes popping into his head to cook for the smaller man. He won’t say that out loud though doesn’t wanna overwhelm the guy. “Good good, we can cook the tofu and have you try it before we commit to putting it in the soup. For some people the texture is not to their liking so I’d rather have a back up protein for the soup than putting the tofu in and you end up not liking it.” He’s kinda thinking out loud now. “It should be easy just need to let it marinate for a night then pan fry it. I’ll get some next time I go to the store. Probably should start with the-“ and there he goes he’s mumbling to himself now. Feel free to interrupt Andy or he’ll just keep going


Or he could just keep listening and nodding along happily because Judas looks like he’s having a great time. 
Eventually, Andy does run out of boba, and he has to scurry to the bathroom, but once he’s back, he’s content with Judas to continue. It also looks like he’s ordered himself a smaller cup of some lavender boba tea. ‘It’s been a while since I had it’ he had explained.


Judas reigned himself in once Andy came back no longer talking about the different kinds of tofu (lol). He’s still happily chatting away and ends up caving and getting himself a coffee… he can try the tea later if Andy was willing to part with one of his lavender tea bags lol


Andy is happy to keep chatting, but the farther along they get, the less and less Andy says, looking peacefully dazed as he now simply nods along with a smile. It looks like the tea really is having a sort of effect after all.
He seems to remember something and tucks his hand into his backpack, pulling out one of the boxes of lavender tea he’d bought earlier. “Here. In case the chamomile doesn’t work. ”


Judas walked slowly partly because he’s enjoying Andy’s company so much and partly because the man looks like he could fall asleep as he’s walking. He gently guided him making sure he didn’t run into anything or into anyone as they walked back to the hotel his voice now more a quiet rumble as he continues to ramble about mundane things. With a smile still on his face Judas accepts the box of tea “thank you I’ll let you know how it goes. We’ll have to find a time to try out some cooking lessons when we aren’t so tired” He delegated one hand to hold Cinnomoroll and the tea box while the other arm hovered behind Andy as a sort of barrier ((he’s in protective mode))


Andy smiles up at him, appreciating the company and Judas looking out for him. “Definitely.” He nods. “And let me know if the stuffy helps at all. Maybe double teaming it with the tea could help out a lot.”


Judas nods back gentle eyes. “I’ll let you know” He’s run out of things to say after that but he finds the silence peaceful as they make it back into the hotel. He holds the door open like a gentleman again. ((So sorry Andy he’s not good at goodbyes prepare your self for an awkward Judas not knowing if he should kiss you or silently walk away/silly ))