Yuletide Surprise

5 months, 17 days ago
7494 1

Explicit Sexual Content Mild Violence

Dahlia brings Brahms home for the holidays, and after a chaotic Albliss family holiday She takes him home for a fun night by the fireside.

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   Yule and the holidays were always busy for the Albliss family. The kids would fly in from all corners of the globe, to be home in time to help set up the tree, bake cookies and pies, and gather around to share what life had been like for all of them over the past year. For a family their size they certainly were close. This year, however, Dahlia was excited to introduce Brahms to the whole family. He had already met her twin brother and parents but the other eight siblings lived far and wide. Brahms had been anxious all day, being an introvert and recluse by nature he didn’t always do well in big crowds and parties, but he knew how much it meant to Dahlia that he be part of the celebration and festivities.

“Should I wear tie? I not know how to dress for party?” His deep voice pulled her from her thoughts as he walked in holding a dress shirt and several ties.

“No darling, just dress in something comfortable, it's just a family gathering not a job interview. Why don’t you wear that bug cream colored sweater mama gave you. It'll match my dress.” Dahlia smiles as she gets up, striding over to her Boyfriend and leaning up to kiss him.

    She rummages in the closet for the sweater and hands it to him, she feels proud of Brahms, this is big for him and she appreciates that he is going out of his comfort zone for her. He gives her a skeptical look, but takes it from her anyways, tugging it on over his plain black t-shirt. Dahlia hums appreciatively before smoothing it down and wrapping her arms around him for a moment.

“You know I appreciate you right?” she asks softly and he tilts his head in confusion.

“Da.” he nods, he knows she does.

“I'm, sorry if it gets overwhelming, if it becomes too much let me know and we can go sneak off into my old bedroom or to the basement to settle our nerves yeah?” She looks up at him with a kind expression and he can’t help but lean down and kiss her forehead.

“Da.” Her face cracks into a grin before she pats his chest and returns to her vanity, finishing up her makeup and hair.

     She looks beautiful as always, deep green stockings, and a cream colored sweater dress with a hood. She opted for boots instead of a heel which Brahms is grateful for because that means he won't have to carry her ass down the street after a night of spiked eggnog and painful feet, not that he minds really, he just finds her attire choices silly sometimes. Once she is finished the pair make their way out to the car, a pile of Yule gifts in tow, Brahms sets them in the trunk while Dahlia heats up the car. Usually they walk to her parents house, they live a few blocks away, but with all the snow and the wind chill they opt to drive over. Christmas and yuletide time in town is always lovely, nearly everyone decorates their homes, even Dahlia had decorated, setting up a beautiful silver light display with red highlights as Brahms had sensitive eyes and she doesn't want to blind the poor man, her theme this year had been Candy cane lane and even he had to admit it looked lovely.

     As they drove, Brahms took in the scenery, this was his first Christmas with her, and given that he grew up in another country he hadn’t seen what an American suburban Christmas looks like. Each house was covered in lights and decorations, some even heard music playing for passersby to hear. Brahms thought it pretty but a huge waste of electricity and maybe a tad noisy. He liked the quiet simple life, other than having the nice things she liked Dahlia was much like him in that way. Outside of the Albliss residence Brahms got his first real glimpse of her family in full holiday spirit. Through the bay window he could see Cennma flitting about child to child making sure they were all taken care of, all of the happy and smiling, two of the brothers were bickering but it looked like a spirited debate more than a fight. 

“You look nervous, my love, I promise they will be on their best behavior, I warned them and you can see moms slipper on the counter, she means business.” Dahlia chuckled, leaning over to kiss him sweetly before getting out of the car and popping the trunk.

     Brahms took the time to collect himself, before getting out and assisting, taking the bigger and heavier boxes from her, despite the cute scowl she had on her face. He often forgot she thought he was babying her, but it was just muscle memory, his babushka had raised him to be a gentleman, and that hadn’t died in him, so even if she pouted and huffed he was going to do things for her. Dahlia took the lead, opening the front door standing aside to hold it open for Brahms so he could duck in before closing it behind him. No sooner had it shut did 11 sets of eyes all turned to focus on the newly arrived couple. Brahms instantly felt overwhelmed, she had such a large family and it was clear almost all of them seemed overly eager to meet him.

