A Series of Unfortunate Events

Mild Violence

Pangolinpaw and Thornpaw brawl. Trauma ensues.

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**Pangolinpaw** | WC: 323

Pangolinpaw returned from training at sunhigh alongside some of the other apprentices, stepping into camp with sore muscles. Ever since his talk with Hyenalaugh about his future he had dedicated himself to the life path of a warrior, which meant finally putting in the effort he hadn’t before. Despite a few hiccups, he was doing relatively well! He gained strength fast once he put his mind to the exercises the deputy had instructed him on. It was no surprise when you knew his incentive- everything he did was for Rootpaw. With that purpose motivating each action he took, he was glad of the tenderness in his arms since it meant he could keep his best friend safe from harm. A little pain now to prevent more later. As all things regarding him were, it was completely worth it.

The hunter gave him a place to belong at his side, every step of the way. Except, that wasn’t exactly true regardless of how much he wished it was. Their training sessions unfortunately pulled them apart along different trails, but he endured it nonetheless for the reward of curling up beside Rootpaw at the end of the day. Besides that they also tagged along on patrols together whenever they could, so it wasn’t as if they had been totally pried from one another. This was especially true for the instances that they happened to be in camp at the same time, during which Pangolinpaw almost always beelined towards him to make the most of those stolen moments.

All that to say that he was quite attached to Rootpaw, with the brown feline being his driving force more often than not. A cursory search of the surrounding scene made it apparent he wasn’t back yet, though. For the meantime the warrior was content to do a big stretch, relishing in the way the sun fell upon his shoulders and soothed them with warm tendrils of light.

**Thornpaw** | WC: 171

Thornpaw had finished his training not long before. A less than stellar day of Lionslayer trying to improve his surprisingly low speed, again to no avail. Thornpaw wouldn't let himself worry too much, instead the tabby would decide to focus his energy elsewhere. On what he didn't know yet.  He padded around camp to the disappointing realization all of his friends were still busy for now.

Maybe he'd visit the elders? He wasn't a fan of Sunspot, but Lilypaw's grandpa seemed nice from when Thornpaw tagged along to meet him as a kit.

He's making his way across camp to the Elder's den when he spots Pangolinpaw. Thornpaw didn't want to admit it, but he kind of missed Rootpaw. Even after their falling out. Maybe this could be a good start to fix that, trying to have a conversation with Rootpaw's friend.

He changed his course towards Pangolinpaw, forcing an unsure smile onto his face. Coming to a stop to sit a distance in front of the other apprentice.

**"Hello Pangolinpaw."**

**Pangolinpaw** | WC: 226

The warrior apprentice's ears twitched towards the sound of distant pawsteps becoming not as distant, and his gaze flitted up to land on Thornpaw's tall frame. *Him.* Why was he here? What an unpleasant sight. Narrowing his eyes he pulled his paws back from his stretch to sit upright across from the tom. In truth he had no desire to interact, much less speak or sign, to this cat. He'd been trouble for as long as Pangolinpaw had been in Sunclan. Faintly he thought back to their first meeting where a crying Thornkit nearly ran into him to complain to Kudustrike about one of the other new rogue kittens.

And from there on that level of noisiness never stopped! He'd practically screech all day, uncaring of how it disrupted his denmates' sleeping and general peace. Weren't cats with littermates supposed to be better with that? And although at the time he hadn't seen it as Thornpaw's fault, him hurting cats- stepping on Aardwolfpaw's tail back then- seemed to have become a pattern. The scarred bite marks on his and Rootpaw's shoulders were proof of that. Perhaps he would have made a better rogue than Pangolinpaw did, all things considered.

Flicking his tail in disinterest, he didn't return any of Thornpaw's supposed friendliness. Instead he stared off to the side and found something better to look at.

**Thornpaw** | WC: 158

Thornpaw waited for a reply but when none came from the other apprentice, he had no clue what to do next. It seemed unlikely that Pangolinpaw didn't hear him. He wasn't a quiet cat, and he was right there! The tabby pawed at the dirt for a moment, before deciding not to give up on his idea. He'd just have to try harder to get Pangolinpaw to talk! Or make it clear that he will not be leaving poor Pangolinpaw alone until he's decided he's tried enough..

What could he ask about..he didn't want to bring up Rootpaw just yet. Too likely to start up an argument. Maybe he should just get to know him, or try to atleast. Unfortunately, he didn't do subtlety well, or really grasp what was off limits or a bad idea to ask.

**"How did you end up in Sunclan? I know you were found by my mom, but what happened before that?"**

**Pangolinpaw** | WC: 98

Pangolinpaw's fur prickled when he realized Thornpaw wasn't going away. *Can't he take a hint?* Irritation seeped through his thoughts, and it only flared at the words that left the tom's mouth next. Was he seriously asking how he became *orphaned?* Although he was usually inexpressive, a tense sharpness showed on his face as he swung his head towards Thornpaw.

