Scavenging Drabbles

5 months, 29 days ago
5 months, 3 days ago
27 6181

Chapter 1
Published 5 months, 29 days ago

Collected flavor text for when I take my wermz Scavenging!

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Chapter 1

June 15th:

The three friends spend their entire scavenge speaking in funny voices and making themselves sick with laughter!

June 21st:

Just before they leave, Inia swings by the guild. Seems like her custom jacket's ready to go! She puts it on and gives a confident twirl. Guilla claps enthusiastically, and Pennyroyal seems Very Interested In The Ground Right Now.

June 28th: 

Everyone's in a somber mood this evening, until Guilla breaks the silence with soft humming. Pennyroyal smiles as she works, digging through many picked-over piles of scrap. Inia snaps her second pair of arms to the beat, swaying happily.

Author's Notes

Three new friends decide to brave the mysterious, rust-covered areas around Eaden, as a part of the local Scavengers' Guild.


REGISTER >> #612      ALIAS >> Inia     JOIN DATE >> 05.25.22    PRONOUNS >> she / they    
RANK >> Scavenging Rookie

Inia is a loud, friendly, boisterous werm who says rad unironically and loves high fives. She frequently organizes scavenging trips with her pals Pennyroyal and Guilla, and has a huuuuuuge crush on Pennyroyal which she conceals with varying degrees of success. She's fiercely protective of her friends. She can be kind of reckless with her own safety (usually performing stunts in order to impress Pennyroyal) but her friends' well-beings are another story entirely. Scavenging is her lifeblood; she loves to go out on missions for the Guild. Whether it's for the thrill of exploring or the time she gets to spend with her buddies, I'm not sure even Inia knows.

REGISTER >> #703     ALIAS >> Pennyroyal     JOIN DATE >> 05.29.22     PRONOUNS >> she / they    
RANK >> Scavenging Rookie

Pennyroyal is a friendly and helpful werm who is a little unsure of herself. She's gentle and soft-spoken, and spends her time gathering, researching, and propagating the flora she finds on Eaden. Pennyroyal lives in a makeshift garden / greenhouse that she loves dearly. She tags along on scavenging trips with Inia and Guilla, particularly searching for new species of plants.


REGISTER >> #703     ALIAS >> Guilla     JOIN DATE >> 05.25.22     PRONOUNS >> they / he    
RANK >> Scavenging Rookie

Guilla is a larger-than-average leaf-covered werm. They were propagated and raised in a greenhouse by the disappeared harvester werm, Veridas. After Veridas's disappearance, Guilla began using more "he" pronouns in his memory. They're fairly new to existence and trying to figure things out. He is fairly shy with strangers, but wants to make friends and find his way in the world!! He still cares deeply about his creator and their propogated siblings and would do anything to help them out. Guilla's happy to tag along on scavenging missions with Inia and Pennyroyal. He is very curious, but really just tags along to be with his friends. He often helps Pennyroyal with studying Eaden's plants, since he knows a little from his time in Veridas's care, and because he wants to learn more about his existence.