Just One Night

5 months, 30 days ago

For just one night, will Zex seek peace for the holidays?

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Hell was awkwardly cold this week. The lava pits were the temperature of an average day at the beach and the imps and demons were gathering around their disastrous Christmas trees in preparation for the holidays to come.

Well, all except for one.

Zex, designated leader of Hell and ruiner of fun to all those who even so much as look at her funny, was sitting on her throne and contemplating her next act of tyranny upon the city of Zoruopolis and by proxy, the world of Crystalga. It had been several months since she made another attempt, and in that time, she was defeated by the one and only Chris the Zorua.

Chris and Zex had a long complicated history together. Zex wanted an artifact from him known as the Silverwing Quill for reasons that would take too long to comprehend. Needless to say, she was offered the quill first and then it was taken away from her at the last minute, but not by Chris himself. To Zex, it might as well have been taken by him.

“That stupid Zorua,” Zex said to herself, “Why does he deserve that quill and I don’t? I worked hard! I want the power, but…” She sat back on her throne. “...They think I will not use it responsibly. Bah!” She slammed her fist down on the side of the throne.

“I will show them,” she declared, “I will show them all! I’ll invade Zoruopolis on Christmas Eve right now and show them my true power!”

Zex jumped up from her throne and summoned her Hellfire Blade. She swung the sword down and created a dimensional rift, allowing her to enter Zoruopolis without issue.

In the snowy Zoruopolis, the whole city was decorated for Christmas time. A giant Christmas tree filled to the brim with ornaments and presents underneath stood in the heart of the city.

Zex stepped out of the dimensional rift right in front of a building known as the Zoruopolis Café. She gritted her teeth as she walked through the front doors, knowing full-well who she expected to see once she made it in.

The café had a peppermint scent to it this time of year. Lines of snowmen heralded the countertops. The tables had nifty little decorative Christmas trees in the center of each one. Zex felt like she entered a candy land.

Then, looking at one of the tables, she squinted with slight anger at the one she despised, Chris the Zorua, sitting with a few of his friends and family at a table just a few feet ahead. Chrissy the Zoroark, Chris’ big sister, took immediate notice of Zex’s presence and shot up from her chair, standing guard. “Hey, it’s you! Get back! Get out!” Chrissy growled and snarled at Zex.

“Zex?” Chris tilted his head in bewilderment. “Is that really you? What are you doing here?”

“I’ve come for revenge!” Zex roared, then quieted down with a slight cough. “And because I figured the holidays were upon us, I thought I should give you the greatest gift of all: Your demise!”

Glodis the Globarbian, wearing a Santa hat and holding a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows inside, spoke up. “Earthling Zex, the holidays are not fun if you kill others. You give gifts instead!”

“Glodis, just enjoy your hot chocolate,” Chrissy said, “I’m gonna make this quick.” She readied her claws, itching for a brawl.

“Wait a minute!” Aimi, the owner of the Zoruopolis Café, stepped in and put her arms out in front of Zex and Chrissy. “No fighting, please! Can’t we just have a peaceful holiday this year?”

“Peaceful?” Zex scoffed. “I would not know peace even if it were given to me!”

“That is a stretch.” Glodis quipped and took another sip of their hot chocolate.

“About that, Zex…” Chris jumped down from his chair and up onto Chrissy’s mane. He reached into it and then pulled out a small box. “...I have a gift for you.”

Everyone in the room was astounded, but not as astounded as Zex. Chris, her mortal enemy, giving her a gift? Preposterous!

“A present for me?” Zex was still trying to process what was going on. “You’re bluffing. This must be a trick, right?”

“Nope.” Chris held out the present on his back. “No tricks. Open it. I think you’ll like it.”

Zex rolled her eyes and picked up the present. She ruthlessly tore open the wrapping paper before noticing that it was a box with a lid. She opened the lid and inside the box, her cold heart turned into warmth.

It was a quill. It wasn’t silver, but bronze. It had the same feel as the Silverwing Quill from the few times she got her hands on it. She was dumbfounded and looked to Chris for an explanation.

“I know you want the Silverwing Quill, Zex,” Chris explained, “And I know you work hard to get to it. But, even though I cannot give you this one, I wanted to give you a quill of your own in hopes that you’ll understand someday.”

Zex raised the quill and then looked down at Chris. Her eyes filled with tears. “Furball, I… I don’t…”

“...Know what to say?” Chris finished her sentence and smiled. “It’s okay, Zex. You don’t have to say thank you, but maybe you could stay and party with us as a way of gratitude.”

“Chris, what about all the times she’s gone after you?” Aimi asked.

“Yeah bro,” Chrissy added, “I’m not one to judge, but I wouldn’t be so foolish as to allow our biggest threat to chill with us.”

“It’s the holidays.” Chris nodded. “And on the holidays, we should have peace, even for just one night. That’s what makes it special, don’t you think?”

Glodis nodded in agreement. “I agree with Earthling Chris! Peace and love! We do the same thing on Globarb!”

“Really?” Aimi asked.

“Kind of,” Glodis replied, “Leader Sidolgus usually receives all the gifts.”

Zex looked at Chris and took a deep breath. “Chris, I… peace for one night? We’ve… yeah, we have… okay.” She swallowed her breath. “For just one night.”

Chrissy sat back down and everyone cheered in delight.

As Zex took a seat for the party to continue, others filled the café. Characters from Civi to Glimmer the Zorua to Lovemore to even another surprise reunion between Aimi and Yukiko. It was a delight to Zex to see all of this holiday joy and, for once, not be the harbinger of ending it all. She felt a sense of holiday cheer for once in her life.

Chris was right. It was a time of peace and tranquility.

And all for just one night.

Author's Notes

Happy holidays, everyone!