sushis an awful person to share a hotel room with

Pasta Vesuvi
5 months, 26 days ago

oct 25th 2023: a short conversation about canal water

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you say jam session or touring while my brain went to sushi coming back covered in canal water like a horrible roommate

Probably doesn't smell too pretty either

absolutely not

Hugo debating on saying something or putting up with Sushi smelling funky and getting the bed wet that night
But considering everyone's shoved the beds together the other two might not be so quiet-

he better debate fast because knowing sushi theyre probably shaking water off like a wet dog

He probably would say something
Maybe just a "You know there's towels in the bathroom-"

Sushi blinks "...Yeah? There's lots of things in the bathroom."

Hugo blinks back. "I mean, yeah but it'd probably be better than getting water everywhere."

sushi looks down. "..oohhhhhhhhh. maybe. does it matter? it will dry."

"Yeah, but someone could still slip and hurt themselves." He'll go to the bathroom and grab a towel, handing it to Sushi when he gets back. "Here."

sushi rolls his eyes but does start drying his hair "fine, fine. the water out there feels gross anyways, too many boats."

He raises a brow. "What, like polluted?"

"Ehhh, you think I'd know?" He wiggles a hand vaguely "It's just dirty. Tastes like mud."

Hugo doesn’t understand but it sounds unpleasant nonetheless, so he nods. “I wouldn’t think their water’s really meant for swimming anyway.”