“Mind yourselves. Occhi avanti.” (eyes forward) Cennma swatted the shortest of the brothers and he snapped his head forward and looked down not wanting to upset his mother or receive the slipper.

“Hello darling, come here let me see you! Goddess you are beautiful! Brahms my darling please come in.” Cennma smiled as she gripped her daughter's hand pulling her close to hug her and look her over, she eyed her daughter's stomach and squinted and Dahlia only rolled her eyes, she knew what she was looking for.

“Sunnie, Amaran get off your asses and take those from Brahms, don't make him hold all that, really where are your manners?” The low gravelly voice of Dahlia's eldest brother filled the space, putting the two younger males to a task.

     The shorter of the two brothers reached him first. He stood around 6’0 tall, short for their family; he had super fluffy and curly white hair, and bright sky golden eyes. His frame was slight and wiry like a sprinter's body. He smelled nice, like a spring breeze and he was quick to take several packages from Brahms, sheepishly smiling at him. He had been warned by his mother not to overwhelm him with his motormouth and hyperactivity. He couldn’t help it though, he was the family's ray of sunshine, always the first to make friends. The other brother was taller than Dahlia, but not by much. He wore a much sterner expression and walked with purpose, though he had a slight limp, Dahlia had told him it was from a car accident several years back, and while he made a full recovery he still had stiffness from time to time. From his best guess it was likely the weather. He had short black hair with white tips, neatly slicked back with a single strand oiled and styled into an attractive curl; he wasn't so grumpy looking up close. He smelled of peppermint, wide shouldered and strong upper body. He politely took the other boxes and nodded to Brahms.

“Welcome brother.” was all he said making his way over to the massive evergreen.

     Brahms looked to Dahlia and stepped closer, and as if she knew he was going to do it her hand reached back to twine with his, pressing herself into his side to comfort him. He looked up and gave him a reassuring smile and an encouraging arm shake, as she walked him in deeper. Cennma pulled him into a warm hug squeezing him tightly like she did her own children. Brahms returned it awkwardly and Dahlia couldn’t help softly giggling at him. Her father was currently dusting his hands off, a bit of pine sap sticking to his fingers as he arranged the new gifts under to make a walk room. He greeted Brahms with a polite nod, knowing his future son in law would appreciate not having to hug and handshake everyone in the room.

“Brahms here take my seat.” Jackson spoke standing and moving to sit in Vergil’s lap.

     He looked to Dahlia and she nodded and swatted his butt playfully making him walk towards the one sibling he was very familiar with, and thankfully his fiancé whom Brahms actually really enjoyed spending time with. They had a certain understanding of each other. Brahms took a seat in the deep soft lounge, grateful that Dahlia drew all the attention from him as she started engaging the chatty siblings so they all didn’t bombard him with questions. Jackson smiled and offered Brahms a glass of slightly yellow bubbling liquid, he sniffed it and could tell it was a sparkling cider, the faint smell of gin hit his nose and he realized it was Jackson giving him an out. He took it gratefully and took a sip, surprised when it was sweet and he could barely taste the gin.

“It's a bit overwhelming isn’t it?” Vergil heard a low deep voice next to him and he jumped slightly when he realized someone had approached his blinder side. He recognized him from the photos on the fridge at their house, this was Coal, The eldest of the Albliss pack. He had long black and white hair that had a fat curl to it. He was tall and very lanky, standing the tallest of the pack at a staggering 7 '1, he slouched a lot so he didn't seem that tall. 

“Da, but she looks very happy. I not seen her smile so much in a while.” Brahms confirmed.

     Coal was easy to talk to and to be around he moved like a shadow and spoke in a very pleasing tone, his clove smell was also pleasant. He gave Brahms a lazy smile and patted his shoulder fondly, he was, as Dahlia had explained to him, the family favorite, and it wasn't hard to see why. Coal was kind and approachable, and his energy was very mild and chill like he had all the time in the world and wasn’t in any rush. It came mostly naturally but having helped raise 9 other children certainly had a hand in that. Coal sadly was a very ill person. He had a lot of health problems and because of it he spent a lot of time in and out of the hospital until he married his husband, a doctor with his own practice. Said man was not present and assumedly working.

