Pokémon Lore

5 months, 9 days ago
5 months, 9 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 5 months, 9 days ago

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Pokémon World Lore

My interpretation of a few pokémon lore stuff to help you understand my story ^^

Pokémon can learn how to speak human (English, French, Japanese, etc.) like Meowth in the anime.

Pokémon can naturally speak to each other if they're in the same egg group. To speak to another egg group, they'd have to learn their language. Lots of pokémon can speak various egg group languages (Field, Mineral, Dragon, etc.), but it very uncommon for them to speak a human language.

I changed a few things about the egg groups vvv

Water 1 = is referred to as Amphibious.
Water 2 = is referred to as Crustaceous.
Water 3 = is referred to as Fish.
Ditto = Ditto is its own egg group. Only dittos can understand ditto. Ditto can learn other egg group languages though.
No Eggs Discovered = pokémon in this group speak an egg language most similar to their appearance (EX: a Lugia would speak Dragon). Baby pokémon are not in this group. They are in whatever group their later evolutions are in.
Gender Unknown = isn't an egg group.

Pokémon are considered animals. Some pokémon are more sapient than others however. Even within their own species. Ex: one ratatta may act more "rat-like" than another ratatta.

Pokémon are hunted, eaten, studied, kept as pets, protected, kept as working monsters- anything we use real life animals for. Pokémon trainer mons are considered pets. Just like in real life there are vegans, pokémon rights activists, poké peta, etc.

Generalization names are used in this universe for various pokémon. Ex: chicken, deer (deerling/sawsbuck/xerneus), fish (magikarp/seaking/remoraid), pig (tepig/spoink/lechonk), etc.

Pokémon can breakout of a pokéball if they're strong enough. Normal pokeballs are very easy, an ultraball take a lot more effort, a netball is very hard to escape if you're a water pokémon, etc. When a pokéball fails, it will break. The interior of a pokéball is dependent on the type of ball it is. The interior can be decorated by the pokémon inside, or by the trainer editing its digital code. Pokémon are turned into data when inside a pokéball. Similar to how the digital world works in Tron!

PC storage is the same. Pokémon are transferred into the PC through data. Once in the PC, they can leave and return back to their pokéball at anytime. If outside of their ball, they'll simply wander the digital landscape of whatever folder they're in.

Pokémon lifespans very from mon to mon. Most species live between 40-100 in captivity, but plenty can live 100+, or just have shorter lifespans. In the wild, lifespans are effected by hunting, environmental factors, diseases, and other natural wild animal things.

Pokécenter healing takes hours, not seconds like in the game. Not every wound can be healed by digital healing. Broken bones for example must heal naturally. Surgery would be needed for procedures like tumor removal, spaying, dental work, blockages, etc. Digital healing is for things like cuts, bruises, concussions, swelling, etc. Digital healing only works on pokémon that have a pokeball.

Fainting is passing out or being knocked unconscious. If a pokémon were to be hit with a move again after fainting, they die or at least be fatally wounded.

Pokémon can disguise themselves and live as humans if they so wish. Zoroarks, Dittos, Mews, Smeargles, Latioses, and Latiases.

Mythical and legendary can breed. There are multiple myticals and legendaries, though only a handful. There's only 100 or so shaymin for example. Regarding video game plot..only 1 is usually causing a chaos at any given time. Ex: there was only one adult Dialga during the events of Diamond & Pearl. Also. There is only one "special" pokémon for each mythical or legendary species. Ex: only one Virizion is part of the Swords of Justice. Any others aren't nearly as strong as THE virizion.