Crederia Prompt Submissions

5 months, 23 days ago
5 months, 22 days ago
2 1857

Entry 1
Published 5 months, 23 days ago

A collection of written prompt entries for the Crederia ARPG, because burr forgot they could upload them in one collection!

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Autumn Harvest 2023 - Muse|Dandy|Cheshire

"Come on, little one. We're almost there." The long strides of a rather tall, sleek mantibab leave surprisingly shallow paw prints in the damp farmland soil. Some paces behind, the gap growing between them, plods a diminutive yellow bab whose steps grow slower and slower as she's overtaken with another bout of sleepiness. 

"You, um... you don't have to call me that, you know," she says, poorly stifling a yawn. "I thought we were on a-ahhh... first-name basis." The larger bab gives her a sideways (and downways) glance, eyes full of mirth. It's true, they've known eachother for plenty long enough him to know she's not the most fond of nicknames that allude to her stature. 

"Apologies, Dandy, but I needed to make sure you were still awake," Muse states, turning to wait for his friend to catch up. His tail is bundled in a high bun with hopes of keeping it out of the muck of the gourd patch; his paws are beyond saving despite his shallow step. Dandelion is overtaken by another massive yawn before she does, and Muse knows it's only a matter of time before she's on his back instead. 

"Here we are," Muse says, dragging a languid paw over one exceptionally red horned gourd. It's plump, fairly symmetrical, and crowned with no less than five prongs. "This kind is lucky, you know," he says to the yellow bab slung over his back like a snoring sack of potatoes. Always so tired, this one. "If you eat the horns raw, your ears fall off and your tail grows wings." The sack of potatoes gives a snrk and rouses.

"You-- what? You're not serious...," Dandy mutters, rubbing her eyes and willing them to open. 

"Just checking," Muse says with a smile in his voice. "But I will need your help to carry this home." He sits down, and Dandelion slides off his back, catching herself on all fours before her belly could hit the mud. 

“I, I can try,” she says, padding to the other side of the gourd and cutting it free of its vine. Muse angles his back towards the gourd and beckons Dandy to push. The gourd is almost as big as she is, and strength isn't Dandy's strong suit, but she pushes until she's up to her ankles in the earth. "This would be, s-so much easier with- oh!" Her struggles are rewarded with the gourd finally moving, rolling up and onto the back of her large green companion. "I-I got it!" Dandy exclaims before she's overtaken by the shadow of a third body. "Oh..."

"We got it, heh!" chimes an unexpected but very welcome face. A purple bab with well-styled hair and a long striped tail like a cat's. Muse and Dandy greet him by name at the same time.

"Cheshire," the two say in different tones. "You're a sight for sore eyes. We didn't think we'd find you today," Muse says, bowing his head appreciatively. He gives his butt a little wiggle, adjusting the weight of the gourd upon his back. 

"And miss the harvest? No way," Cheshire exclaims, quickly moving himself to Muse's far side where he might catch the gourd if it topples. "You know I've got to be the first to try whatever Dandy's going to make out of this," he says, nodding his nose to the red horned gourd. When there's no response from below, Cheshire looks around for their little yellow friend. "Ah... Dandy?" 

A loud snore comes from the broad leaves of the gourd patch. Cheshire and Muse exchange looks, and then Cheshire ducks his head and leaves his post. "I, I'll get her."