Species Lore: Mermaids/Syrens

5 years, 26 days ago

---Entropy World Lore---

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>>Mermaids and syrens are a rather intelligent monster species and are almost as developed tech-wise as humans

Mermaids VS. Syrens:
>>Mermaids have a classic “half-human, half-ocean-creature” appearance, having ocean creature tails from the waist down, scales scattered along body (commonly on shoulders, necks, waists, and cheeks) and fins on arms and ear-areas
>>Syrens are much more monstrous, being characterized by smooth shark-like skin, fins, fish tails, gills, webbed fingers and odd, barb-like hair
>>Mermaids and Syrens both have the ability to charm others with their singing, but syrens often use their abilities for malicious means while mermaids are often much more helpful with their powers

Ocean Creature Type Genes:
>>The type of oceanic creature a mermaid/syrin can be is based on genetics and is often inherited by the parents, much like hair or eye color would be
>>Mermaids/Sirens can be born as hybrids between the parents’ species, but it is extremely rare and those with this genetic “mutation” are often sterile much like mules are


Basic Mermaids
>>These mermaids have any kind of average fish as their base species and are the most common type of mermaid
>>Basic mermaids often make homes in more shallow waters

>>Auquis mermaids have octopus or squid tentacles instead of fish fins and are often found in reefs and sea floors rather than shallow waters like their common brethren
>>These mermaids are often quite likely to have or develop magic due to their unnatural origins

>>Stijel have jellyfish bases and are quite dangerous due to their poisonous hair and tentacles
>>These mermaids are however quite docile and almost never appear to other creatures, let alone try to cause them trouble

>>Trashak mermaids often get a bad reputation and are often mistaken as monstrous mermaids
>>Trashak mermaids are however rather docile and often only attack others when they feel threatened
>>These mermaids in particular look quite similar to sirens, but their sharper teeth and shark fins show the difference

>>Monstrous mermaids refer to mermaids with sea creatures such as angler fish, eels, piranha, etc.. as their base species
>>These mermaids are vicious and one of the only mermaid types that will hunt and feed on their own kind or other kinds of mermaids

>>These mermaids are are often not considered mermaids due to the fact that they don’t have fish-like lower bodies and instead of frog/toad/aquatic-lizard lower bodies
>>Liphis mermaids have oddly slimy skin much like actual frogs/toads or have oddly scaly skin much like aquatic lizards
>>These mermaids tend to live in ponds, swamps, and bayus

>>Selkies arent often considered mermaids just like Liphis mermaids, yet they are of a similar lineage and DNA structure
>>They are mermaids with a seal base species, but unlike other mermaids, they have a human and a seal form rather than a mixed form
>>The only mermaid that has breasts due to their more mammalian birthing method
>>Much like lore on selkies, they have a special coat that allows them to switch between human and seal form (and much like the lore, if a creature were to steal their coat, they would be bound to them forever; and if someone were to return their coat to them, that would be akin to a marriage proposal)

>>Another species of mermaid that do not fit the mold, these mermaids are based off of sea turtles
>>This species is characterized by a hard back shell, smooth yet scaly skin, and a beak-like mouth

>>Yet another species or mermaid that do not fit the mold, these mermaids are based off of sea slugs and other sea molluscs
>>This species is characterized by smooth, slimy skin, and odd antennae

>>Strong Swimming Ability
>>Usually strong physical strength
>>Able to breath and live underwater
>>Able to survive incredible pressure

>>Minimum to no land mobility unless shape-shifting is known
>>Often cannot sing without activating their power
>>Subject to hunting and killing by humans
>>Sensitive hearing