try / tag.

5 years, 13 days ago

edgar finds his way to the end; all the way back home.

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why do you cling to the humans? your home is waiting, still.

the voices are always there, always calling. they whisper to him, dancing quickly around the walls holding him in. his skin burns, the blood under it boiling. staring down at his arms, edgar sees purple. he knows the humans don't feel these types of things. he knows he's different. wrong.

he is no more than a ghost, as are the things he hears.

there is no humanity in his chest, nor would there ever be. he exists in a paradox of his own design, one he willingly stepped into.

his human approaches.

his human reaches out their hand.

and edgar can do no more than scream.

and he feels himself rip and tear, his body changing.

and suddenly, his human is screaming back. 

his human is running. 

his human is afraid. 

and edgar's black mass of a beating heart shatters inside him.


he doesn't know what he is.

he is nothing.


the humans run in fear, they won't look at him.

edgar doesn't understand. 

he doesn't know what he is.

he has claws.

his skin is dark, almost black.

the texture has turned to scales.

when he breathes, purple smoke fills the room.

it scares him.

his human doesn't come anymore.

his human is missing.

his human isn't his, now.

he is everything all humans fear. 

he listened to the voices.

come home, come home.

come home, my prince.

we will love you instead.

he found a frame.

it screamed, made his entire soul shake.

he couldn't go through. 

he laid there.

he became no more than decor.

waiting for a human to take him home.


the wait lasts hours.

the wait lasts days.

the wait lasts weeks.

months, years, a decade.

a century. 

a human comes along. 

six, in fact.

they wake him, with arrows aimed.

he cowers.

the call him something, dragon.

he doesn't know what the word means.

he just knows that's what he became.

one of them, the one with bright blue eyes.

he is the one who pulls something out.

something that makes edgar scream.

he doesn't know why, but he hates it.

the humans murmur among themselves.

it's scared of the eye.

it should be scared of us.

edgar hides his head under his talons.

the humans laugh.

the one holding the eye doesn't. 

the one holding the eye frowns.

the gateway is opened, lined with eyes.

the human who placed them stares at edgar. 

go ahead, he gestures. 

edgar slowly slips inside.

the humans follow him through.

the prince is home.

the endermen rejoice in unison. 

edgar doesn't feel at home.

he feels alone.

his tail curls around the six humans on the platform.

he wants to go back.