Forest Snow

Eve Show More
6 months, 9 days ago

{ Gacha drabble commission for hiraelith !! }

“But not forest snow,” Saeran mumbled, sinking further into his chair, “Forest snow is way more romantic. I’m sure hot cocoa tastes better in the forest, looking at the forest snow– ”

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Forest Snow

Gacha Drabble ! 

Holiday fic
 Mistic Messenger

1,269 words

     “Of course,” he said, lacing their fingers together. “I just know you were looking forward to it.”

     “You wanna know why, Seran?”

     He looked up to meet her eyes, still looking disappointed, “Hot cocoa and forest snow.”

     “Saeran,” Eve whispered, leaning forward so their noses brushed together, “I was looking forward to it because I got to spend time with you. We can still do that, can’t we?”

Gacha drabble commission, written by Fun_fetti || code by icecreampizzer

     “Can you repeat that, please?”

     Saeran tapped on the phone screen, just to keep it from idling. It was a fidget of sorts, a way to occupy his hands where he couldn’t just keep them steady. Eve had seen him do so many times before– cute. It was as if keeping the screen open would help him listen to the call a little clearer.

     ‘I’m real sorry, son,’ came someone from the other end of the speaker. Eve didn’t know the voice personally, but they did recognize it from Saeran’s previous phone calls. The listing owner and manager of a small cabin rental, ‘But the mountain’s icy below and snow packed closer to the cabin. I was supposed to go scout out the rental for your check-in today, but that’s a no can do. The whole area’s being told to stay put.”

     “I’ve driven in the snow before,” Saeran said with some serious determination. Eve chuckled– she highly doubted that.

     ‘It’s not just that. If I don’t get the chance to flip on the gas for ya, the place will be as cold in as it’ll be out. I’m real sorry to do this, but I need to cancel that reservation. I’ll refund you the whole thing, of course.

     “No good?” Eve asked with a sympathetic smile. Saeran shook his head, hanging it in defeat.

     “It’s okay,” he said after a second His voice was somehow gentle despite the disappointed expression on his face,  “Wouldn’t want to put you or us in any danger. Please stay safe.”

     ‘Of course, son. We can figure out a re-book if you’re interested closer to the spring.

     “Sounds good,” Seran sighed, then engaged in some pleasantries to end the conversation. Finally, the line cut off, and that was that. “Cancelled.”

     “Cancelled,” Eve repeated, solemnly.

     The man sighed again, rubbed his eyes, and sighed a third time for good measure. Eve studied his face, focusing on the little details that made his expression: for many, it would be subtle. Seran was, to all extends and purposes, a person known for keeping his composure– yet Eve knew better. Over the time they’d spent together, she’d become fluent in the language that was Seran himself. The way his eyebrows furrowed, how his hand tucked at the collar of his shirt, how messy his hair was from pacing back and forth across their bedroom. He was stressed.

     “We can always go another time,” Eve said softly, reaching their hand to grab his. Maybe that was he’d stop circling the living room.

     It worked, and he sat down next to her with yet another sigh, “Of course,” he said, lacing their fingers together. “I just know you were looking forward to it.”

     “You wanna know why, Seran?”

     He looked up to meet her eyes, still looking disappointed, “Hot cocoa and snow?”

     “I can do that here, too,” she pointed out. Though not as heavy as a downpour in the neighboring mountains, their town was coated with a layer of white.

     “But not forest snow,” Saeran mumbled, sinking further into his chair, “Forest snow is way more romantic. I’m sure hot cocoa tastes better in the forest, looking at the forest snow– ”

     “Saeran,” Eve whispered, leaning forward so their noses brushed together, “I was looking forward to it because I got to spend time with you. We can still do that, can’t we?”

     The man’s expression turned pensive as if seriously considering her words. Something clicked behind his eyes, and like pulling on a ball of yarn, all conflict suddenly untangled.

     “Will you do me a favor?” Saeran asked, standing up in one swift motion.

     “Of course, what is it?”

     “I still want to surprise you,” he declared. His expression was still serious, but there was determination in every word. Saeran leaned down to place a kiss on her forehead,  “Will you stay in the room for a while, as I get some things sorted out?”

     “Alright,” Eve giggled. This was bound to be interesting.

˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗

     Forty-five minutes later, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

     Eve had been lying in bed for the duration of her stay, enjoying the company of a borrowed book. Moments alone were calm and appreciated, but Saeran’s presence had her smiling ear to ear.

     “All done?” She asked.

     When the man opened the door, the first thing she noticed was the jackets. He was wearing his, a big snow parka, despite still being dressed in house clothes underneath. In one hand, he was holding Eve’s, puffy and purple. On the other, he had a soft-looking beanie.

     “We’re going out,” he said, matter-of-factly, “Please, put this on. Wouldn’t want you to be cold.”

     “Do I need to change…?” Eve glanced at the window as if double-checking the snowstorm was still there. If they were indeed going out, she’d have to get suited up with more layers than that.

     “Don’t worry,” he said with a soft smile, “Do you trust me?”

     “Of course,” was their response, plain and simple.

     And so, there she was. Barefoot in pajamas, but sporting a winter jacket and a beanie, pulled down to cover her eyes. Searen was behind her, walking them across the halls, and twirling her around as if guiding her to somewhere secret. Eve was all giggles, while Searan played up their outdoor charade, telling her how important it was for both of them to be warm on the way to the forest cabin.


     “We’re here,” Saeran said, after the tell-tell sign of a closing door, “I told you I could drive in the snow.”

     “Can I take this off?” Eve asked, reaching for her beanie.

     “Let me, please,” he whispered and pulled it back to finally uncover her view:

     They were in the living room, inside their home– but Saeran had worked his best to fulfill his promise. On the sofa lay a bunch of blankets, some of Eve’s favorite pillows, and the book she had been reading earlier. Guess Saeran had picked it up after Eve wasn’t looking before they left their bedroom.

     The fireplace was on, and its the mantel was decorated with some faux garland from their storage, giving it a rustic look– Most forest they could get on short notice. Their whole set up, some of the furniture and their TV, had been moved right next to the window.  From there, Eve could enjoy the snowy landscape, houses much like theirs blanketed by white. The monitor was loaded up with a movie all ready to be played. Nothing Eve recognized, but whatever it was, they knew it was gonna be entertaining.

     And of course, the best part. Right next to the sofa was a small coffee table, with homemade cocoa ready to drink. They smelled amazing, even from a couple of steps across the room. They could see steam pouring out of it, and inside, a couple of marshmallows floating on the surface, already starting to melt.

     “Saeran,” Eve started, but couldn’t figure out how to finish her thought. It was such a simple setup, and yet something warm was sprawling on her chest.

     “I hope this is good enough,” Saeran mumbled, sheepish, kissing their temple.

     “Good enough?” Turning to face him, Eve pulled, softly, on his jacket’s sleeve, “You took me to drink hot cocoa in the forest,” she declared, “I don’t think anything can get better than that.”

     With that Saeran laughed, and Eve smiled even wider. It was a bit of a rare sight, to see him so openly happy like that. One that he reserved just for her.

     “Well then,” he winked, “Shall we?”