Baby F(ear)(ever)

8 months, 13 days ago

A new addition has arrived at the Vantas-Strider residence, everyone is feeling their own fears. But at the same time their own joys.

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"Okay, Starux. Remember to support his head like we taught you."

In a hive on the new world (or new-ish, has it already been over 10 years?), his awesome husband stood back and watched as Dave directed their now oldest son to cradle the little swaddled up human they had just brought home minutes ago. It was a long time in the making but finally they were able to bring the little boy back home, their eldest had been standing right at the door waiting with his tail beating back and forth so quickly Karkat thought he'd break the wall or knock something over. Thankfully that was avoided and Starux followed them in as they settled down, trying to jump up as far as he could to see the new addition.

"Hey, hey little dude chillax, kid's not going anywhere anytime soon."

Dave chuckled, the small troll slowing down and stopping himself from climbing up to see the baby before speaking up

"But he's finally here! He took foreverrrr."

Shaking his head, Dave slowly stayed down to show the baby to their oldest brother as Karkat went to put their bags away and finish setting up the nursery. Starux crawled up onto the couch cushions to finally see his new brother, peering into the swaddle of cloth. For Starux, even if he had seen his other cousins as babies before, seeing his own chubby cheeked baby brother up close was an eye opening experience. Dave had a small smile on his face, something in him clicking into place seeing his oldest slowly reach out to tentatively touch his little brother's face with curiosity and awe in his little eyes before the little guy spoke up.

"What's his name, pops?"

"Dean, and obviously super rad last name you have too... Would you like to hold him, little man?"

Starux looked startled at that suggestion, the anxiety of being an older brother suddenly hitting him like a train.

"But what if I drop him??"

"Then you'll sit your butt down on the couch."

"What if I'm bad at it?"

"I'll show you how too, and you know how awesome sauce your pops is at everything."

That made Starux giggle, and Karkat scoffed from down the hall as he walked back from the baby room. Unfortunately Dave's joke didn't make it easier to wrangle his oldest into sitting down on the couch, even less than with a strangely calm baby in his arms, but finally he got Starux to sit.

That's where they were now, Karkat leaning on the doorframe, Dave guiding Starux on how best to hold Dean and once that was done, Starux looked down at the baby with so much love for his brother it made even Dave tear up. His husband, the ever crazy perfect troll he loved he was, walked over to sit with him and pulled him in gently as they looked at their equally as crazy and perfect kids together.

"... Y'know I don't know how to raise a human.."

".. you think I know anything more? Those parenting manuals were fucking stupid.."

Dave smiled at his husband as Karkat gave an amused snort before gently hitting his shoulder trying to be mad at this swearing. Which was betrayed by the soft purr that could be heard from the troll.

"Okay dork whatever.. and language we have even littler ears listening."

Said ears were In fact not listening, Starux was much too busy keeping his brother supported and just looking at him. Even as his arms kinda hurt from how he was trying to force them to stay absolutely still, he just looked down at the baby. At Dean. And as those those eyes fluttered open and that gazed back at him, he knew he would be the best big brother he could be for him, his little brother was gonna be awesome because he was awesome. They were the only Vantas-Striders in the world so what was cooler then that??

And Dave couldn't be happier as he looked at his children and intertwined his fingers with his equally as happy husband. He was scared yeah, while he wasn't as terrified as he was when they had Starux, Dean was a human this time around and he felt like he had to know everything and truthfully he knew very little. But those fears were chased away by the smooch on the cheek he received from his lovely troll.

"Stop worrying dumbass, we're gonna be okay.."

"Yah.. yah your right, we're gonna be okay."

"I love you, Dave."

"I love you too.. thank you for everything, you make me the happiest human in the kingdoms."

"Your flattery isn't getting you out of 

changing diapers."

"Can you blame me for trying?”