
5 months, 21 days ago

Lysithe leaves the Lakeshire tournament earlier than the other Goats and arrives back in Stormwind. After a nightmare she finally visits the Cathedral again for a prayer.

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The Arcanist had made her way back to Stormwind a lot earlier than the rest of the Goats and as she walks the streets of the marbled city, she does feel as if its streets are less lively. "No wonder." she thought, "Lakeshire was filled to the brim with people from the city." Her rented Horse carried her through the Trade District and towards Old Town, where she'd give back the animal and make her way to her room in The Ruthless Weasel.

With a sigh of relief she'd close and lock the door behind herself and let the bag she had carried fall to the ground unceremoniously and then she sat down at her desk, reviewing the books and letters she had left behind. The elf had grown more and more distant to her companions as time went on, but there wasn't much that could be done about that, as her research took priority. With furrowed brows she sat there as hours passed - reading through the texts with her hand holding her head up.

"It has to be in here..." she mumbled.

"I have been waiting for you."

A voice echoed through the room, a voice which was neither female or male. It was neither kind nor aggressive. The sudden noise shook the Arcanist out of her seat, a look of terror mixed with caution on her face. The room around her was now completely dark, save for the candle and the book before her, but she was certain she had locked the door behind her.

"I see your search has not bore much fruit..." It was hard to discern, but Lysithe was almost sure whatever spoke to her was gloating. Finally, she seemed to gather her wits again and promptly surrounded herself with a barrier of arcane power.

"I have been waiting for you... and I can help you." The voice spoke again, this time more clear. "Show yourself! Who are you to speak to me so brazenly!" The Highelf spoke in an agitated tone, the arcane magic flickering around her. "Ah, but that is a question I do not know the answer to. I know who I was, but it is no longer of importance."

Anger flushed through the elf and she took a step towards where she thought the voice came from - even if the room was cloaked in the night's Darkness, she could not seem to make out an intruder in her room. "Are you some kind of spectre? Some kind of ghost? An invisible Demon, perhaps?" she asked, trying to make sense of the situation.


"Then tell me what you want and leave!" She commanded the ghost and her magic flared around her in response to her anger. "Ah, but my dear, I already told you. I want to help you." "And what help could you possibly be, if you cannot even show yourself?" "You are correct." It laughed, a soft and quiet laugh that gave her chills, "but you have nothing to fear from me."

She did not say anything in response, instead she sent out her magic as she tried to scry for the being - but before Lysithe could find anything of importance, she felt a sudden sharp pain to one side of her body. Her right side flared up and a shock coursed through her body, it made her blink and shake her head and suddenly she found herself on the floor. With heavy breaths and wide eyes Lysithe looked through the room but nothing was off. Everything was as it had been.

Was it just a dream? Did she fall asleep while reading at her desk and fell off her chair? Her eyes darted towards the window and she noticed how the Sun was about to rise. "Strange..." She mumbled, her brows furrowed as she got up, her eyes scanning the room again and again, but there was nothing - no evidence anything was amiss except for the goosebumps on her arms. "How strange." She said in barely a whisper and took her cloak, leaving her room and closing the door behind her.

Lysithe made her way through Stormwind - this early the streets were still quite peaceful with few other people outside. Finally, she walked up the many stairs of the Cathedral of the holy light. With a solemn gaze she watched the many priests and priestesses who were getting ready for their morning prayers. The smell of incense was heavy and sweet in the air, filling her with a sense of calm and familiarity. "Ah, how I missed coming here..." she thought.

Lysithe's footsteps echoed through the tall ceilings of the holy place. The soft fabric of her cloak dragged along the marble floor behind her, creating an eerie and lonely sound. Her eyes wandered, taking in the art and statues and banners which hung from the walls. Finally, she stopped at the front, kneeling and taking a deep breath.

As she knelt there, she felt so out of place. Felt like she was soiling this holy place with her mere presence.

Shoving those feelings to the side she closed her eyes, clasping her hands together as her head sank down. She prayed in silence, her voice a low hum. "Is this really what I deserve? Do I just stop fighting and accept my fate whatever it might be?" she asked, not expecting a clear answer. Her mind was filled with questions, questions she did not want to think about. "Did the light never answer my calls back then because it knew how unworthy I am?" a cold feeling of dread weighed down her stomach and spread like a disease through her body.

Memories flashing through her mind - her Mother's smile, her colleagues from the Kirin Tor - people that are no longer in this world. Her heart ached and without noticing it one of her hands moved to her collarbone, caressing over it absentmindedly.

"Do I deserve the same fate as them?" her voice was trembling as she spoke those words. The silence around her was deafening, yet it was only interrupted by the occasional sound of the door opening, as other people made their way into the Cathedral.

"Am i... Am I just not worthy of the Light?" Tears welled up in her eyes and her throat felt tight.

"I am inadequate." her voice was barely a whisper. And though she could feel the sun shining onto her face through the windows - there was something that felt like cold shackles that'd keep her away from the light.

Her hands trembled and her voice broke as the tears began to fall. Her heart felt heavy and her soul felt torn. But more and more people entered the Cathedral and the elf stood up and left, her face towards the ground.

In the end, the answer was clear.