Was that A Jedi

8 months, 15 days ago
2058 1

A mysterious figure, a foundling and a distressed mandolorian. What could go wrong?

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Author's Notes

Takes place during the mandolorian, Indigo is in his late 30s

I know technically indigo isn't the main character but Tyto doesn't have a profile yet, he's featured later in the chapter

Starwars doesn't belong to me blah blah don't sue me

The market was on this backwater outer rim planet was alive, a Twi'lek women selling fine fabrics, the food stalls are hot and bustling with lunch soon upon the market for many of the space port workers, some spacers trying to bargain with some jewelers over the price of some finery. And it was on this day, though not too unique from a few other occasions, one Mandalorian seemed to have lost track of their little charge which was causing said Mando quick a bit of anxiety. But in terms of his little charge? Oh Grogu had a mission on this day that surprisingly didn't include frogs (though that was tempting as he passed the food stalls) but alas he truly had a mission. For somewhere deeper into the market he could feel a much bigger light and he hasn't felt that since before the dark times.

Now he only got a small glimpse of the light before it disappeared back into the unknown but with the feeling it left him with he was sure he could find it soon and get back to his buir even sooner. But he was getting a little tired with all this wandering, he hasn't used his power for this long in quite a long time and Grogu was a little anxious to use it without his buir around. Unfortunately since he was quite distracted wandering some of the back streets Grogu wasn't watching where he was going and he bumped into a very tall being, causing him to stumble and fall back from the collision.

"Oh my space gods! Are you alright little one I'm terribly sorry I didn't see you there." An angelic voice spoke up from above Grogu.

When he looked up he was met with the kind face of a rather pale and very tall woman, though despite her size, her rather long hair was just about tickling his face from where it was hanging down as she leaned down to see him. "Aren't you a bright star, or perhaps a little star at that." She spoke, quite bemused.

Oh! He hadn't even realized he had found the other light he was looking for, and from this up close she was quite bright in the force as his old family used to say. Avoiding any sadness he let out a gurgle and demanded to be picked up with his arms in the air, that always worked on buir. Thankfully it got him just that with the tall shiny woman picking him up in her arms and standing to her full height which was much taller then buir even when on his head.

"Now what's a sweet little light like you doing in a place like this? Is your parent around here?"

He didn't pay much attention to these questions since he knew Buir would find him soon enough, instead he focused on the tall shiny woman's face. Even from under her hood, Grogu could see her skin almost glowing like her presence and her eyes shining a golden colour that reminded him even more of the time before the dark but they made him feel safe all the same. He let out a small coo as he grabbed a fist full of her hair and held it up to her, babbling all out his question as he waved the hair around causing a laugh to spill from her. "Yes, yes I don't think I'm quite human either, but I don't think you might be either."

She mused rather joyfully, her presence reaching out to gently brush against his shields making him giggle with glee. He took it as a general invitation to reach back, his shields opening to project his thoughts. He wanted to share everything, his feelings, his thoughts but most importantly his current travels. The kind shiny woman just smiled and nodded along with his stories only making comments every now and then as she bounced him gently in her arms.

"Is that so, little star? Is your boo-er-" he gurgled in protest at her pronunciation. "Apologies, is your buir who you're currently traveling with?" He let out a squeal in delight and threw his hands up, signalling the correct assumption. "Patu!"

The tall shiny woman let out another warm chuckle, one that he couldn't help but join in with his own childish glee as he patted her cheeks with his small hands, sharing a few memories of his buir.

"Well then I think we must find this mandalorian sooner than later, shall we?" The woman suggested, a smile on her face so kind he just had to return it with his own less than toothy grin.

But as they began walking out of the backstreet they were in, Grogu only had one question on his mind, if she was light like him would buir leave him with her? His ears drooped and he let out a chirp causing the woman to look down at him. "What's wrong, little star?" She enquired, a gentle scratch behind his ear coaxing him away from all his anxieties.

Grogu looked to the ground and back up to the tall shiny woman before pushing over his question through the force. "Ah that's what's bothering you?" He nodded and babbled with confirmation. "Well while I'd love to have you little star, I am not the teacher you need nor a Jedi." She lamented, but that only confused Grogu more. Wasn't all light Jedi?

Seemingly sensing his question (which she very well could have), she gave behind his ear another scratch letting him relax before he overwhelmed himself and to answer his question.

