Up On Green Acres

5 years, 13 days ago

“Do you think you can help me, Xenia? I need some help, too many plants not enough paws. You know how it is!”

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Do you think you can help me, Xenia? I need some help, too many plants not enough paws. You know how it is!” Dahlia laughed as Xenia stared at the seeds offered to her. She didn’t know ‘how it is’ and didn’t really understand.

“I don’t garden.” Was all she said as she pushed the paw away from her.

“Don’t adventurers try everything? Plus, I’m sure you could plant something extra useful around. Get a reward for it when you visit?”

Thus, with a blank stare, Xenia was roped into helping Dahlia with planting. She should really work on that pride of hers before it came to bite her. Maybe this gardening thing wouldn’t be so bad. It could be fun.


Xenia grumbled as she stuck her paws carelessly in the dirt and started to dig a tiny hole in the garden before her. She was many things, but a farmer was not one of them and this task was something she was no overly eager to do in the first place. But, she wanted to try everything at least once as Dahlia had said. Unfortunately fun was not part of this experience so far, just dirt and displeasure.

With a quick glare over her shoulder at Dahlia who was working on her own area of the farm and ignoring the angry pink arborling, she got up and brushed any remaining grime off her knees, they hurt slightly from being in the position she was in for so long. A nod and hum of approval later Xenia trotted over with a half jog to get the seed and other materials from her busy overseer. Time to actually get planting.

“This better be worth it. I could be halfway across the field by now and I’m a very busy arborling.” She stated with a high and mighty voice despite her light accent before grabbing the watering can and seed, not realizing how heavy the watering can was and nearly dropping it. It was only by sheer luck she didn’t get herself soaked.

“Careful- I promise it will be! You just need to wait and see!” It was a surprise that Dahlia had the patience to deal with such a troublesome girl. Unfortunately it didn’t do much to help Xenias temper over having to help out at the farm.

Fumbling, grumbling, and a second or two of dragging the can behind her before being comfortable with it, Xenia set back off to the small hole she had dug for the seed. Hopefully it would grow into something useful, a memory to leave behind. Could give her a reason to return sooner than she planned.

“Растй.” Xenia muttered while gently placing the seed down. She may have not wanted to do it but gosh darn it, she was going to do it right. With inexperienced fingers she carefully buried the seed again before standing back up. If nothing else she was going to gain a day of pain in the knees to remember this is she kept having to go back and forth. Hopefully her friends wouldn’t make fun of her for it when she returned to home base.

The last step was watering, probably the easiest step. Or it should have been the easiest step if Xenia had even a shred of patience. Water kept splashing out onto Xenias fur and onto the small mound of dirt. It caught Dahlias attention if nothing else.

“Please be more careful- hey! You’re going to drown the poor thing!” She called out, hurrying over her struggling partner. The two seemed to struggle for a bit given Xenia’s pride over doing this herself, and Dahlias worry for the plant.

“I’m fine! It’s fine! It’s just a plant, a bit of extra watering can’t hurt it! I thought you were so busy you couldn’t do it yourself, leave me be!” Xenia put the can on the ground and turned to face Dahlia head on. She wasn’t going to pick a fight - rude but not the type to start violent encounters. Looked the part though, with a glare so sharp it could cut.

“You have to think of it as another living being! Take extra care, because you’re like.. It’s parent. You have to make sure he’s all well cared for and then he can provide back to you! If you’re mean, then you won’t be getting anything out of this and he’ll die thinking his mom hates him.” Dahlia was careful in how she explained to Xenia, but had no fear towards her stance and look. Clearly she wasn’t the first problem arborling that passed by.

Plus, Xenia paused at those words. She hadn’t thought of it that way. It was just a chore to her, something that would be forgotten and redone again in a few hours, rather than bringing something to life. It really made her think. What if the plant she was born from was treated badly? Would she have suffered for it?

A quick shake of her head and Xenia mumbled that she would ‘be more careful and try again’ to a glowing Dahlia. She picked up the watering can again, this time trying to organize her hands so it wouldn’t start dripping on her and the water below without the intent to do so. She slowly leaned the can (and herself by proxy) forward so that the water was coming out the intended way over the seed mound.

“That should be enough!” Dahlia chimed in after a second or two of watering. She grabbed the can and handed Xenia a small wooden sign and a way to write on it. “You should name it.”

“Why? It won’t come when you call.” Xenia pouted and stared curiously at the objects in her paws. Names didn’t matter if you didn’t know that name was yours.

“It may not come when you call it but I’m sure it can hear you. They like to listen to you when you talk, helps them grow and feel loved. You should probably work on your vocabulary a bit, seems you’re missing some nicer words.” Dahlia laughed and jogged off before she would have to face the oncoming storm of words from Xenia when her statement set in.

So, Xenia huffed and sat beside her plant. She looked between the mound and the sign before getting an idea.

‘Fighter’ the sign read. For a plant that would be strong as her and make it through the elements.

“Great! Now, you have a lot more to do so keep up!” Dahlia called back and it was only by miracle that Xenia didn’t collapse on her.