
Zee Show More
5 months, 7 days ago

These are headcannons for Zee. They will help me overall define its personality.

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To be worked on!
These headcannons are from Me :3

It loves urbexing (Urban Exploring) in many places!
It loves the risk of getting caught!!
Normally it scopes out the place beforehand
It also knows people who know how to

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These headcannons are from MichHot

Zee LOVES Invader Zim
Zee definitely loves weird core
These headcannons are from YakoisFroggy

Zee would be in a punk rock band (maybe the lead singer with a guitar!)
Alt makeup is its favorite to do when its bored
It'd like writing its own music
Maybe it owns a baseball bat with nails on it as a weapon for the apocalypse? (Oh and the baseball bat has stickers and stuff on it!!)
Ermmm maybe it’s temper is short? (When it gets mad!)
These headcannons are from Staplers_Office

It loves sour patch Kids and skittles (would --probably-- kill for them)
It would eat raw onions just for the fun of it and to see others reactions to it (They love onions but also do this because it's funny to them)
They seem like they'd be an awesome friend and would do anything to keep their friends happy, and there's not much that can keep them down