Assuming the hateful glare and flattened ears would not be enough as proved earlier, he raised his paws to sign, **'Leave me alone.'** He would not entertain mocking from someone who had never experienced loss like he had.

Thornpaw | WC: 20

**Thornpaw** huffed, *"I'm just trying to ask and be friendly!"* **Pangolinpaw** was frustrating to him. He just wanted to talk.

Pangolinpaw | WC: 40

**Pangolinpaw** drew in a breath, trying to keep himself calm, but **Thornpaw** agitated him to no end. *"By asking about my dead family?"* He snaps harshly, digging his claws into the ground and getting up from where he'd been sitting.

Thornpaw | WC: 25

*"I am* ***trying*** *to get to know you."* **Thornpaw** hissed, what else was he going to talk about, every other time they've talked went bad!

Pangolinpaw | WC: 43

*"Then __don't!__"* **Pangolinpaw** growled in kind, his tail lashing behind him angrily. He couldn't care less about knowing **Thornpaw,** and he had zero clue why the other tom did. *"My mom's death isn't some conversation starter for you to use however you like!"*

Thornpaw | WC: 27

*"I don't understand why Rootpaw spends so much time around you,"* **Thornpaw** spat, this cat was **impossible**. *"I wish my mom left you where she found you."*

Pangolinpaw | WC: 71

**Pangolinpaw** snarls in annoyance, *"Yeah, I guess you wouldn't understand what it's like to have a best friend, would you? Too busy biting everyone for that."* In truth he didn't pay attention to **Thornpaw** and didn't know anything about his personal life, but it didn't matter; the bond he had with **Rootpaw** was unique and in his eyes, untouchable. *"It's a shame she didn't, I get no peace with you around!"*

Thornpaw | WC: 42

**Thornpaw's** fur bristles tail lashing as he speaks, *"I have friends, and they're a lot nicer to be around than you or Rootpaw will ever be. If I'm so annoying then* ***leave*** *and take him with you, I won't miss that creature"*

Pangolinpaw | WC: 99

*"Right, I'm sure you do, and I'm sure they're all just as unpleasant as you are,"* **Pangolinpaw** shot back, taking a step forward, *"It's not us who should have to leave- you're the one always being noisy and not letting anyone get any sleep. You and your 'friends.'"* His heart thuds in his chest as the adrenaline builds, and once he hears the comment about **Rootpaw** a pulse of fury surges through him and he lunges. In his blind rage he completely misses as **Thornpaw** sidesteps the attack, but he rounds on him looking ready for a fight regardless.

Thornpaw | WC: 41

**Thornpaw** was done holding back after **Pangolinpaw** attacked, leaping at the other apprentice, but only meeting ground under his paws. *"You do not get to talk bad about my friends, not when the only cat who cares about you is Rootpaw"*

Pangolinpaw | WC: 87

**Pangolinpaw** easily dodges the retaliation, seething out in a hiss, *"The only cat who __matters__ is **Root!** You're a horrible brother, i wish you weren't his! He deserves better than you, and you don't deserve him at all!"* As he spoke he struck out with unsheathed claws, desperate for relief to the wrath he felt beginning to overflow from within him. The feeling lifted briefly once his claws met skin, tearing upwards in a satisfying motion, but it faded before long and gave way to more ire.

Thornpaw | WC: 32

**Thornpaw** lets out a hiss as he's scratched, *"Rootpaw only matters to* **you** no one else cares about either of you."* He lunges at **Pangolinpaw** hoping to bite the other, but misses.

Pangolinpaw | WC: 84

Instincts took hold once his opponent pounced closer and he sprung forward to deliver a nasty bite to his muzzle. *"Do you think cats would miss __you?__ You're loud and have scarred two of your clanmates! You don't deserve to have a family at all! It's not fair!"* Even **Vangapaw** and **Aardwolfpaw** had new ones now, while **Pangolinpaw** was left- save for **Rootpaw-** alone; he loved his best friend, but he was different from what it was like to have a brother or mother.

Thornpaw | WC: 28

Once teeth sank into **Thornpaw** he swiped at **Pangolinpaw** with unsheathed claws cutting the other cats ear and striking his shoulder. *"Atleast I have mothers to love me!"*

Pangolinpaw | WC: 61

**Pangolinpaw** hissed sharply, a yowl tearing from his throat as burning pain seized him. He falls back away from **Thornpaw,** trembling and finally realizing he'd been crying for some time now- but he can barely think over the shock from his sliced ear and shoulder. Shakily he forces out the words, *"You- you __monster__,"* as he sits there dazed and bleeding.

