The Blues

5 months, 8 days ago

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"I despise this with every fiber of my being." Shatter growled as Kazoku and Metal placed some small gifts into bags. Metal... the traitor. Hadn't even tried to help when the persistent vulpix fusion had approached them with her proposal. Shiverkeep had been feeling sort of down lately and while it didn't bother Shatter it certainly bothered Kazoku. She suspected everyone had really gotten into the holiday spirit and were missing it already. Shatter didn't really care, it was a stupid thing to be upset over anyway. Yet here he was, even if he wasn't actively helping at the moment.

"It's not that bad Shatter." Kazoku sighed. He hated just how comfortable she was getting with him. He'd been feared once. His very mention striking pure terror into those that heard it. Now he was reduced to being bossed around by some lowly creature.... and he didn't entirely hate it. Just how had she so effectively managed to wiggle her way into his life? She was just as stubborn as that fox... but in a way that didn't make him hate her guts.

"WE ARE PREPARED TO COMPLETE OUR OBJECTIVE." Metal nodded at the two bags of gifts. There was one for each resident of Shiverkeep, presumably picked out by Kazoku herself.

A glance at Kazoku told Shatter there was no getting out of this. "Fine. Let's get this over with." He let his ears droop as he slung a bag over his back. The faster they got this done the better.

He supposed handing out the gifts wasn't too bad. Kazoku had a sort of infectious happiness that rubbed off on the residents of Shiverkeep even before she presented them with their gift. All the gifts were well thought out as well. Something that would be useful for the pokemon on the receiving end or just something that they would like. It was clear despite the short time Kazoku had been here she'd done her best to learn about each and every resident. Oddly even Metal seemed caught up in the happiness that was sweeping the town. In his own odd way of course. Well Metal was a very complex machine and Shatter could privately admit to himself that he didn't quite understand everything about him.

By the time the trio was done Shiverkeep seemed just a bit lighter. Now Shatter wouldn't say he had a good time, but it had been tolerable in the end. As he looked at Kazoku excitedly chatting at Metal he supposed perhaps that was enough.