Bunnymund One Shot

5 months, 18 days ago

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Title: Shadows Beneath the Earth

Synopsis: In this one-shot adventure, the Guardians of Childhood, led by Nicholas St. North, have a new challenge ahead. Pitch, the Nightmare King, has vanished without a trace. Suspecting a nefarious revenge plot, the Guardians turn to E. Aster Bunnymund, the wise Pooka and tunnel-digger extraordinaire, to help locate Pitch's underground lair and stop his dark plans. As they delve into the Earth's depths, the Guardians will uncover secrets, face challenges, and ultimately, bring light to the shadows that threaten the dreams of children.


  • Locate Pitch's underground lair.
  • Uncover the whereabouts of the second piece of the Moonclipper.
  • Confront and thwart Pitch's plans to spread nightmares.

Setting: The adventure takes place in various underground realms, from ancient caverns to forgotten tunnels. The Guardians will encounter mystical creatures, solve puzzles, and navigate treacherous terrains as they journey towards Pitch's hidden lair.

Key NPCs:

  1. E. Aster Bunnymund: The philosophical warrior Pooka, skilled in martial arts and tunnel-digging. Provides guidance and assistance to the Guardians.
  2. Pitch, the Nightmare King: Once a loving father corrupted by Fearlings, Pitch seeks revenge and aims to spread nightmares to regain his lost power.
  3. Fearlings: Malevolent creatures that thrive on fear, created by Pitch. They manifest in nightmares, plaguing the innocent and stealing their dreams.

Characters to choose from
Pippa Pooka, Offspring of  E. Aster Bunnymund (Pooka):

  • A spirited and agile young Pooka with a talent for tunnel-digging.
  • Skills: Tunnel navigation, martial arts, nature lore.
  1. Nicholas Jr. (Nick), Offspring of Nicholas St. North (Santa Claus):
    • A joyful and compassionate descendant of Santa, skilled in gift-giving and holiday magic.
    • Skills: Gift wrapping, festive magic, diplomacy.

  2. Talia Frost, Offspring of Jack Frost:
    • A mischievous winter sprite with control over frost and ice.
    • Skills: Ice manipulation, snow magic, speed.

  3. Seraphina, Offspring of Toothiana (Tooth Fairy):
    • A guardian of teeth and dreams, possessing the ability to restore and protect memories.
    • Skills: Memory magic, flight, keen perception.

  4. Oliver Oak, Offspring of Sanderson Mansnoozie (The Sandman):
    • A dream-weaving sprite who can enter and manipulate dreams.
    • Skills: Dream manipulation, stealth, illusions.

  5. Luna Lullaby, Offspring of Mother Nature:
    • A gentle guardian with control over nature and plant life.
    • Skills: Plant manipulation, healing, empathy.

  6. Gabriel Gleam, Offspring of the Man in the Moon:
    • A celestial being with the power to communicate through dreams and visions.
    • Skills: Dreamwalking, divination, celestial magic.

  7. Felicity Frost, Offspring of Jack Frost and Talia Frost's twin sister:
    • A cheerful winter sprite like her brother but with a warm and caring nature.
    • Skills: Ice manipulation, snow magic, empathy.

  8. Solara Sunspark, Offspring of the Easter Bunny:
    • A radiant and energetic bunny with the ability to harness the power of the sun.
    • Skills: Solar energy manipulation, light magic, agility.

  9. Harmony Harmony, Offspring of Cupid:
  • A love-infused sprite skilled in spreading joy and harmony among the group.
  • Skills: Love magic, empathy, diplomacy.

  1. Cassius Cloud, Offspring of Mother Nature:
  • A playful cloud sprite with control over weather and atmospheric phenomena.
  • Skills: Weather manipulation, flight, mischief.

  1. Serena Starlight, Offspring of the Man in the Moon and Luna Lullaby's twin sister:
  • A celestial being with a deep connection to the stars and cosmic energies.
  • Skills: Celestial magic, star manipulation, divination.

  • Zephyr Zephyrwind, Offspring of the Easter Bunny and Solara Sunspark's twin brother:
  • A lively bunny with control over gentle breezes and springtime growth.
  • Skills: Wind manipulation, plant growth, agility.

  1. Aria Silverbell, Offspring of Cupid and Harmony Harmony's twin sister:
  • A sweet and musical sprite, skilled in using melodies to influence emotions.
  • Skills: Music magic, emotional manipulation, diplomacy.

  1. Thorne Thornfield, Offspring of E. Aster Bunnymund and Pippa Pooka's twin brother:
  • A strong and protective Pooka with a talent for crafting formidable weapons.
  • Skills: Weapon crafting, martial arts, tunnel-digging.

  1. Nova Nightshade, Offspring of Jack Frost and Felicity Frost's twin brother:
  • A mysterious winter sprite with control over shadows and the night.
  • Skills: Shadow manipulation, stealth, ice magic.