Rootpaw | WC: 74

**Rootpaw** entered camp post a failed hunt, a yowl immediately caught his attention. Maybe some of the kits were fighting again? As he followed the noise he saw something much worse than a silly kit fight.
He rushed to tackle **Thornpaw** away from **Pangolinpaw**, a hiss escaping his throat. *"Aren't you satisfied having ruined my ENTIRE LIFE?! You're always making everyone miserable, and for what? You should've been exiled already, everyone would be happier!!"*

Thornpaw | WC: 43

**Thornpaw** hissed at his brother biting his shoulder before backing away lashing his tail, ready for a worse fight,  *"You ruined your own life, this all started because of you, I wish that you would just disappear. You and Pangolinpaw deserve each other."*

Rootpaw | WC: 41

**Rootpaw** backs off, feeling the blood flowing down his other shoulder. He tries retaliating by scratching **Thornpaw** only to fail, he hisses frustrated.
*"If I could I would've chosen to never been born rather be related to you in any way!!"*

Kudustike/Sharptongue | WC: 116

**Kudustrike** and **Sharptongue** are drawn to the center of camp after hearing their sons' voices. Giving each other a panicked look, **Kudustrike** runs in and pulls **Thornpaw** back by the scruff. **Sharptongue** puts herself between the two feuding brothers and basically pushes **Rootpaw** to widen the distance between them.

**Kudustrike** cannot speak with a mouthful of fluff so **Sharptongue** elects to speak first. *"What the FUCK are you two doing?! By now we are plenty aware SOMETHING happened between you two but this is absolutely ridiculous!"*

Swinging her head back and forth to keep her eyes on both her children, **Sharptongue** continues, *"Has Damu possessed you both? Are you sick in the head?! Explain yourselves immediately!"*

Rootpaw | WC: 81

**Rootpaw** shivers at the yells but doesn't back down, he's standing defensively in front of **Pangolinpaw**.
*"Why don't you ask your beloved son over there? I got here just to see him attacking **Pango**!"* He hisses. *"I'm tired, I'm FUCKING TIRED of getting the blame for defending myself from the shit HE does. Be angry as much as you want, but I'm taking my __only__ family to the healers."*
With that he turns back to face **Pangolinpaw**, standing next to him.

Thornpaw | WC: 29

**Thornpaw** hisses at **Rootpaw** before looking **Sharptounge** in the eyes. *"Rootpaw's friend attacked me for just talking to him, I was defending myself when Rootpaw came and tackled me!"*

Pangolinpaw | WC: 65

Too shaken to do anything to help, **Pangolinpaw** shakily pushes himself to his paws and gives a guilty glance to **Rootpaw.** He didn't deserve this; all the warrior had done was make things worse for him. With a sharp inhale he presses against his friend's side and stares down as red drips from his ear, hardly able to listen to what everyone is shouting out.

Kudustike/Sharptongue | WC: 116

A pained gasp escaped **Sharptongue** and she feels her eyes begin to water, *"Rootpaw, do not say that! We love both of you so much which is why we want to know WHAT in the name of all ten gods drove you two to be this way?!"* She flicks her tail at her mate to let go of **Thornpaw**.

*"Can we have a civil conversation for ONCE? I'm tired of yelling! What did we do wrong...?"* The tears that threatened to escape from **Sharptongue's** eyes began to fall and **Kudustrike** promptly let go of **Thornpaw** to nuzzle her mate.

*"You two better be happy with yourselves,"* **Kudustrike** says with a scowl, *"you made your mother cry."*

Rootpaw | WC: 43

**Rootpaw** gently nuzzles **Pangolinpaw** before looking back to his mamas.
*"I'm not talking. Not while **Thornshit** is here and not while my friend is bleeding."* he lowers his gaze and begins walking off towards the healer den, helping **Pangolinpaw** the best he could.

Pangolinpaw | WC: 50

**Pangolinpaw** stayed silent throughout everything, looking to be very out of it. Flashes of horrible memories and emotions flooded into him too fast to process, so instead he just shut down and zoned out. **Rootpaw's** comforting warmth guided him along since his unfocused eyes were rendered useless for the moment.

Thornpaw | WC: 80

*"I was, I was trying, I was trying to get Rootpaw to care about me again! But Every time I try it goes wrong and he chooses that, that rouge over his family!"* **Thornpaw** spoke in short panicked breaths holding back tears, running away from his mothers, he made **Sharptounge** cry they both hated him, they had to, he disappointed them.

**Thornpaw** ran into the warriors and hunters den crying,  seeking out **Lilypaw**, silently burying his face into her fur.

Lilypaw | WC: 34

**Lilypaw** had been peacefully fixing up her nest when **Thornpaw** buried himself into her. She looks a bit startled, turning to look at her friend with a concerned expression. *"Thorny? What happened?"* she asks

Hyenalaugh/Giraffestar | WC: 79

The familiar shapes of **Hyenalaugh** and **Giraffestar** come up to the side of the scene. *"Oh you'll all be talking,"* the leader says with the most disappointed look on her face.

