Eve Story

5 months, 5 days ago
5 months, 5 days ago
1 1019 2 1

Entry 1
Published 5 months, 5 days ago
1019 1

Summary for the Wick/Eve AU.


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Wick and Evelyn first cross paths with one another at a lawn party. Eve attended it with Asa and his wife, Marjorie. Marjorie pushed Eve to be more social and make more friends, so Eve went off to try and please her aunt. But kept mostly to herself due to not knowing how to socialize with strangers.

Wick noticed Eve sometime during the party, and approached her. He talked to her often throughout their time there, showing clear interest in her. Eve was oblivious to it, just thinking he was weird (as he mainly talked about bugs and rocks).She humored him the entire time thinking they wouldn't see each other again.

But they do, the pair cross paths constantly (social events, in public, ect) and Wick continues to show interest in Eve. She's still oblivious to Wick's advances and the two end up becoming friends over time. Eve becomes heavily fond of Wick, going from calling him ‘Mr. Sable’ to ‘Wick’. She starts to openly show affection towards him (holding onto his arm when they walk together, hugging him, sitting close to him, letting him touch her, bringing him up constantly in convos, drawing him, ect) which is out of character for her unless she's extremely close to someone.

Wick realizes he's in love with Eve one night when they're sitting together outside. Eve rambles to him about how beautiful she thought it was that there's entire universes out there, and just talking about stars and astronomy in general. He doesn't admit his feelings, due to being unsure if Eve felt the same towards him. He stayed silent on the matter for the time being, letting her continue with her rambling.

One day, Eve hears that her father is visiting, and she vents to Wick about it. About how she always felt like a farm animal raised solely for show and nothing more. How she never felt actually loved by anyone but Asa, Marjorie and her best friend and that it seemed like everyone else just wanted to use her. She tells him about her dreams of being an artist but having to throw it all away to please her father. That she doesn't want to inherit the family estate/company and it felt like too much pressure at times. Wick feels sympathetic towards her, and the next day he takes her to the St. Louis Art Museum to cheer her up. Eve tells her best friend about it, gushing that Wick is such a kind friend towards her, oblivious that he's deeply in love with her.

It goes on for some time, Wick openly showing his affection for Eve more (sending her favorite flowers, making plans with her, ect). It becomes clear to everyone how Wick feels for Eve, but she's still blind to it.

At a gala, Wick asks Eve to dance and she obliges, considering he's a close friend. Eve rambles about having to do ballroom dancing in boarding school. She complains that her dancing partner at the time kept stepping on her feet. Wick jokingly asks if he's a better dance partner, and Eve tells him so far as long as he watches where he steps. While he's rambling to her, Eve slowly begins to realize her true feelings for Wick. Her facial expression drops, and she excuses herself from Wick. Ultimately leaving the party entirely to get away from him. He assumed she'd come back and waited for her. After the party ends, he's saddened by her departure and that she didn't say goodnight.

Eve then begins to completely avoid Wick out of fear that her feelings aren't requited and she'll get hurt as she had been all her life. She goes out of her way to stay away from him (hiding under tables at parties, jumping fences, hiding in bushes, ect). Wick begins to notice this, and it makes him miserable not knowing what he did wrong. He stresses badly over it and vents about it to Lacy as it's making him lose sleep. Eve considers admitting her feelings, but remembers that her father planned on taking her back to Pennsylvania in several months, so she decides against it.

Her avoiding Wick and denying her true feelings for him go on for some time. Wick tries to talk to her about it and ask what's wrong, but she always manages to stay away from him. The two hadn't spoken since the gala. Eve focuses on her studies and work at the Maribel Hotel, reassuring everyone that nothing is wrong between her and Wick (as she went from spending time with him fairly often to never seeing him). Wick on the other hand, heavily complains to others about it, trying to figure out what he did wrong.

Wick spots Eve at a party and tries to approach her once again. Eve excuses herself from her friends, ultimately leaving the party to avoid him. She doesn't get too far from the party before she's stopped.

Exhausted from losing sleep over the whole thing, Wick follows Eve out and confronts her. He tells her that he doesn't know what he did wrong for her to give him the cold shoulder, but he apologizes for whatever it may be. He admits his feelings for her and that he's loved her for so long. Rambles about how stressed the entire thing has made him and that he hardly has slept in three days.

Eve interrupts Wick, immediately saying that she loves him and she was just scared of her feelings and of being rejected. Then she begins to ramble how sorry she is for hurting his feelings and that she just really likes him/didn't know what to do as she never felt that way about someone before. They talk over it for a bit, forgetting about the party and Eve hesitantly agrees to have dinner with him (still afraid of something going wrong).

After she has dinner with Wick, she whines to a friend that she likes him alot but she's terrified into getting into a relationship/feels like she's not good enough for him.