  1. Lilith Luminara, Offspring of Mother Nature and Cassius Cloud's twin sister:
  • A luminous sprite with the power to harness the energy of the moon.
  • Skills: Moonlight manipulation, healing, nature magic.

  1. Blaze Brightspark, Offspring of the Easter Bunny and Zephyr Zephyrwind's twin brother:
  • An energetic bunny with control over fiery sparks and warm sunlight.
  • Skills: Fire manipulation, light magic, agility.

Each character has a unique set of skills that can contribute to the party's success in the underground adventure. Players can choose the character that aligns with their preferred playstyle and explore the rich lore of the Guardians of Childhood as they work together to thwart Pitch's dark plans.

Plot Points:

  1. The Council of the Pookas: The Guardians must seek the counsel of the Pookas to gain information about Pitch's potential whereabouts. The Council provides a magical map pointing to entrances leading to the Earth's core.
  2. The Labyrinth of Fears: A complex network of tunnels guarded by Fearlings. The Guardians must navigate the labyrinth, solving puzzles and facing fearsome challenges to progress.
  3. The Forgotten Chamber: Deep within the Earth, the Guardians discover a forgotten chamber containing clues about Pitch's motives and the location of the second piece of the Moonclipper.
  4. Showdown with Fearlings: The Guardians face a fierce confrontation with a horde of Fearlings, defending the dreams of those they encounter and gaining valuable information about Pitch's plans.
  5. Pitch's Lair: The final confrontation takes place in Pitch's lair, where the Guardians must thwart his dark rituals and retrieve the second piece of the Moonclipper.


  1. The Warren of Pookas:
    • A sprawling underground city inhabited by Pookas, featuring labyrinthine tunnels and beautifully decorated warrens.
  2. Celestial Observatory:
    • A mystical chamber with an otherworldly telescope, granting views of the stars and celestial energies.
  3. Frosty Grove:
    • An enchanted grove within the Earth, filled with crystalline trees and snow-covered flora.
  4. Lover's Haven:
    • A hidden glade where Cupid's offspring spread love and joy, surrounded by heart-shaped flowers and gentle breezes.
  5. Eternal Eclipse Cavern:
    • A cavern with a perpetual eclipse, home to Serena Starlight and the cosmic mysteries she guards.
  6. Lullaby Meadow:
    • A serene meadow where Luna Lullaby's offspring, Cassius Cloud, practices his mischievous tricks.

Plot Points:

  1. The Council's Directive:
    • The Guardians receive a directive from the Pooka Council, instructing them to seek the wisdom of E. Aster Bunnymund to locate Pitch's lair.
  2. The Pooka Map:
    • E. Aster Bunnymund presents a magical map, revealing entrances to the Earth's core and key locations where Fearlings may be hiding.
  3. Fearling Ambush in the Warren:
    • The party encounters a group of Fearlings attempting to infiltrate the Pooka Warren, leading to a skirmish to protect the Pooka community.
  4. Celestial Observatory Vision:
    • The group visits the Celestial Observatory, where they receive a vision of Pitch's dark plans and the location of the second piece of the Moonclipper.
  5. Frosty Grove Puzzle:
    • To progress, the party must solve a puzzle in Frosty Grove involving manipulating ice formations to reveal a hidden passage.
  6. Lover's Haven Diplomacy:
    • In Lover's Haven, the group encounters a distraught creature corrupted by Fearlings. They must use diplomacy and love-infused magic to soothe its fears.
  7. Eternal Eclipse Confrontation:
    • The party faces celestial guardians protecting the secrets of the Eternal Eclipse Cavern. They must prove their intentions to proceed.
  8. Lullaby Meadow Mischief:
    • Cassius Cloud's pranks inadvertently reveal a hidden entrance to Pitch's lair, but the group must deal with his mischievous antics.
  9. Final Showdown: Pitch's Lair:
    • The one-shot climaxes with a dramatic showdown in Pitch's lair. The party must confront the Nightmare King, thwart his dark plans, and retrieve the second piece of the Moonclipper.
  10. Resolution and Reconciliation:
    • After defeating Pitch, the group discovers the potential for redemption in his tragic past. They decide whether to redeem him or vanquish him, bringing closure to the dark chapter.

Twist: As the Guardians confront Pitch, they learn about his tragic past and his initial quest to find his lost daughter. The choice to either redeem Pitch or defeat him once and for all adds an emotional depth to the adventure.

Resolution: The Guardians, having successfully thwarted Pitch's plans, return to their duties of protecting the dreams of children. The newfound knowledge about Pitch's past and the Moonclipper sets the stage for future adventures against the forces of darkness.

This one-shot adventure combines elements of mystery, exploration, and combat, providing a thrilling experience for the players as they delve into the depths of the Earth to face the Nightmare King and his Fearlings.