“Yeah, well I think that has more to do with you then it does us. I’m glad you braved it and came, everyone is very excited to meet you, Dahlia talks about you non-stop. It's really cute ya know? She hasn’t been this happy and…herself in a long time.” Brahms felt his cheeks heat up a little. Did he really make her that happy?

“Nyet, she is always happy. She smiles all the time at home.” Brahms coughed and tried to shake the comment, his girlfriend was always chipper around him.

“Mmm, if you say so.” Coal chuckled and nudged his knee with his legs before silently strolling off, content with helping relax Brahms.

     Dahlia made her way over holding the hand of a white haired woman. She was very pretty with a round soft face, and warm gold eyes. She wore a simple powder blue dress and white stockings. She didn't wear much makeup but she didn't really need it, her beauty a near identical match to her mother’s. He tilted his head at her curious as he wasn't familiar with this sibling. Dahlia smiled and stood behind her, and it became clear that this one was very shy.

“Brahms darling, This is Cemira, she is my oldest sister. She came in from Moscow, to meet you but it appears she’s lost her nerve.” Dahlia smiled and rubbed her sister's arms.

“Ah, Moscow! That is far travel. You enjoy Russian?” he smiled realizing this sibling was familiar with his side of the world.

“Da. I’m studying ballet and art history. Dahlia tells me you are Slavic?” She has a very small voice, and Brahms has to sit forward to hear her properly. She talks like a tiny silver bell, but her eyes are warm and engaging.

“I am.” he nods unsure what else to say, he sees Dahlia chuckling to herself.

“Well then I hope Dahlia brings you to come see the ballet.” She smiles sweetly at him and Brahms decides he likes this sibling. She is very polite and quiet, and she doesn't hover when Dahlia releases her grip on her.

     Brahms smiled when Dahlia took a seat in his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist and used her to hide, for the first hour or so as she caught up with her siblings, slowly each introduced themselves before Brahms was pressing his forehead into her back and tapping her wrist three times. She patted his hand and got up taking his hand and leading him upstairs away from the party. Cennma watched them go and nodded motioning for the boys to go into the kitchen, maybe it was time to sit down to eat and wind down a little. The upstairs of the house was just as nice as the house, each room decorated and welcoming. He had been here a few times before all of the holiday stuff started, he recognized quickly she was leading him to her old bedroom, it was far from the kitchen and would be a nice quiet place for him to settle his nerves in.

“I am sorry, your family is very nice, I just…” Dahlia cut him off with a soft shushing noise.

“You don’t owe anyone an apology, no one is upset or offended, love, they are all just very excited to meet you, I don’t bring people home to meet the family, so you are kind of like a novelty to them, but they all really like you.” She is quick to reassure him, she knew he was likely to get overwhelmed, and that was why she had prepared in advance. 

     Her room was the same as it was last time, the curtains pulled and soft red light LEDs strung on the underside of the bed. She led him in and closed the door before hopping onto the bed and patting her thigh for him to come sit. Brahms didn’t hesitate, if she was handing out attention he was more than happy to take all he could get. He curled into her lap resting his head on her thighs and gripping her leg tightly, burying his nose into her hip. She always smells like warmth and roses and over time it became soothing to him, so he takes his time inhaling and rubbing his cheek against her. Dahlia removes his glasses and cards her fingers through his silver locks, the tips of her stilettos gently scraping and massaging happily letting him decompress. She loves him deeply, and knows that these things and new experiences are so different from what he was used to growing up.

     She leans back, and he immediately is moving to lay on his stomach, his head resting on her chest, nearly crushing her, but she enjoys it too, having a heft Slavic blanket for a boyfriend has its perks. Brahms sighs and relaxes as Dahlia sings his babushka’s lullaby to him. Closing his eyes he focuses on breathing and the texture of Dahlia’s tights, the scent of her perfume, and shampoo, and the peaceful atmosphere of her room. He is grateful to her, she always seems to be a step ahead of his needs, ready to step in and fix things and when she can’t she is there to hold his hand through it. She never makes him feel guilty for it, or lets him put himself down, not a single complaint or frustration she simply acts and it is something he deeply admires in her. 

