Scavenging Drabbles

6 months, 3 days ago
5 months, 7 days ago
27 6181

Chapter 15
Published 6 months, 3 days ago

Collected flavor text for when I take my wermz Scavenging!

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Chapter 15

Oct 25th:

The three friends an interesting scrap of paper, and spend the afternoon deciphering it as they trudge out to the Wastelands...

Oct 26th:

In the haze of the Wastelands, the trio of wermz spot something...more unusual than they're used to.

Oct 28th:

The trio tumble out of the portal in a heap. After some shocked yelling and exchanging glances, they decide to try and have a normal scavenge. 

A Normal one.

Oct 29th:

"Is that...Ronnie?"

November 1st:

The three wermz shoot out of the sputtering portal, landing in a  disheveled heap again. Several enormous piles of clothes shortly follow.
" are we gonna get these all home?"