**Hyenalaugh's** expression is that of pure sorrow... He helped bring these kits into the world yet they would take each other out of it if they were left unsupervised. He has no words.

*"We'll wait for everyone. I'm in no rush."* **Giraffestar** sits down and licks her paw.

Bushpaw | WC: 43

**Bushpaw** is looking between her family members slowly, tail swishing slowly as she once again has no clue what to do. With about a minute of standing around, she retreats into the healer's den to see if she could help with **Pangolinpaw's** wounds.

Thornpaw | WC: 37

*"Pangolinpaw attacked me when I talked to him and now Rootpaw hates me even more and I made my mom cry. I'm an awful son"* **Thornpaw** sniffled as he spoke, hurriedly trying to get the words out.

Kudustrike/Sharptongue | WC: 93

**Sharptongue** closes her eyes tight and let's herself fall to the ground into a puddle of tears. She thinks back to the joy of the day it was announced she was pregnant and then to the day her litter was born... Both distant memories at this point...

**Kudustrike** looks to her mate, then her brother, and back and forth multiple times before hanging her head and giving into the emotions. Mud was forming on the ground around the two she-cats now.

Oh, and look at that, it's raining from the sky as well...

Rootpaw | WC: 48

**Rootpaw** is crying by the time he reaches the healer den. He tried his best to hold it in but now he's just a mess of sobs.
*"Please help him..."* Is all he can mutter. He hoped **Bushpaw** didn't hate him like everyone else did at this point.

Lilypaw | WC: 38

**Lilypaw** gasps, immediately starting to card her paw through **Thornpaw**'s fur. *"You were* ***attacked!?*** *Are you hurt?"*

She laps her tongue over his forehead in an attempt to comfort him-- that's what **Mongoose** used to do for her...

Thornpaw | WC: 30

*"Just a bite and some scratches, don't want to go to the healer yet..Rootpaw took Pangolinpaw there"* **Thornpaw** gives a small smile as **Lilypaw** comforted him, he really appreciated her.

Lilypaw | WC: 28

**Lilypaw** sighs softly. *"Okay,"* she says, *"but we're going there as soon as they leave the healers' den. My mama died to wounds that weren't treated fast enough."*

Pangolinpaw | WC; 69

**Pangolinpaw** feels miserable hearing **Rootpaw** cry, and his face contorts as he tries to keep himself from openly sobbing too. Quiet tears fall in a continuous stream down his face, and he tries to sign that he is okay but searing pain from his shoulder stops him. His ear still stung badly, too, but his chest hurt most of all- it was getting more difficult to take deep breaths.

Thornpaw | WC: 18

**Thornpaw** gives a small nod, *"Right after. I don't want to leave you for starclan any time soon"*

Bushpaw | WC: 21

*"It's my job, it's what I do."* **Bushpaw** says flatly, looking over the two of them carefully before setting to work.

Cloudtrail | WC: 33

**Cloudtrail** is very glad to be half-deaf at this time with all the chaos and loud. He lowkey watches **Bushpaw** but she's more **Rhinofang's** responsibility anyways so he doesn't pay too much attention.

Lilpyaw | WC: 38

**Lilypaw** doesn't reply, but **Thornpaw** hears a sniffle from her a moment later. Tears had welled up in her eyes as she buried her face into **Thornpaw**'s neck fur, ears drooping. *"Good,"* she sobs, *"I'd really miss you."*

Thornpaw | WC: 16

**Thornpaw** wraps his tail around his friend, *"I'd miss you too if anything happened to you"*

Lilpaw } WC: 19

*"As long as I've got you, nothing's gonna happen to me,"* **Lilypaw** promises. *"So you better be careful, okay?"*

Thornpaw | WC: 59

*"I promise I'll be careful for you. I have to stay safe so I can protect cats like you, the cats I care about"* **Thornpaw** begins to quietly purr, being around **Lilypaw** made him happy, the problems he was running from felt like they had lightened, still there but not as much of a crushing weight, atleast for now.

Lilpaw | WC: 24

**Lilypaw** smiles a little, closing her eyes and just relaxing against her friend. She doesn't reply this time, but continues grooming down **Thornpaw**'s fur.

Pangolinpaw | WC: 51

**Pangolinpaw** doesn't speak or really do much of anything as **Bushpaw** tends to his injuries. He's still swaying on his paws, but he lets the healer apprentice do what she needs without complaint. The only noise that leaves him is the occasional shuddered breath at the sting of herbs being applied.

[END | Pangolinpaw's WC: 1367 | Thornpaw's WC: 856 | Rootpaw's WC: 287 | Lilypaw's WC: 181 Bushpaw's WC: 64 | Kudu/Sharp/Giraffe/Hyena/Cloud's WC: 437]