"There are many different kinds of light not just the Jedi that you seek, one day when you are older and if we meet again I promise to tell you, little star." The woman spoke with no rush, no disappointment in him not knowing, only the patience to let him learn. Even if she wasn't a Jedi, he would love to learn from her one day and he hoped his new Jedi teacher would be just as warm. He missed this warmth though the coolness of his buir's armor was just as much of not more of a comfort then the warmth the light brings.

And so they went on their way, or at least tried too before the sound of the safety being released could be heard in the quiet back street.

"Slowly turn around and put the kid down. Now." An icy voice with the signature crackle most associated with a helmet spoke up from behind her, her head turning to look just a bit too much for most humans to accomplish.

"So you're the Mandalorian the child was telling me about? I give you my word I mean no harm to him we were just about to go looking for you, I must commend your impeccable timing." She pondered but it was already obvious. Especially with Grogu squealing and reaching for the shiny mandalorian who took him back in a heart beat after the tall woman extended him out.

"I don't trust many words out here, especially in a place like this." The mandalorian verbalized his suspicions causing the woman to let out a small laugh, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. Though this didn't do much to ease the tension as he tightened his grip on his gun.

"Well that is quite a good way to operate especially with the child, I see he is in good hands so I shall make my departure. May the Force be with you mandalorian, and you little star." She said with grace, giving a small curtsey to punctuate.

This only added to the Mandalorians confusion, daring to look back down at his little charge to make sure he was well as he went over the strange woman's words.

"May the what? Where have I heard that before..?" Then it dawned on him with his head shooting back up to look at her. "Are you a-" he didn't finish his sentence, for there was no one but the child to hear him in the now empty back street. "Osik."

With no way to track the woman, there being no footsteps or even a clue on how she left the area so silently, Mando decided to head back to his ship with his charge now in his care (after looking him over to make sure he was perfectly unharmed other then the dirt on his feet) and a mental note to never put the kid back down again. Though he couldn't get the strange encounter out of his head, he didn't like the fact he didn't even hear them leave but he didn't have time to dwell on the fact that he needed to get them on their way. So shoving the interaction to the back of his mind so he could close up the ship and fired up the engines of the ship with his little co pilot seated safety behind him, he lifted off and out of the rented hanger and flew off into the sky, a ghost of a smile appearing under his helmet and he listened to the child babble out of joy watching the stars go by the ship.


As the Razor Crest left into and out of the atmosphere, a pair of warm honey gold eyes watched it go. This wasn't how Tyto expected the day to go, but she wasn't going to be mad about it in the slightest.

"Afterall these years it would be good for the galaxy to have more light in it especially now.."

She lamented to herself as she found herself alone and sitting on top of a bench on the roof of one of the taller buildings in the town after her little encounter, she thought it best to say out of sight for the moment. But with her always impeccable sense Tyto knew she wouldn't be alone for long and was proven right when a set of heavy boots hit the roof not too far from where she sat.

"Good evening, Indigo, how was your little jaunt in getting the information you needed?" She asked with a teasing smile on her face as she turned to face the fellow alien walking towards her, His head tails flickering with amusement.

"Ooooh you know, the usual! But what matters is I got it!" Indigo said quite cheerfully, plopping down on the bench next to her and throwing his feet up with one on the edge of the roof, the other crossed over. "And I promise I didn't cause all too much trouble, well not more then-" "the usual?"

Tyto finished the sentence for him with a slight laugh to her words and a slightly dramatic sigh. "Oh what am I going to do with you, old friend."

Inidgo threw his head back with his own laugh and a smile stretching across his tattooed face. "Well you can't get rid of me now! You're stuck with me, angel cakes!" He jest while delivering a less gentle elbow to her side causing her to flick his temple, her eyes rolling at the ancient nickname he had given her all those years ago.

"What are you even doing up here anyways? You don't usually do the whole sitting and starring off into quite literally space unless you're pondering or vexed." Indigo inquired, looking up to his much taller friend. In which she looked back up to the sky above where the ship once was.

"Oh it's nothing much, I just met a rather interesting duo today, maybe one day we might run into eachother again so I can introduce you to them." She mused with a smile on her face as she rose from where she was sitting. "Now let's get back to the ship. I believe I still have to beat you yet again in Sabacc!"

And with that she leaned off the building with her wings opening up from beneath her cloak to carry her through the winds and above the building, gliding to the space port. Indigo in his own right jump up from where he sat hooting and hollering.

"Like hells you will!!"

Indigo shouted before taking off in his own race to the space port on foot, determined to get there before Tyto.