“You’re doing really well, I’m glad Vergil came, it'll be nice to have someone here you connect with fairly well. Though i have to warn you, Corona is going to challenge you to a tussle in the snow, dad gave her a warning not to, but she is the wildest of us and i overheard her and Amaran talking and that two faced bastard is probably psyching her up for it.” Dahlia chuckles and he can feel her heart skip a beat when he squeezes her tight.

“You don’t have to humor her, she’s just used to being the biggest baddest bitch in the room. She challenged and then got put on her as by Vergil, but don't feel pressured to appease her, her and Flint will likely get drunk and go romp around in the woods.” Brahms blinks up at her with a look of confusion and she only laughs and squishes his cheeks.

“Why would she want to fight me? She knows I am Volk da?” he manages while trying not to melt into a puddle.

“Da. she likes to prove herself, don’t worry you’ll see her coming with her flaming red hair you can’t miss her.” 

     He nods with a grunt before rolling and pulling Dahlia into his arms. She laughs as she settles herself over his hips and rests his hands on her letting him squeeze them as needed to soothe himself. Brahms can’t help but admire her, she is so pretty in red lights and her laugh makes him feel alive. She falls forward and cages his face with her hands hovering as her hair falls in a curtain around them, blue eyes full or promises of mischief.

“Do you want to leave early?” her question is simple and he considers for a moment, already feeling much more relaxed and settled.

“Nyet, your mother make big feast, and I do not want to take you away from family, you not see them often.” he knits his brow and her soft smile makes his heart squeeze painfully in his chest.

“You are too sweet, alright well if you are ready we can head down stairs and eat. I smell ham.” She is practically drooling at the idea of ham.

     Brahms nods and after placing a hand under her butt he stands carrying her like a koala across the room. Dahlia squeals as she’s lifted and carried gently, swatting him on the shoulder to be put down, he only nips her jawline before setting her down at the top of the stairs, making sure she doesn’t fall in her heels. When they make their way to the dining room everyone is already seated, the two empty chairs left for them to take, dahlia has a strange look on her face. The chair at the end of the table is empty, it's where her father has always sat, but he is seated to the left of Cennma at the other end. Dahlia looks at him and he only dips his head.

     Brahms looks at her confused but takes the seat offered to him and pulls out the other chair for Dahlia. He can feel the family's eyes on him as he does so, but they quickly look away when Cennma clears her throat. Dahlia sets to making him a plate, packing it to the brim with ham, potatoes, green bean casserole, yams, rolls, braised deer chunks and even a slice of lemon salmon. Cennma had cooked for a literal army, and for the first time Brahms didn't feel the need to hold back seeing how much food was actually prepared. Dahlia smiles and offers the plate, but before he cant take it she kisses his forehead.

     Dinner passes in a blur of rotating bowls of food and tales of the siblings adventures from all corners of the globe, and Brahms is happy to sit there and take it all in, halfway through dinner he feels Dahlia’s fingers tying to tangle with his, so he turns his palm and holds it in his brushing his thumb over her knuckles in a soothing manner. Her cheek rests in her palm as she talks to her brothers and Brahms gets a creepy crawling feeling and he looks around for its source. His eyes lock with smoldering gold eyes and a mop of red hair, and he realizes it's Corona. She got a shit eating grin on her face as she gets up flanked by flint.

“Both of you put your asses in your chairs and don't you dare bother that poor man.” Cennma is on top of them before they can get all the way stood up.”

“Oh mom, come on! You let me fight Vergil!” Corona groans and Flint nods instantly siding with her.

“I most certainly did not! Body slamming him as soon as he walks into the front door is not me letting you do anything! And you had to sleep in the woods. Sit.” Cennma clucks and Flint takes a seat but Corona is still eyeing him.

“No, is ok, she want fight, I give her fight, but she will not win.” Brahms interjects and Cennma gives him a confused and concerned look.

“Brahms sweetie, you do not have too, Corona needs to learn manners I fear I failed somehow with her.

“I teach her manners, Volk style.” He gets up snagging another bite of ham off Dahlia’ plate winking playfully as he makes his way to the back door. 

