Tora and Engclaire RP

5 years, 9 days ago
5 years, 6 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 9 days ago
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The first encounter

Engclaire blinked her eyes open, flinching against the bright morning light that filtered in through the windows. Two days had passed since she had taken her test and had been inducted into the Dunkle Schicksal Packen, and she was beginning to get a feel for how life was there. It wasn't too much different than she was used to - even the hideout was similar - so she felt right at home. Yawning, she exited the room that she was sharing with a handful of other dogs and made her way into the hallway of the abandoned apartment building. As she walked, she made a point of stretching her stiff muscles, sore from the hard ground she had slept on. She had yet to find materials for a proper nest.


Tora was up before the sun got up. She had done her morning run. Laying in the shade she observed the others slowly getting out of their sleeping spot. The female was calmer than usual today. Gotta admit hot days are tough sometimes. Especially for runner dogs. The omega was laid on the ground and listen to the peace of her surronding.


Engclaire spotted a greyhound laying on the ground. She seemed to be idle, perhaps someone to talk to? Engclaire was a fairly quiet dog, not usually one to start conversations on her own, but she had gone almost two days now without really talking to anyone. Even she was beginning to get lonely. Head and tail lowered, she approached the greyhound and gave a chuff of greeting. "Hello there," she said, nodding her narrow head. "I'm Engclaire - new to the pack. You are?"


Tora losted in his tough got spooked on the moment and jumped on her feet. She looked at the dog in front of her, never seen her before she tough. She sat down and tried to stay calm. She was obviously taller than almost everyone including that new comer. ''Tora, pretty new too its been about 2 week since i lived here and a week since im officially a part of the pack'' Remaining calm was hard around people but today seemed not that bad maybe after all her social anxiety would go away.


Engclaire was startled by the other dog jumping to her feet and let out a little yip as she jumped back. Soon, though, she recovered from the confusion and watched as the greyhound sat, taking it as an invitation to do so herself. "Sorry to startle you, Tora," she apologized upon learning her name. "I'm Engclaire. How's pack life treating you, if you don't mind me asking?"


Tora didnt really know what to answer to that. After all she barely knew how to live in a pack. ''i dont know im new to this kind of life The greyhound tough about her old life how simple it was. She was lost here, to much stuff and action. Too much people everywhere and no routine.'' It was hard for the young female. She didn't know how to keep up with sll of that.


Engclaire cocked her head slightly. "What I meant was, how do you feel about it? Are you enjoying being in a pack?" She paused for a second, then continued softly. "I was in a different pack before this one, one far away from here. I had to leave due to... circumstances, but pack life is all I've known, other than my short time as a wanderer." She seemed almost wistful as she spoke. Part of her wished she could return to her old pack, but she knew that was impossible. She'd simply have to make a new life here.


Tora ''I had a routine before, get up, morning run, crate, afternoon run, crate. And some day race so i really dont know How could she possibly decided how living in a pack was when she had no clue what it was like .''


Engclaire nodded, seeming to accept that answer. "Well, you can make a routine in pack life, too," she offered. "Well, sort of. I suppose it's a little harder, things can be a little unpredictable sometimes. But you can basically outline your day. Back at my old pack, I spent most of my day hunting, usually." She was quiet for a moment, thinking. "If I may ask - and it's fine if you don't want to answer - why did you come here?"


Tora sighed and lied down feeling a tornado of sadness starting to build in her heart. ''Tiny human told me to get out, she told me to run so i did this place is not even near old home i took a plane for the championship and during that time human wanted me to get a better life i guess but im more lost than anything'' When talking of her past everything was going out all alone. The female in front of her seemed like someone she could trust and maybe help her. ''Im starting to make my routine but still theres too much people hanging out here in general and i dont know what to do of my time kyoto isnt there anymore shes gone for an attack apparently so here i am all alone again not knowing what to do''


Even before the greyhound began speaking, Engclaire's heart dropped. She could feel the sadness radiating off of the other dog, and it clung to her pelt and weighed her down, making her legs feel suddenly weak. She sat down to listen. The other dog's story was sad, and part of her wished she hadn't asked. She just had too much empathy, and hearing sad stories made her feel awful. But she'd power through, because maybe getting it off her chest would make the other dog feel better. "I'm sorry to hear that," she said finally, frowning deeply. "But you're not alone, I can promise you that. From what I've heard, Dunkle is about loyalty and comradery. You have a whole pack of dogs to support you now, you just have to let them."


Tora laughed softly, it was easier to say than do. ''Maybe i dont know yet. It's not that easy to just get up and open yourself when you have been all alone almost all your life'' She looked at the female in front of her with a smile. It seemed like her story was making her sad and she didn't want that. She was scared in general for sure, but making others feel bad wasn't a good thing. ''Dont feel bad for me i used to love my life i grew up like that. Everything is just so new and scary''


Engclaire lowered her head a little, nodding. "I suppose that would be difficult, yes," she agreed. She thought back to her journey from her old pack to her new one, how lonely she had felt. She didn't understand how a dog could prefer that life. However, the more she thought about it, she also understood the pain that others could bring. She had certainly felt it herself. As the other dog continued, she nodded again. "It's hard not to feel bad for those who are hurting," she admitted. "But alright. I hope things become less scary for you soon."


Tora nodded in silence. In the worst scenario she would just ran away again. That's what she learned. She was clueless to know what to do in here usually she would just have to run and win. Thats it! Here she didn't know who to trust, who to talk, what to do, what can't she do. She was just completly lost. She sighed at that tough. She knew theres was some newbies who got here after but still she didn't know a lot about living with others who was a big dissavantage for her. The greyhound got up and look one last time at the female. Have a great day Engclaire Tora needed to run and push away all those grey thoughs. She started her run like it was the last. She needed some alone time.