mission gossip

5 months, 26 days ago

oct 12th 2023: team california king bed (aka: hotel roommates hugo, lana, arjuna and sushi) have a chat about the previous team b mission

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Also I forgot to mention it but Lana would’ve absolutely told them all about the team b mission
And repeatedly apologize bc not all of Italy is like this I swear—

Getting the tea fr

oh boy

Giving them time to mentally prepare!
Well…maybe spares Arjuna he seems a lil young for this skdnfnf

They just discuss it while he’s asleep brnskfnd

Covers his ears like parents do with kids akskdn

Even though that never works

sushi: i think i like italy

Lana: it’s not normally like this!!

sushi: i like italy right now in this moment

Lana: I- b-but!! I give up

I imagine Arjuna’s half asleep but eventually listens in on everything, and if someone says he’s too young to know what’s up he’ll finally butt in like “yo I’m 20, I’m not that baby 😭”

Lana shocked to learn he’s 20
Fully thought this man was still a teen

“How old did you think I was??”
“Wait do they even let teenagers work here…”

“I dunno, like 18?? You seem very innocent..”

“…okay I was 19 when I first came here, but I am officially 20.”

“Ehh..that’s not the word. Hmm. You just seemed a lot younger than most of the group!”
She’s trying so hard not to call him naive

He sighs “Yeeeaaah, it’s the curse of having a baby face I guess” holds head in hands


But she’ll fill him in too

And then watch him actually get embarrassed half way through it rip

Sjdjfj she laughs & mutters in Italian “still a kid at heart I see”

sushi: you guys pay attention to how old other people are?

“Poor Kasper got the worst of the flirting too, had a rather clingy woman that got us caught.”

Arjuna snorts “daaang I wonder how Athena took that. Did a fight happen?”
“…uh. I guess?? You can’t exactly talk about everything to everyone when they’re too old or too young sometimes.”

“Well, she wasn’t too happy that’s for sure… no we tried to keep it quiet but got kicked out. Reservations are very important this bar I guess.”
“It’s more of a general energy you pick up on.”

“You got kicked out for trying to keep a handsy person off of y’all? Usually it’s the other way around.” He asks. “Were y’all causing a commotion or something?”

“Not really, Kasper tried being polite at first! From what we know it might’ve been that we were the only ones uninterested.”

"Yeah.. When you put it like that, it does sound super shady."

Nods “Yeah they’re probably gonna send in a different team next time just to be on the safe side. Unfortunately one of my teammates dropped my name, so I doubt the higher ups will let me get close again.” She folds her arms and pouts

"Maybe they didn't like you wasting their time?" Shrugs

"Wasting their time how?"

"I mean. if they were flirting and you guys didn't want to be flirted on."

“This was just another patron it’s not like she was working there.”
“No matter what it’s still weird that security came after us…”

nods "bars haunted."

"It's also kinda weird how the first thing they asked is if you had a reservation and not anything like a 'what's going on over here?'"

“There was a weird energy coming from the stagepossibly the source of it?”

"oh, i was joking, bars actually haunted?"

“Yeah it’s like they expected us to act like the crowd. Us being uninterested made us suspicious.”
“Well it’s probably demon related considering the rumors.”

Hugo shifts uncomfortably. "Definitely sounds like our prime candidate for the mission, then."

“I hope you all have practice in flirtingmight have to use it for this case.” She chuckles. “…be careful there’s a lot we still don’t know here.” Giving all of them a concerned look

sushi cracks their knuckles "my time to shine."

Sushi in their natural element

“discreetly I hope.”

"what's discreetly?"

“Use discretion…you know like quietly, sneaky.”

"hmmmmmm. i don't get it."

Lana looks at the other two “someone help me out here”

“Uhhhhhhh like..… when a friend tells you oh my god my crush is behind you, you can look but don’t make it obvious, discreetly would be holding up a book and drinking coffee at an angle so you can take a sneaky small glance at the person. Not discreet would be turning, posing and staring at the person to get as much attention on you.” And he acts this all out while saying it

"Not drawing attention to yourself, basically." Hugo adds, chuckling a little at Arjuna's stellar impression and gestures to him. "Like that."

they snicker at arjunas miming. "hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... sorry, i still don't know the meaning. too bad, i'll have to do it loud style."

Lana’s just muttering worried prayers in Italian adjdnf
Good luck to Sushi’s team at least this isn’t her problem

sushis instinct to mess with people is simply too strong