One Day a Hero

5 months, 22 days ago

Endless Possibility Prompt (Growth Quest - Pouflon Site) Your baby character's life has only just begun, but it’s the perfect opportunity in the safety of the place they are to imagine what they might become someday! A valorous knight? Or an accomplished Asterfall mage? Will they be the one to chart the vast deserts? Maybe they want a simple life with many friends? The possibilities are endless, all you have to do is depict your little one imagining what it is they will become someday!

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Kaito tried his best to hold back his tears as the heat of embarrassment burned his face. The older sprouts had locked him out of lessons... again. They had somehow managed to push their tables up against the door without the instructor knowing. No matter how hard Kaito pushed, the door wouldn't budge. If he didn't make it inside soon, he'd be reprimanded in front of the whole class for being late.

He was the smallest of all of the other sprouts- he supposed that made him an easy target and he couldn't help but wish he could be different. Why did he have to be the easiest to pick on? Why couldn't he be big and strong like his father or cunning and sly like his mother? On top of being small, his lessons were hard for him. He couldn't keep his mind from wandering while the instructor talked, and when it came to doing his schoolwork, the letters and numbers never made sense. He was small and stupid - at least that's what he told himself.

But one day... things would be different. He didn't care what it took; one day he would stand up to them. Maybe one day he actually would grow tall and strong like his father. Then no one would even think to pick on him. Then... he could be the one that stands up for the little guy. Just the thought brought a small smile to his face. Perhaps if he studied enough, if he worked really hard, he would be just as cunning and sly as his mother. Then he could help others like him- the ones who needed the extra help with lessons. He could be just like the heroes in the stories his sister liked to read, lending a hand to those in need. With that thought, he wiped the tears from his eyes and straightened up. Maybe it would take awhile, but he could do it. He would work hard and become exactly what he wanted.