
5 months, 23 days ago

Sometimes I wonder how it would be, to be the last person in the world.

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A quick one-shot meant to be Athena's inner monologue! The best way I have of explaining her personality, to be honest.

Sometimes I wonder how it would be, to be the last person in the world.

Either through something such as a zombie apocalypse, the gods abandoning us all, or maybe because of a war. People love to wage wars against each other, love fighting over petty, insignificant things.

I'd dare to say I'd probably be fine. Sure, I wouldn't be able to get new forms of entertainment for free every day, but maybe it's for the best. The internet is poison, society is poison. I don't have any friends, either way, so I don't care about it being lonely. I could probably get by just by talking to myself.

Ah, damn it. The sink has a leak again. I'll have to talk about this with my landlord. I'll brush my teeth in the shower. More efficient, technically.

This makes me think though, maybe I am a bit too dependent on society out of convenience, like this hot shower I'm taking right now. It feels good, and it's an evolution of many millennia of technology and living... Kind of amazing to think about, but is society in this day and age necessary, strictly speaking? Couldn't one just simply bring what they could and amass enough knowledge to go off the grid? I could easily go down a rabbit hole of learning how to be an electrician. Maybe I'll go and take a course on how to do electricity and plumbing so I don't have problems anymore. I bought a generator after the last power outage but I kinda haven't used it and who knows where it is now.

My roots are starting to show up again. I'll have to dye it later. Maybe I should dye it black next time... But then I'd have to cut it probably? Since there's so much hair. I'll stick with light pink for now.

Maybe I should download that new James Bond movie later. People have been saying it's good. That or I watch that car selling show... A new episode came last week and I haven't gotten around to downloading it because I had a stupid job. I honestly hate getting semi-famous targets because I have to be extra careful, but my conscience is absolutely clear afterwards either way. Famous people basically sell their souls for fame. If anything, they're probably deprived of all virtue for what it's worth. And if a crazy person with a lot of money wants them gone, then I don't care about getting rid of a heap of trash in order to get a bit more rent paid.

Should I order donuts today? Hm... I should probably order Yakisoba, actually. Yeah, let's do that.


A query... From an "anti-church organization"...

This sounds fishy. I knew I needed to delete that burner address ahead of time. The cops are on my ass.

Nice try, glowies. Good bye, address. I'll probably post a new one later this week for Steam Sale money.

But man, it would be sick if such an organization existed, though. I'd be willing to work for such a cause, the church are a bunch of hypocrites. Especially with how they've been using that underground team to gain brownie points with cities... Then indoctrinate everyone into doing whatever they want by using the names of those useless gods... It's so obvious what's going on. It pisses me off the average citizen doesn't notice out of sheer laziness.

I hate people so much.

Anyways, I should probably order that Yakisoba.