Dandelion Breeze

6 months, 5 days ago
6 months, 5 days ago
2 498

Entry 1
Published 6 months, 5 days ago

A look into the memories of Princess Ruka and more

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Dandelion Wishes

Little princess Marigold skipped up to her father in the garden holding a handful of dandelions “dandelion, dandelion yellow and bright, bring happiness and love, with all your might!”

"Look, Papa! I made a wish on each dandelion and blew them all away," Princess Marigold exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

Her father, the king, smiled at her enthusiasm. "That's wonderful, my dear. I hope all your wishes come true." He ruffled her hair lovingly before walking over to a nearby bench and sitting down.

Princess Marigold skipped over to her father and climbed onto his lap. "Papa, what do you wish for when you blow on a dandelion?"

The king's expression turned thoughtful. "I wish for peace and prosperity for our kingdom, and for the well-being of our people. But most of all, I wish for your happiness, my dear."

The princess hugged her father tight. "I wish for the same things too, Papa. I want everyone to be happy and for our kingdom to be a place of joy and laughter."

As they sat in the garden, surrounded by the sweet scent of flowers and the soft rustling of leaves, father and daughter made more wishes on the dandelions. Each wish was filled with hope and love for their kingdom and for each other.