Latimas AU: Self Sacrifice

5 months, 29 days ago

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This was suppose to be a simple mission, get the lost item, get out, this wasn’t suppose to end with them fighting for their lives against one of the nature trio.

Honestly on a good day Lati-Emmet wouldn’t mind battling the Thundering oath Thundurus in his Therian Forme, but they had a passenger on board, or more accurately Ingo did.

Quickly making a sharp turn to the right, to dodge another Thunder attack from the raging legendary, Lati-Emmet made a quick glance to check on his brother, Lati-Ingo who had their passenger a Oshawott clinging tightly to his brother back.

The Pokemon had insisted on coming with them to retrieve its lost item and now Lati-Emmet regrets not forcing it to stay home and wait for them to do their job.

Another quick summersault to the left, dodging another incoming attack. They needed to get out of this fight or finish it, honestly he would prefer the latter option, but any stray bolt hitting their passenger would be disastrous and neither he or his brother would ever let their passengers be harmed, so getting out of here was the ideal option, but the Bolt Strike Pokemon had been preventing their leave ever since it appeared.

He didn’t know if its erratic and aggressive behaviour was normal or something else was going on, but it blocked their path every time they tried to leave forcing to try and find another way out, and of course the escape orb wasn’t working.

So mind racing for options Lati-Emmet came to one he knew his brother wouldn’t like, so he wasn’t going to tell him.

“Ingo, follow me!” He shouted over the raging storm that had over come the Sky Stairway Dungeon, since Thundurus arrive it had transformed the cloud landscape into a roving hurricane.

He didn’t need to hear Lati-Ingo response to known his brother was following close behind.

Making a quick turn around the corner and making a Combee-line for the Dungeon stairs. They had been going in circles trying to get Thundurus to chase them far enough that they could double back and reach it without being intercepted, but it always managed to suddenly appear near the stairs again to fend them off, but this time Lati-Emmet was planning for that.

When the Legendary suddenly appeared before him, he didn’t hesitate, he didn’t turn around or dodge to the side, he just charge right into the beast, pushing it backwards and towards the stairs.

One of its claws dug into his right shoulder, he knew it had pieced through his feathery hide as both pain and warmth greeted his sensors and he quickly bit his lip to hold back a shout. He couldn’t make a sound, his brother was already going to hate him for being so reckless with this plan, but he needed Lati-Ingo to focus on the escape, and if he knew he’d gotten hurt, that wasn’t going to happen.

He’d managed to shove them so they were right on top of the stair’s and making sure his grip on Thundurus was strong, Lati-Emmet activated his plan.

Ally Switch

Purple energy enveloped him and Thundurus transporting them to where his brother had been and now his brother and passenger were at the exit.

“Ingo GO!!”


“Don’t care- GO - LEAVE- I’ll be-” He didn’t finish his sentence as Thundurus suddenly roared, the powerful force of it shaking Lati-Emmet to his core, but ahead he could see his brother activate the stairs and hope washed over him as he saw the light take his brother away, along with their passenger it should only be a second before the same was done to him - But it never came.

Claws dug into his back as Thundurus not happy that most of his quarry had escape decided he was going to unleash his fury on him instead. As Lati-Emmet got dragged, shoved, thrown, tossed and electrocuted around the map.

Like a Lillipup with a new toy, it was mercifulness and Lati-Emmet was pretty sure he lost consciousness a couple of times before violently being slammed through the cloud wall to the outside, he wasn’t sure how that was even possible, but it didn’t matter and he was diving-no falling towards the ocean below, haven taken one last attack from Thundurus, the electrical sparks traveling around his body as the effect of the electrical paralysation took effect.

He couldn’t move.

He couldn’t call out.

He was doomed.

But as he falls towards the ocean below, his consciousness drifting in and out like the tide, he was just glad his brother and passenger had gotten away and even if he doesn’t make it at least that was a small victory.

A small smile on his lips as he finally fainted, mind fading into darkness just before his body hit the waves.