Joy of Community; Holiday Jitters

5 months, 29 days ago

This literature contains my (Rathaaloss) a written entry for The Joy of Community in the Terralien discord. Unfortunately, not many want their Terra's in written entries, so I did the best with what I could gather. I hope the owner's of the Terralien's I included in this one-shot enjoy!


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 As the cold, winter wind blew small flakes of snow in an almost playful act, two young Terraliens walked softly throughout the buzzing streets. One of them looked around in awe, while the other seemed almost disinterested in the things around him. Both of them stuck out like a sore thumb, with their bright red colors popping out against the cool of all the decorations and the pure white snow. Despite his visible disinterest, the critter within Jing Zhen's visor was just as in entranced by the environment around them as Tento was. It's small claws could be heard click-clacking against the clear glass as it ran around in circles from excitement. Jing Zhen's ears flicked as they picked up the loving sigh of the friend who walked in front of him; most likely their way of expressing a laugh.

 "You're such a spoil sport, Jing Zhen!" signed Tento. It was almost comical how Jing Zhen's body language was completely different from his critter's. The man looked like he was about to just turn around and walk away.

 There was no verbal response from the draconian Terralien as he shook is head, trying to communicate he wasn't very appreciative of Tento's comment. Even with those he considered friends, he had a hard time finding the words in order to properly speak to them without issue. If Tento had a mouth, they would have smiled at the taller Terra, but the little ladybugs within their terrarium buzzed around instead.

 The sound of holiday music and loud chatter was almost overwhelming for Jing Zhen as he brought one of his hands up to cover one of his ears as if trying to mute the unwanted noise.

 As he finally found some words and was about to speak, someone interrupted him, causing him to flinch in both surprise and uncertainty.

 "Jing Zhen, Tento! I was wondering when you two would show up! I thought you would have rejected my invitation... again." That last part seemed to be a jab at Jing Zhen. The Terra who had made themselves known went by the name Rosco. Him and his small cackle of young hyenas was never unwelcome, but it always made Jing Zhen jump when he suddenly appeared. The Chinese dragon within his visor ran around in circles again, indicating it's happiness to see someone it recognized.

 Tento scratched the back of their head sheepishly, unable to respond since Rosco wasn't adept in the field of sign language. Seeing this, Jing Zhen sighed and decided it would be best to speak in his stead. "I wasn't going to show up but... Tento dragged me out of our apartment." Tento just nodded their head, crossing their arms in the process.

 Rosco, being the sweetheart he is just laughed. He was quite familiar with Jing Zhen's distaste for any sort of holiday and it had become a mission for himself, Tento and Tatsudoshi to try and get Jing Zhen to lighten up by even the smallest bit. So far, they had all been unsuccessful in their endeavors. "Come on then, you two. Tatsu is waiting for us by the evergreen." he commented as his pups, Lux and Tumbleweed went running off towards the direction of Tatsudoshi. "Wait-!" exclaimed Rosco before letting out the heaviest of sighs. They gave Jing Zhen and Tento a wave before running off after his young hyenas in order to make sure they were safe.

 Tento was practically shaking with excitement from the thought of seeing the giant, decorated evergreen within the small towns plaza.

 Grabbing Jing Zhen's hand out of pure impatience, Tento began to drag the draconian Terra with them towards the middle of town--- despite his constant protests. With a groan, Jing Zhen soon gave up his fighting and allowed himself to be relocated.

 The minute his gaze found the evergreen, he stopped to admire it. Despite his disinterest in Christmas or, well, any celebration for that matter, Jing Zhen was never one to push aside the time and effort others put into their work. From the decorating, to the baking and cooking to the gift giving and other things, he couldn't help but appreciate everything they did in order to celebrate something such as this. Of course he never really understood why they did it, or why so many adored the holidays but he didn't like bringing down others for their interests.

 Jing Zhen and Tento finally found their way to where Rosco and Tatsudoshi stood- waiting patiently for the two red beacons to arrive. Within Tatsudoshi's hands, was a large star that was meant to be placed atop the large tree before them. Seems she was waiting specifically for the groups infamous red grinch to show up. Jing Zhen immediately knew what she wanted, and shook his head. "You know I'm not gonna do that."

 Tatsudoshi shrugged her shoulder- being sure to keep her wings tucked close to her body in order not to disturb the other Terraliens within the vicinity. "It's a simple task, Jing Zhen. Go on, it will only take you a few seconds." she said, handing the star out towards him for him to take.

 However, Jing Zhen just shook his head again in protest. Yet as Tento pulled on the fur at the end of Jing Zhen's tail, the man caved. His shoulders sagged and he ended up in an almost shrimp-like posture from his inability to continue the teasing argument. As soon as Jing Zhen reached over and took the star, Rosco clasped his hands together with a laugh. "We're finally getting through that thick skull of yours!"

 Jing Zhen scoffed, though it was clearly playful as not to be mean. "Shut up..."

 Looking at the delicate star he now held in the palm of both his hands, he felt Tento begin to rub his back. The younger Terra was trying to reassure him, knowing how much their friend disliked being the center of attention.
 Jing Zhen pulled his hood over his head and flew up to the very top of the giant evergreen. He hesitated- looking down at all the Terraliens below him. Yet he seemed to calm down a bit as he saw Tento wave up at him.

 Slowly, he nodded his head, and placed the bright star gently, but firmly on top of the tree.

 All of the lights upon it suddenly burst on all at one. It lit up the streets and everyone down below cheered or clapped in celebration. As for Jing Zhen-

 -Jing Zhen wondered if his tail would ever stop wagging anytime soon.