     Cennma sighs heavily as Corona, Flint, and Amaran all rush to the door. Coal, Soleil, Sunnie and the others all follow at a much more measured pace then their more excitable siblings. Galen squeezed his wife’s shoulders tightly before following to mediate, Cennma wiped her mouth and tossed her napkin on her plate irritated by her children’s need to constantly prove their metal. Not to mention her wild child was picking a fight with a seasoned Volk, she already knew how it would end, and Corona would pout in the woods all night then come make friends in the morning. Dahlia was the last of the family members other than her mother to file out onto the back porch. 

     Brahms looks over in time to see Dahlia step out into the snow and he can't help but smile at how beautiful she is, when she steps down and reaches out to him he hands her his coat and nice sweater before he watches Corona toss her coat and take off her boots. She shifts in a flash, from tall woman to overgrown fox in the blink of an eye, Brahms can practically hear Dahlia rolling her eyes in the way she does when she's jealous and doesn't want to admit it. He leans down and kisses her once, before she steps away to watch.

     Brahms doesn’t shift as fast as Corona, but he doesn't need to, his sheer size as a Volk Khodok gives him more than enough bulk to handle being attacked during a shift. His face contorts as he jaw twists and fills with razor sharp teeth, hot clouds of air fill the space dancing away in the mist. Bones crack and groan as his body becomes gnarled and fur covered. Then he’s lifting his massive head, drool dripping from his chops and into the frozen ground below. The wind feels colder and the world around them seem just a few shades darker, he was the embodiment of winter, and darkness, and Corona, she was just a beefy fox spirit

“Don’t kill her…if you win I'll give you a reward.” Dahlia calls and Brahms feels the fur down his back ruffle in delight.

      Brahms whined at her before focusing his attention on Corona who paced in the snow. Once everyone took a healthy step back Cennma burned a talisman and the whole property went deathly quiet the wind could not be heard, and the edges of their property became blurry and hard to make out, a spell Cennma had designed to handle her den of rowdy kits. Sensing he didn't have to worry about noise any longer he let out a low growl and Corona took it as her cue to strike. She was fast and moved like fire across gasoline, he felt her slam into his side, but it hardly made him move. She hopped to her feet and bounced back as he lazily swiped at her, circling and lunging again, this time however Brahms was ready and as she dove for his neck he reared up and slammed his full weight down into her shoulder.

          A loud yelp escaped Corona, but Brahms didn't budge, he snarled and leaned down pressing his mouth to her neck growling and snarling savagely. The other siblings all watched in hushed concern, Flint and Amaran’s Ears popped forward like Dahlia’s does from time to time, their body reacting to their distressed sibling, Dahlia however looks calm and even a little bored, She already knew it would end like this, Corona was the strongest but it didn’t mean she fought smart, and Brahms had decades of experience on her, not to mention he dwarfed her smaller Vulpine frame. He locked his jaw around her neck and dragged her over to her den mother. Cennma looked down and shook her head disapprovingly, not at Brahms, he hadn’t been the aggressor, but Corona knew better.

     Brahms let her go and stepped back, he hadn’t left a scratch on her, trotting over to Dahlia, bunting his head against her stomach, and whining softly to her. She only smiled and motioned for him to shift back. He did though it took a second he wasn't used to shifting back and forth rapidly. Once he was standing before her she tugged him by the belt loops and kissed him hotly, not caring if she was surrounded by her family, she was just proud of her mate. Corona got up laughing, coming over to shake his hand. She didn't seem angry, in fact she looked more approvingly at him, like he had passed some sort of initiation, and in a way he did. No Shifter married into the family if they couldn't beat Corona, and while it may have looked like a ragdoll versus a tornado with Brahms, in the past Corona had hurt other suitors before.

     He took her hand and shook it, watching her sprint off with her two brothers shifting and darting into the woods likely to burn off the extra energy. The rest of the sensible family members started filing back in, Brahms tugged his sweater back on and reached for his coat only for her to hold it out of reach and purse her lips. He chuckled darkly, so demanding this little fox of his. He kissed her deeply, tipping her back so she had to let him hold her weight or fall, he felt the smile stretched across her lips as they embraced. He could feel the nerves he had settled a little, but it was still a lot.

