Autumn King's Tidings [Part 2]

5 months, 23 days ago

Blair learns that the real gift was the friends she made along the way-- wait. No, not that. The other thing.

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“Okay, okay, you can do this, it’ll be fine. GREAT, even…!” Blair mutters to herself the night before the King’s party will be. She doesn’t know that yet, but she’s been feeling the mounting expectation that spurs her to put the finishing details on her gift with care and precision. Her mind buzzes as she does, her trembling paws betraying her nerves as she carefully ties a ribbon ‘round the neck of a bottle and makes sure everything is symmetrical.

While she works, her mind dares to think up what might come of the King actually enjoying her gift. She knows nobody else is going to deliver quite what she is, she made sure of it. Her current dwelling is not too far from a sort of vineyard, one that excels in making juice and wine from all kinds of local plants. They were just finishing up the last batch of wine, aged for god knows how long, made from a particularly hard to find berry from the snowy mountains. This bottle was expensive. Or, it would’ve been if she’d actually purchased it herself… With her silent, sticky paws, she made off with the last bottle in the dead of night. She knew it was the last, because the rest of the batch ended up, oh… on the floor of the cellar in her wake. Big tails cause accidents, you know.

She doesn’t let herself dwell on the positives too long. What she’s trying to do is survive; if the King was somehow displeased with her gift, there would be no question that he could choose to delete her if he wanted. She heard of how he threatened that old fisherman; she knew of the bad luck that could follow you if you scorned the King. He’s more than royalty— he is powerful… powerful in a way Blair could only dream to be. Her large purple tail bristles with anxiety, and she closes the lid of the box she’s put together. The interior is lined with crystals and herbs, the kind one might use to make potions or cast spells— in fact, the most powerful she’s able to currently cast. She studied long and hard to be sure the components are accurate to a particular spell, one of transformation. Autumn is all about change, right? Certainly someone of the Autumn King’s status wouldn’t need the material components of anything, but it’s about sending a message…! Blair understands, she knows what he’s about…! She exhales a shaky breath, finishes the ribbon atop the box, and tucks the box away in her satchel, obscured but ready and waiting.

The appearance of the red wooden door is only surprising for a moment before Blair steels herself and pushes through. She’s prepared, she’s been prepared— and if she doesn’t push straight into the entryway she simply will never make that leap and all her hard work will be for nothing.

Immediately her senses are accosted by the sights and sounds of an all-out party. Is she… is she late? No, that can’t be right, the door just showed up. She hefts her satchel over her shoulder and begins to skirt the perimeter of the hall. Her eyes don’t even touch on the people dancing or dining, that’s not for her— at least not yet. Her eyes spotted the various colorful packages surrounding that massive throne, and that is where she’s headed. Shuffling around other folk, unaware of any sort of queue or order, Blair knocks a smaller skullcracker out of the way with her hip before placing her satchel on the floor and reverently pulling out her precious package, delivering it onto one bare spot near the other gifts, and fleeing back into the crowd before He can spot her.

The rest of the evening is spent with her eyes locked on the Autumn King as he plucks up a gift, unwraps it, and seemingly thanks the crederian presenting it. Nothing dramatic, yet… just a lot of pleasantries. She doesn’t notice how the King knows to choose the gifts that have been left without fanfare between the individuals who wait to see his reaction to their gifts in particular. He opens another package— a little jar of salted fish, and he laughs delightedly in a way that makes a cold chill run down Blair’s spine. Bal made it after all, and the King is happy… damn it, she should’ve stolen those fish. 

Another crederian and another gift. Another smile and thanks. Another crederian and another gift; another smile and thanks. And then, a lull. The great bab looks over his diminishing mountain of boxes and bags, and something catches his eye. Blair goes perfectly still, her ears straining against the annoying live music to hear. The King has picked up her package, and before even opening it there’s a smile on his lips. That’s, that’s good, right? Blair feels her tail fur start to prickle again. She knows where the exit is if all goes south, surely she can make it out if she tries. The King’s dexterous, peculiar fingers pluck at the ribbon of the box, and then the lid is opened. Just as carefully as Blair put it in, the King lifts the fine bottle out of the box and… gives it a whiff. Blair makes a face, her ears falling back nervously. The outside isn’t going to… And then the King lets out a most satisfied “Ahhh,” and his golden eyes land appreciatively on Blair. The purple bab shrinks back behind the table she’d been camping near. How did he know it was her?

“My my, you should know that one such as myself would have some amount of authority over this domain,” Blair hears in her head. She freezes, claws popping out of their sheaths to squeak against the tiled floor. “But I must say, your gift is a breath of fresh, Autumn air.” Blair can’t even form a thought let alone respond. Her eyes dart towards the exit, but, but— what was that he said? She did good? “The care put into the gifts presented to me today fills my old heart, but yours… my, you put your blood and sweat into this, didn’t you?”

He’s toying with her. Blair feels ice down her paws. She can’t think of any kind of retort, but that’s okay. The King continues. “The wine is a nice thought, I’ve received a couple bottles tonight from those who planned for this engagement earlier in the year…,” Blair’s stomach drops. Damn. “But the fear… now, that is delicious.”

Blair makes a swift pace towards the exit with the King’s laughter ringing in her ears, drowning out the clamor and song. At least he’s happy…!