A Miracle From The Earth

8 months, 22 days ago

Oh! This is New! Prompt (Growth Quest - Pouflon Site) With the seasonal rain comes new growth as always, and with that new growth comes some new special individuals! For the first time coming out of their safe burrows in the ground where they magically grew, Sprouts (baby Ursuki) have a LOT of new sensations to discover, often all at once! How does your Sprout handle their first time outside of the ground? Were they uprooted by themselves or were there other Sprouts? Did they come up at night or during the day? Maybe even during a storm?

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He didn't want to leave- not at first. The earth was dry and warm around him, clinging to him in a safe embrace. Safe- that's how he felt in the little burrow of dirt that surrounded him. He didn't want to leave, and yet... there was something pushing him, telling him there was more out there than just the safety of the ground. It was time to go, so go he did.

His still tiny claws began pushing aside the earth that surrounded him. At the first show of movement, he heard a little squeal from above, and then an eager stirring of dirt around him. Claws that were longer and thicker brushed against his as he continued to the push at the dirt, and then- light. The sun shone on his face for the first time, and warm, soft arms surrounded him and held him close.

"My miracle." A lilting voice crooned. "My sweet little miracle." Drops of wetness fell against his small face as even bigger, strong arms pulled him and his mother into an embrace.

"Kaito. We will call him Kaito." A deep, rich voice said, thick with emotion.

These ursukis- they were his. Something told him deep in his soul that they were his and they would take care of him. They were safe.

The ground may have felt like the safest place for him, but now that he was in the arms of his parents, that they spoke with such gratefulness and emotion, he knew this was where he truly belonged. He nestled into the embrace of his mother as his father stroked his back with his paw. Beyond a shadow of a doubt- this is where he belonged.