“We have to at least stay and open our presents, but after that we can go home, and you can unwrap your gift from me.” She teased and pulled the collar of her dress down to show the top of a little red lacy number she was wearing, a bow on the top that looked more like it was ribbon than an actual brassier. 

“Nyet, I unwrap you now.” he grabbed her ass and pulled her closer making her giggle and swat his hands away, darting across the snow and onto the porch looking back at him with a come get me look.

     He could feel his body bristle and his blood run hot, he found it often hard to keep his hands to himself, the harder he had fallen for her the more irresistible h found her, at one time he thought his seasons were behind him, destined for settling in and growing old, Dahlia dashed all of that in a flurry of Smiles and tears. If he had known then what he knew now? He would have come here sooner, he would have sought her out from the beginning, sometimes he felt like he was stumbling behind, and not giving her what she deserved, but then she’d turn and look at him with those eyes and the playful smile, and those thoughts drift away like a puff of smoke.

     He took a moment longer to linger in the snow and cold watching the edges of the property return to normal as the talisman wore off. He crossed the lawn and stepped inside, hearing the family gathered in the living room and smelling the rose scent of his mate he joined in heads turning to greet him warmly, a feeling he was never going to get used to, before spotting Dahlia. He sat on the floor and she sat behind him on a chair, making him scoot back so she could hike her dress up and let him rest his head on her thighs, which he promptly nipped, earning a swat and a scowl from her. So bashful in front of her family.

“Brahms, I know this is a lot to take in, so you and Dahlia can open your gifts first, so you can head home and relax for the evening, not that I'm kicking you out sweetheart, but I'm sure you are very tired.” Cennma smiled touching his arm.

“Oh I not want to ruin traditions.” he looked at Dahlia who squeezed his head with her thighs softly correcting him, he didn't need to worry.

Sunnie was on gift detail, so he made quick work of picking out everyone's items and handing them out. Brahms blinked in surprise seeing so many with his name on them.

“Go on darling, open them up.” Dahlia encouraged stroking his cheek, softly eager to see what he received.

     Brahms took a breath and started on the nearest one, slowly opening these boxes one by one, amongst the gifts were a beautiful blue and black scarf, a very expensive shifter friendly cologne, a tin of swiss chocolates, tickets to the Russian ballet, loop earphones for noise cancelation like Dahlia had, a pair of shifter designed shades, a book on old Slavic recipes, a collection of whittled animal figurines a bunch of foxes and one massive wolf. All in all they were very thoughtful gifts especially the earplugs and eyewear. He liked those the most but he was eager to use and admire all of them. Dahlia put his gifts in a large gift bag as he unwrapped them, saving her gift to him for last.

“You said your gift was something for at home?” he tilts his head at her confused.

“That's the other gift, this is your Christmas gift, go on open it.” She hands him a very thin wrapped envelope and everyone looks at him curiously. No one knew what he had gotten from her, and he hadn't seen her buy anything.

     Brahms took but a second to open it, curious as to what she might have managed to buy without his notice. Inside was a cardstock sleeve, containing two long strips of paper written across was the name of some sort of airline, with a date set for a week out. He had never seen anything like this and wasn’t sure the purpose of the gift. Dahlia leaned down and kissed his cheek before smiling and pointing at the location. It was for a city near his old childhood home, a small cabin deep in the Siberian woods and wastes. E had told her about it a couple weeks ago.

“I promised you I'd take you there, now we can go see the lunar flowers and you can reconnect with a piece of yourself.” Dahlia whispers in his ear, gently kissing the shell of it before tracing down to his neck and nuzzling close to him.

“Dahlia….this is…” he looked moved and reached up to cradle the back of her head, rumbling deeply at her, the noise made her family sit up on edge, not realizing it was a happy noise as it was akin to a growl, but Brahms was more like a giant Rottweiler than a tiger. At least with Dahlia anyways.

     Dahlia felt his hand squeeze her thigh tightly and she bit back the groan of enjoyment before standing and gathering their bags, she’d open her gifts later, she gave her mother a look and Cennma chuckled to herself and nodded. Taking his hand she wished her family a happy yule stating she would see them all before they went home, but she needed to quote “Get her old man home to bed” earning a couple chuckles from Gazale, the only other married sibling in the room, Jackson and Vergil of course were not marrying until next winter, the date had been set a couple months ago.

