Contractual Obligation

8 months, 17 days ago

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After being contracted by an oddly eccentric giratina claiming himself to be "the greatest director in all of Coldour" Sage had not expected her first mission to be this. She glanced down at the three eggs she'd been asked to take care of. "Future stars all of them!" The giratina, who'd simply called himself Director, had said before leaving them in her care. She honestly had been too shocked at the request to even try and chase him down. Now she was stuck with them and she supposed a contractual obligation to take care of them.

As she settled down around them, trying to keep them warm, she wondered where that eevee had run off to. The only other pokemon currently under the director's employ. Perhaps they had skipped as soon as the responsibility of the eggs were passed off to her. ....wait. Who were these egg's parents anyway? Were they... the director's kids? Were they adopted? Her mind threatened to drift to worse possibilities but she firmly put a stop to that. No, she'd been careful to screen her new employer before agreeing to work with him. There were no connections to anything shady that she could find.

She carefully adjusted the eggs so none of them were too squished. Was she... really qualified for this? Honestly she had no idea what she was doing beyond some sort of instinct that was guiding her. Perhaps it wouldn't be too bad. It felt sort of nice to be in charge of some new life; though it was equally scary. If she messed up then what? She gently shook her head, careful to not jostle the eggs. What were in these eggs anyway? She couldn't help but drift back to that line of questioning. Sighing she tried to push the many questions from her mind. She'd find out eventually, she only needed to be patient.


Over the next several days she saw the director several times, checking up on the eggs she supposed. She also saw the mysterious eevee a couple times, though they never came over to say hello or introduce themself. She didn't push it though, eventually they would need to interact and she could wait until then. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't curious about them though. The director hadn't said anything about them either... It was fine. This whole operation was weird but at the very least the director was keeping his word on everything he'd promised her. Plus she'd actually been quite enjoying caring for the eggs and found she was quite invested in their well being. She suspected she would be equally as invested in the children that hatched from them.


It happened as she was dosing, carefully curled around the eggs but far more relaxed than she had been at the beginning. The director was there as well, quietly going over scripts. The eggs started to move, which immediately had Sage perking up and checking on them nervously. It didn't take long to realize they were hatching though as a white glow started to envelope them. Oh. Oh! It was happening! She sort of hastily got up and watched them excitedly. She was ready to meet them. Somehow the large form of the director had snuck up behind her and was watching in equal excitement. She was finally going to get some answers to her many, many questions. More importantly though, she was finally going to meet the pokemon she'd been caring for.