Get it together, its not the real you.

4 months, 25 days ago

Hansels host doesnt know how to handle their emotions. A small drabble

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It would be a cold a day in hell before Anselm didnt come to his room breaking down.

That was what Hansel always told himself in the unnerving calmness of his hosts tablet.

And that was the exact same thing that happened today; the moment the door closed Hansels host broke their "perfect son of the rich family" agenda, tears streaming down his face as he went into his bed over to Hansel.

Hansel looked at Anselm, the eye on his censor glowing gently.

He had grown used to Anselms outbursts and meltdowns, yet everytime it managed to break his non-existent heart that was too humane for a virusyte.

"What happened this time?" He tried to sound gentle, like he cared, but all that came out was a condescending apathetic tone, the curse of being an emotionless program.

"Im- im tired-" Anselm tried to talk through his frantic breaths. 

"Nobody sees me as what im truly am- i-.. I dont wanna be known as the daughter of the fa-" Anselm continued before Hansels robotic voice cut him off, Gretel watching with uncertainity.

"Anselm- we've talked about this,, they simply cannot understand you for who you are. You'll get out of this..." Hansels tone didnt seem confident itself. 

"But its getting worse everyday! I cant take it- i- i just cant..." Anselms voice got weaker with the passing second, unable to keep himself together.

Gretel watched on in fear and uncertainity, yet all Hansel could do was watch in pity. 

Anselm, just a little kid, yet he had to go through so much, it evoked emotions in Hansels code that he himself couldnt understand.