     Dahlia got them home quickly knowing her gift had been a very emotional one she figured he’d want to go home and rest, he didn't like being emotionally vulnerable around others yet. Took the gifts and motioned for him to go rest by the fireplace, while she put their gifts up. He didn't have any complaints given that she always kept the fireplace nice and toasty for him like a spoiled old dog. He grabbed a pillow from the couch and laid on his back on the floor, his body felt sore and still but he was very content, he suspected Dahlia thought him upset, he'd reassure her when she returned.

     Laying there he sighed deeply and closed his eyes, relaxing and warming himself while he waited, curious as to why it was taking her so long. After a couple of minutes he started to grow worried and opened his eyes only to be met with a sight he could only describe as stunning. Dahlia was standing over him, having somehow snuck in on him, her long legs led to thick white ribbons wrapped around her hips and ass, her lower half just barely covered. She had a big white bow wrapped around her chest hiding her breast from view but giving him quiet the peep show. She had that blood red lipstick of hers on and the most wicked grin on her face. Her tail swished playfully, flicking her ears in amusement. His face was priceless, nearly slack jawed, he looked like he had been hit by lightning.

“I told you, Amore. You have one more gift to open.” She watches him drag his hooded gaze over her, shivering as she hears him begin growling possessively and his pants tenting just at the sight of her.

     Brahms felt like his whole body did a hard restart, he had no words and could string together a coherent thought, She was magnificent He didn't understand it, She was so damned beautiful and such an amazing person, she was lively and spirited, funny and smart, and even a bit feisty, she was a whirlwind of a person and of all the men in the world, she wanted him, some lonely old half wild man. He knew she didn't see him that way, she loved him, he could see it now, in everything she did. This was one of those moments where she completely blindsided him.

“Brahms baby, you’re practically drooling. Tell me sweetheart have you been a good boy this year? Because as you know good boys get presents.” she purrs at him, pressing her foot to his chest and pushing him back down.

“Da.” was all he could manage curing himself for being so flustered but she was naked and smelled so good and she looked at him like he was the prey and she was going to swallow him whole.

“I'm sorry darling, I didn't hear you? Have you been a good boy this year?” she asked again, straddling him and kneeling down to sit in his lap.

     It took him a second to finally switch his brain back on, realizing she wanted an answer. He felt his ears burning as she whimpered beneath her. She grabbed his jaw tightly and made him look her in the eyes, taking his hands she placed them on the box over her breast, holding them there in place. Rolling her hips against his tented slacks she chuckled. He swallowed hard, fuck he wanted her so bad. He’d say anything if it meant she’d let him ravish her.

“Yes. I’ve been a good boy. Please, please can i have my present.” he murmured his voice quivered and it made Dahlia purr with delight.

“ Go on then, Open your present, I wanna see that cute little look on your face when you see what i got for you.” Dahlia lets go of his face and leans back bracing her lands on his knees before nodding at him, letting his hands go.

     Brahms needed no further invitation, fingers curling around the ribbons pulling them loose, his hands finding her breasts squeezing them firmly as she bites her lip and keens softly to him. Her soft sighs make him growl low, she soft in all the right places and he is quick to sit up enough to kiss her, she sits up and meets him halfway, tangling her tongue lazily with his as she slowly works on removing his belt and unzipping his pants. He groans in relief as the pressure is taken off his already aching cock. Brahms brushes his thumb over a nipple earning him a breathy gasp. His teeth find purchase in her neck and shoulder starting a series of love bites and bruises. Dahlia whimpers and grips his shoulders as he trails his lips over her collar bones nipping where he can, knowing he gets the cutest noises from her, when he uses his sharper teeth. 

     He takes his time, if she is his present then he is going to enjoy every second of her, no inch of skin escapes unmarked or untouched. Teeth gently claim a nipple as she slides her hand into his boxers, her palm feels soft and cool against his hot member, a strangled groan leaves his lips before he gently rolls and plays with her sensitive chest. He knows she likes it when he grabs her and plays with her body, the noises she makes are always the sweetest.

“Ah, brahms darling. Please, don’t make me beg for it, please baby.” she whines pulling his head close to her chest so she can kiss the top of his head inhaling his scent, her mind becoming dizzy and warm.

