138. Faustine Ross

5 months, 14 days ago
5 months, 14 days ago
3 492

Chapter 1
Published 5 months, 14 days ago

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General Info

Name: Faustine Ross

Name Meaning: Faustine, meaning fortunate. Fortune is a nickname to conceal her identity, but she asks enemies call her Miss Fortune as it is more formal and accurate for them. Ross is her mother’s surname.

Past Names/Nicknames: Fortune, Miss Fortune, Faust

Age: ♊ Less than a year old.

Gender: She-cat

Rank: Rogue

Clan: Non-clan

Past Ranks: --

Mentor: --

Apprentice: --

Parents: Bazzaniashine and Rosalie "Rat-Rot" Ross

Siblings: Sullivan "Sugar" Ross

Mate: --

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Looking For: Opponents.

Kits: --


Build: Average. Sturdy, but light on her feet.

Fur Texture/Length: Long, curly, soft, when it's clean.

Scent: Musty linens and seaweed.

Key Features: Curly fur, and a lot of it.


Combat: •••------- Lv. #3

Hunting: ••••------ Lv. #4

Field: •••------- Lv. #3

Dexterity: •••------- Lv.#3

Spirit: ••-------- Lv. #2


Faustine is utterly insatiable. She always wants more of everything, and is an avid collector of what she deems to be treasure. She values power, skill, knowledge, and experiences as well, and is very contented with her life outside the clans. While she may concede belief in their afterlife, she sees their code, hierarchy, and stationary lifestyle as incompatible with her own. Despite belief in StarClan, she is a firm believer in luck, and chalks happenings up to that rather than any higher power's will. Steadfast and confident, she'd make a good leader if only she were at all trustworthy. She has a flair for the dramatic, and a tendency to go all in.

Skills/Strengths: As of now, the determination to acquire more skills.

Weaknesses/Bad at: Can be very cold, and can't pass up a challenge.

Fighting style: Whatever she can learn. Good form, just isn't very strong yet.

Ambitions/Goals: There is no end goal, just constant winning.

Fears: None, yet.

Likes: Anything gold.

Dislikes: Idk, getting stabbed? What else is there to hate?