Just Like Her

6 months, 5 days ago

{ Commission for Crissp <3 }

But she was right. After a moment, silence had him settling again into a pleasant lull. With his eyes clothes, he sighed, content. Deep breath in, deep breath out, breathing in her presence–


“Did you change your shampoo?’

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Just Like Her

Gacha Drabble ! 

Couch Cuddles
 Original Characters

Three pages

     “You’re falling asleep,” Allen pointed out, sounding delighted.

     “Just comfortable,” he argued.

     But she was right. After a moment, silence had him settling again into a pleasant lull. With his eyes clothes, he sighed, content. Deep breath  in, deep breath out, breathing in her presence–


Gacha drabble commission, written by Fun_fetti || code by icecreampizzer

     “Allen,” Frey called, for what seemed the third time in a row. It was hard to get her attention sometimes. The way his voice muffled against her clothes probably was not helping, but he wasn’t very concerned about the details.

     “Frey,” Was her response, when she finally heard him. The girl strained her neck upwards to look at him– a bit awkward, considering their position, but neither of them seemed to mind.

     They were warming each other up, after all. Burrowed under a blanket, Frey sat behind her on the couch, arms wrapped around her, nose burrowed on the crook of her shoulder. A TV show was playing, something mindless but fairly entertaining. Not that he was paying any attention to it. The moment was peaceful, intimate, and utterly sweet. He could feel himself getting lost in it, that comfortable silence. If it were up to him, he could stay like this forever–

     “‘Earth to Frey.”

     Oh, right. So much effort to get her attention, only to go silent. “Sorry.”

     “You’re falling asleep,” Allen pointed out, sounding delighted.

     “Just comfortable,” he argued.


     But she was right. After a moment, silence had him settling again into a pleasant lull. With his eyes clothes, he sighed, content. Deep breath  in, deep breath out, breathing in her presence–


     “Did you change your shampoo?’

     There it was, a smell he didn’t recognize—a citrusy blend, perhaps, or something floral. Frey wasn’t much knowledgable in all of that stuff, but he could recognize the subtle notes of orange. It was a very pleasant scent, like a summer treat. Frey figured it was a perfect smell to describe her personality.

     Allen’s eyes lit up. She wriggled off his grasp, finally turning to face him properly, “I did! I hadn’t seen this brand before. It had a pretty bottle!”

     “I see.” Not much different from her usual one, but there was a noticeable distinction. Her hair looked softer, too, and he had the sudden urge to brush it with his fingers. Maybe later, he guessed.

     In this new-found position, Frey could properly admire the expression on his girlfriend’s face. She was beaming. It was cute.

     As if stricken by the urge to touch her hair too, Allen brushed a strand behind her ear, “Do you… like it?”

     It was very, very cute.

     Now unable to resist the temptation, Frey rustled her hair. It felt softer than usual. Allen giggled under his hand, absolutely thrilled at the affection. Frey couldn’t hold a smile.

     “Yeah,” he declared, which had Allen cheering for a mission successful.

     “I can show you the other flavors of the brand, too,” she chirped, excited.

     “Ah, don’t you mean smells?” He chuckled, leaning in closer to her, wanting but a little more contact.

     Allen got the hint and leaned forward as well. Not before puffing her cheeks and going, “Same thing?”

     It sure wasn’t, but Frey just nodded and rewarded her regardless. Their lips touched, and up close like this, he could smell more of that new brand of shampoo. Citrusy, yes. Maybe some vanilla, maybe some coconut. It was lovely, just like her.

     “Here, lay down,” Allen said once their kiss had parted. She sat at the edge of the sofa, pushed him down onto it with a gentle shove, and then laid herself on top of him.

     “Bad idea,” he warned. Soon after, the blanket made its way around them once again. Frey could feel how soft it was against his arms. “I might end up falling asleep.”

     “Sleepy boy,” Allen cooed. As if that was much of an answer.

     … but maybe it was. Because Allen did not raise any further complaints, instead sinking further into the sofa. With Allen’s body over his, warm and steady, he would surely have the best nap in the world.