“Chto sluchilos', krasotka? Khochesh', chtoby ya tebya razvel? YA dumal, ty moy podarok, mozhet byt', ya khochu zastavit' tebya umolyat'?” He growls into her ear as he grabs her hips in a tight grip pulling her up onto his lap, hovering just above his straining cock.

     ****(What's wrong, pretty girl? Do you want me to breed you? I thought you were my gift, maybe I want to make you beg?)****

“Brahms, I’m not going to beg, If you don’t fuck me like a bitch in heat, ill make you watch me get off, and you will not be allowed to touch, you’ve teased me enough tonight. Walking around in that sweater, stripping in the snow, kissing me. I’m already so wet for you.”

    He wanted her to beg, and one of these days he would have her dripping and begging in desperation, but right now, he wants to be inside her. Dahlia pushes him back and readjusts herself, reaching back and pumping him a few times before lining him up and gently lowering herself onto him. She moves slow, he's bigger then most of the men she’s ever been with, and it takes her a few seconds to adjust and take him to the base. Once fully seated he places his hand over the faint bulge in her lower abdomen, he can feel the tip of his cock, pressing into his hand and she lets out the most debauched moan he's ever heard. Dahlia lifts her hips and drops down, tilting her head back and crying out for him, and it takes all his will power not to flip her and pound into her remorselessly.

     He doesn't make her do all the work, lifting his hips and thrusting into her tight heat. She sounds so beautiful and the way she rolls her hips as she rides him makes his head swim. He didn't know how he got so lucky but he’s not going to question it, not when she is bouncing on his cock and calling out for him. It flips a primal switch in his brain and he feels his body wanting to claim her, he hasn't had a season in years, but this, this is almost enough to send him into one. He claws the rest of the ribbon away from her body, using his thumb to rub taunting circles into her clit, watching with hungry eyes as her body clenches around him.

     The sounds of skin on skin fill his ears as he lays back and watches her ride him, rolling her full hips and moaning every time she drops down. He’s never seen someone so breathtaking before. He can't resist running his thumbs over her hip bones, squeezing her thighs any place he can trace the lines of her frame he follows. Sometimes he wonders if this is all a fever dream and that the hunters did get him and this was a death induced dream. Then she’s taking his hand and kissing his fingertips and he can feel her heartbeat strong in her chest for him. To think that he almost lost her, that she almost surrendered her life, he feels a little less guilty for the brand in her arm at this moment, they both know what it means, that she is his and he is hers. He didn’t want to admit it, but he’s fallen for her, and it scares him.

“Stop thinking.” she whispers into his ear as she slows down her pace, he can tell she is close, she’s panting and nearly out of breath.

“Da.” he moans, turning his head to capture her lips in a searing kiss, thrusting into her harshly, wanting to come with her, knowing he isn't going to last, he's been hard since dinner.

      They both don’t make it long, His thumb has her so overstimulated that she cums crying out his name, he is grateful her neighbors live a good distance away, worried they’d hear her screaming his name. Her walls clamp down as she throws her head back, and as he sinks his teeth into her shoulder, he follows her, claws digging into her lips and breaking skin. Tangled in a mass of pants and whimpers, they take their time to come down, lost in the scents of Rose, smoke and winter air. Brahms is the first to have his head clear, gently lifting her realizing that he may have forgotten to pull out. She cries softly and wraps her arms around his neck.

“You are so beautiful.” he breathes pressing kisses to her jawline. She sighs sweetly and tucks herself into him enjoying the closeness and the warmth of the fireplace roaring next to them.

“Merry Christmas my darling.” she murmurs softly, remaining in his arms until he shifts, tucking himself into his pants before scooping her up and taking her to the back part of the house.

“Where are we going?” she blinks up at him cutely, her blue eyes wide with curiosity and emotions as she is still a little blissed out.

“I take you to shower, I pamper you, then we go for round two da?” he chuckles and she dumbly nodded at him.

      He had never had a Christmas before, him and Babushka had never celebrated, he had never know the holidays, but for a first Christmas he had to admit that this one was not one he would ever forget, She is the best gift he as ever received and as he closes the door and tarts the bath he can't help but feel a little more at home, here with her.