
5 months, 5 days ago

Headcannons of Jasper!

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To be worked on!
These headcannons are from people I cannot remember!

jasper would absolutely play the base or drums in a band

very red + black themed instruments

Jasper owns skelanimals plushies

Would have a skeleanimal, bat, or monster high-esque mini-backpack/backpack/bag!

They would wear silver jewelry...and star shapes for sure

Seems so black cat as well...moon coded too

their online user would be smthn like EternalxBliss

Huuuge fan of Early 2000's music

The biggest silly possible once you get to know them

May or may not be a very talented crocheter, they'll never tell you

Probably keeps a tarantula (or maybe a jumping spider) as a pet, they love spiders a lot

I feel/think like Jasper probably got their ears pierced either by a friend, themself or at claires

looks like an asshole but is actually super cool

will share half of their sandwiches with u

let’s u use their earbuds to try and share all the music they like

is an absolute wh*re for Reese’s peanut butter cups :3

I feel like they had a blonde hair phase like they wanted to dye their hair but either forgot or didn’t have money to

May or may not (they’d never tell) have gone through that 2020 Covid alt tiktok phase before finding what they like (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/844687551658852375/1152804059024216204/image.png?width=324&height=630)

Jasper definitely collects stuffed animals and has them all on the bed so they don’t feel left out

jasper looks like he'd be a skateboarder! i could see him doing tricks like kickflips ^^

Jasper totally has stuffed animals and names them, occasionally using them to play pretend, hes a filthy fiend for playing Pretend Band where he makes his plushies become an audience so he can shred his guitar to em KGKFKCKSKSSK

he looks like he'd give me puppy dog eyes or that's hes sensitive to criticism in a sweet wholesome way

These headcannons are from @