An Eulogy to Passing Friends

4 months, 26 days ago

A collection of papers, stashed amongst Grover's belongings. He must have written these down one night while the others were asleep... (CURRENTLY WORK IN PROGRESS)

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I’ve been thinking about what happened to us when we died. Many nights are so long, with nothing to do other than reflect on those old memories. I think to myself, did the world ever find out? Did they ever find your bodies? Did they catch wind of our demise? Or are we just presumed to be a mystery, claimed as dead just to soothe those in mourning?

And then there are funerals. What would they do if they never knew what happened to us? Would we have one, a proper one? I wonder what they would have said about each of us, friends and family alike. Who would show up? What would they say?

I’m not a writer at heart, but it felt wrong not to do this. Since you four couldn’t make it out like I have, I never got to fully grieve for you. A eulogy, I believe it’s called. I don’t know what traditions all of you shared due to our diversity. But as a former companion, and hopefully a close friend as well, I believe I should write something. It feels expected of me to do so. And maybe if you can listen to me read this out, you’ll appreciate it too.

To Erendriel; our elven spellcaster.

I can’t recall what it was you studied, but I knew you were passionate about it. I want to say you were a sorcerer, but maybe I’m thinking too much of Zoey. But I know you’d cast spells because you weren’t as strong as the others. You focused more on knowledge to keep us in line. Or, maybe I’m just thinking of elvish stereotypes. But even then, I feel like everyone in the party lined up with the status quo, myself included.

To Vorxan; our dragonborn fighter

I knew you were the fighter in our group and a strong one at that. With your red-tinted scales and interest in fire of all things. Now that I write this down, I’m worried I’m mixing you up with Weasel. I can’t seem to help myself with comparing you to the new party I’m in, but maybe it’s because I can’t help but see all of you when I look at them. But this isn’t about them, even if I think you would have liked them.

To Dwonel and Yurzirra; our dwarven protectors.

I can’t seem to remember you two separately, only together. I think you too were married, cause I know we related more with each other than anyone in the group. But I can’t remember what you two did. I think one of you was a bard, or maybe the other was more of a healer than a fighter. Because of you two I learned dwarvish, which I’m grateful for since it helped me adjust to Saltmarsh. But I don’t know if you two would have liked it here. I can’t really grasp where you two came from, or how we met…

Now that I write all of this out, I don’t know what to say about any of you without coming to a blank.


