Transcription of an Interview: Pre-Game

5 months, 24 days ago

A transcription of Caspian's interview prior to the 51st Annual Hunger Games, as hosted by Caesar Flickerman!

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The following is a transcription of a live television broadcast the night prior to the [51st] Annual Hunger Games of Panem. It is a customary pre-game interview conducted by former television personality Caesar Flickerman. This interview was 8th of 24, featuring the future victor of the 51st Games, Caspian Denholm.

FLICKERMAN: Another round of applause for Pearl Ridley from District 4! What a sharp attitude for someone with such a delicate name, hm? [PAUSE, AUDIENCE LAUGH.] Our next tribute, hailing from the same District, could very well be Pearl’s exact opposite, and I do mean exact. Ladies and gentleman, please welcome to the stage: Caspian Denholm!


FLICKERMAN: Welcome, Caspian! We’re very happy to have you here.


FLICKERMAN: Before we start, I should tell you that you need to get close to the microphone if you want to be heard. We call that “eating the microphone” here. [LAUGHS.] And may I say, what a mighty outfit you've got on! That low cut suits you!

DENHOLM: ...Thank you? I think my stylist would agree. 

FLICKERMAN: But what about you? Would you agree? 

DENHOLM: I don't mind it. But the velvet bugs me.


FLICKERMAN: [TO AUDIENCE] Hey now! I'm no fan of velvet myself! [TO DENHOLM] So! Caspian! Do you mind if I call you Cas? 


FLICKERMAN: Great! Cas, how are you liking the Capitol?

DENHOLM: …It’s very big. The, uh, the apartments, especially. 

FLICKERMAN: [TO AUDIENCE] The apartments are big! [TO DENHOLM] Can I assume your home isn’t as big?

DENHOLM: No, but, we have a lighthouse.

FLICKERMAN: A lighthouse? 

DENHOLM: Mhm. I haven’t seen any here. 

FLICKERMAN: No, I’m afraid we don’t have any. The Capitol is completely landlocked, unlike District 4. So, tell us about this lighthouse! Is it your family’s? 

DENHOLM: Yeah. It’s, uh, just called the Denholm Lighthouse. It’s on the upper coast of 4, so we live there. Right next to it. We help our fishermen come back in one piece at night or on stormy days. 

FLICKERMAN: [WHISTLES.] Good thing! We here in the Capitol just love the fish you all provide us with, or at least I know I do! How long has it been in the family?

DENHOLM: My grandpa ran it before the war, and uh…in the Dark Days.

FLICKERMAN: The Dark Days! 


DENHOLM: Yeah. My dad took it over after he died, which was before I was born. When…If I go home, I’ll take it over someday. 

FLICKERMAN: Well, I think you very well may be able to see it again. I know I asked Pearl this, but I want your thoughts, too: is it true that you District 4 kids are pretty good at swimming? Climbing?

DENHOLM: …Most of us are. 


DENHOLM: Yeah. I, uh…um, I can swim just fine, but it’s…climbing…

FLICKERMAN: Not a big fan of heights? 

DENHOLM: I can do heights just fine! I’m fine with heights. I help at the lighthouse, I have to be good with heights. It’s pretty tall. Did you— [AUDIENCE LAUGH.]

FLICKERMAN: How can you be good with heights, but not climbing? 


FLICKERMAN: —Well, I doubt there’ll be any stairs in the arena.

DENHOLM: Yeah. Did you know there’s only about five lighthouses in 4?


DENHOLM: Yeah! It feels like there should be more, right?

FLICKERMAN: Absolutely! With how many of you go out onto the sea every day, I would’ve thought there were more…must be some powerful lights in them, then?

DENHOLM: There are! Most—

FLICKERMAN: —Now hold on, Cas, we need to talk about the Games! 

DENHOLM: Oh. …Sorry.

FLICKERMAN: No, no! It’s quite alright! So, what do you think could make you a threat in that arena, no matter the terrain? 


FLICKERMAN: What do you think sets you apart? 

DENHOLM: …I don’t know. 

FLICKERMAN: You don’t know?

DENHOLM: It’s not something I’ve ever thought about. Killing other people. 

FLICKERMAN: Yes, nobody likes to think about that…Here’s something to chew on: You seem like an intelligent young man, would you say that’s right?

DENHOLM: …Sure. 

FLICKERMAN: Can you think on your feet? Could you, for instance, make split-second decisions, if it came down to it?

DENHOLM: I’d be more likely to panic.

FLICKERMAN: Are you prone to panic?

DENHOLM: Sometimes. A lot of the time. 

FLICKERMAN: [TUTS.] Well, your evaluation score, which, [TO AUDIENCE] may I remind you all, was an eight [AUDIENCE APPLAUSE], is nothing to sneeze at! I wholeheartedly believe that you have a fair shot at winning, Cas.


FLICKERMAN: What was that?

DENHOLM: …Thank you, Caesar. 

FLICKERMAN: Of course, of course. Now, before I have to let you go, is there anything you’d like to say to those folks back in 4 that are watching right now?


FLICKERMAN: Any words?


FLICKERMAN: Right, well, thank you for sitting and chatting with me! Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s give a round of applause to our future lighthouse keeper from District 4, Caspian Denholm! [LAUGHS.] Now, let’s move onto our next district!