Intergalactic Species logs.

6 months, 1 day ago
6 months, 1 day ago
2 1841

Entry 1
Published 6 months, 1 day ago

Using this for a world build and just needed somewhere to keep it written cleanly and organized.

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Author's Notes

[ Log date 3027 - by Gael Cyanide. ]

Novakin - "False Stars"


Purely depending on luck, it can range between 50y to a few millennias. Nine out of ten do not make it that far unfortunately. [See history for more information.]

Average height.

Between 5' and 6' for both male and female.


Preferably a mix of flesh and metals - but one may sustain itself on meats safely for prolonged periods of time. There has been records of them being able to consume plasma - but not from any worthy sources.

Primary location.

Scattered, due to their low survival rate they are not commonly found nor do they have a primary colony due to being an abandoned arts and crafts project more than a proper species. [See history for more information.]

Species features.

The species closely mimics the physical appearance of Novakids hence the nickname "Novakin" being a play on "akin" and "Novakid" due to similarities. In truth they are literal mimics - while they may LOOK like a nova they are biologically different.

As well as biologically.. unstable. Their DNA tends to be very self destructive, which is what tends to lead to their early deaths.

For one, they do not possess a brand, hence their need for metal consumption to aid in the stabilization of their plasma. This diet also tends to leave fragments of metal particles melded into their mass giving them an appearance of shining stardust on their surface. They also are said to have a lesser glow and heat radiation factor than a pure nova.

The second factor of early death seems to come from an unwillingness in cooperation between the two hosts involved upon "creation", when unfeed for too long the creature will tear it's own flesh apart until satiated - leading to either immediate death, loss of limbs or heavy scarring in the lighter cases.

They bleed actual blood, usually coming from consumption of whatever they feed on - according to the diagrams I have found, their body acts more like a container of sorts... it is quite odd. None of these notes mention anything about functional organs which is probably the strangest part in my opinion.. granted the same could be said about actual Novakids.

The only notable feature I can find from translating these old texts is brief mentions of a "white strand of plasma" that seems to persist from experiment to experiment.

Aside from these differences, one can refer to the original log of the Novakid species for more detailed information.


As the previous notes state above, they are viewed more as a failed experiment from a long lost cult of what is believed to be eldritch nature. While the records are few and far between, from what was gathered over the years it appears they were an attempt at creating something - an entity of sorts - capable of hunting down Novakids. Perhaps with a goal of genocide in mind.

The project was deemed a failure halfway through a century of process and was abandoned abruptly - which most of the subjects were then abandoned to die.

Unfortunate as it may, it would have been fascinating to study one of these up close, I find it may be unlikely to come across any remaining ones though after this long.

..Perhaps if the notes weren't so incomplete I would have attempted to recreate one myself.

The group itself called themselves "The Acolytes of Razroth" - upon further digging into lost forgotten archives said namesakes is believed to belong to a lost horror who has since disappeared or fallen dormant due to lack of active sacrifices to feed and keep it awakened.
Olden depictions I have found of the entity either showcase it as a formless mass of "void", seldomly bearing a hooked bird-like skull.

The Acolytes were believed to have been completely eradicated long ago after the fall of their so-called god, but these recent finds prove otherwise. If encountered; eradicate on sight. I will be burning the old archives of the forsaken god as to assure it is never awoken again even if the odds are low as it stands.