New Year's Dilemma

5 months, 4 days ago
5 months, 4 days ago
2 1936

Chapter 1
Published 5 months, 4 days ago

Cami thinks Hugo hates him, Hugo thinks he might have feelings for his friend, and Mialani's an amazing and supportive sister.

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Chapter 1


I think today Hugo will test the waters and have his mask off for a bit. He’d give Mia a heads up first that he’s doing it.


After the warning, Mia will just smile, nod, and give a quick "ok!" to make it casual and not seem to excited at the change. She's probably folding laundry too since she wouldve washed what she took to LA


There’d probably be a beat of silence and not much else. No shuffling of fabric or anything. But she might hear a (much clearer) shaky sigh while he goes about his business. Probably testing those picks out on the guitar.


It must be so relieving & yet terrifying to take off the mask. Mia's gonna make sure to just go about her business so there's no pressure on him, only really looking over when she needs to like when she turns to grab something. She for sure takes quick glances when she can because its still new to not see a black dot in the corner of her eye, but otherwise it should be peaceful.
Besides, now she gets to hear him play guitar while she's doing a boring task, this is a great morning for herΒ 


Lucy can be seen cuddling up to Hugo, purring obnoxiously loud as she lays across his lap, partially leaning against his stomach. It takes a while, but he does manage to steady his breathing.


Mia's heart is full ok things feel so peaceful in the room and it's a grand way to end the year for her. Which reminds her...
"Hey, what do you wanna do for new years? I saw on ghoul me some people are gonna be downstairs."


He tenses a little but quickly relaxes. β€œWe can probably head down there with the others. Otherwise we can always go somewhere and watch fireworks. Maybe invite a friend or two.”


"Both sounds fun. I'm pretty sure we can see some from the roof here? Not too sure, but hey there's gonna be cupcakes!" Putting folded clothes away.
"And I know how much you loooove your sweets~" teasing tone


β€œOh dude, watching fireworks from the roof sounds awesome.” 

He gives her a knowing look, and smirks (just a little)


She'll actually glance over to him this time and smile back.
"Alright, then how's one cupcake sound and we swipe it up to the roof for the show?"


Hugo tenses up again, and instinctively looks down at his phone, letting his loose hair act as a curtain of sorts. "Sounds good."Β 

After a pause, he adds "I'll probably invite Cami to join us, if that's cool with you."


Mia kind of tilts her head at that but remembers Hugo's friends with Cami, so smiles after.
"That sounds good to me." Sweet tone.


He gives her a thumbs up.Β 

After a few minutes of going maskless, Hugo's starting to feel antsy and stressed, so he puts it back on. That's enough for one day, but man, it was nice finally being able to breathe for a bit.


Mialani doesn't comment on when he puts the mask back on, she's just happy he was able to enjoy some time without it. Time to pick a comfy & warm outfit so she doesn't freeze on the roof!