Key Information

4 months, 24 days ago
4 months, 24 days ago
1 818

Entry 1
Published 4 months, 24 days ago

Key information about the Udonkeer, such as their behaviour and how they're treated.

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Main Information

Udonkeer [U-don-Kh-ear]
Wild Predator & Livestock variants

There are two variants of the Udonkeer and it’s key for anyone to know the difference between them, though anyone inexperienced is warned to stay away from these highly volatile creatures. Often compared to the beasts of earth as cattle, these are obligate carnivores and will hunt for sport as well as simply prey. It is unknown how or why the Odonfee & Undecean of old managed to create a tamer livestock version.
Warm blooded and probably mammalian, Udonkeer cover most of the land on the planet, though they favour the dessert flats and mountains. They are also hunted and tend to now herd away from the forests where the Lentesorites now dwell.
These beasts are incapable of swimming and will often panic when drawn into the water, making them easy and filling prey for the larger Odonfee specimen, though most don’t bother hunting the wild Udonkeer unless if it’s to shrink the population.

Udonkeer are herding animals, preferring to stick to groups of the larger side, with 10-20 adult animals being minimal and in a few known locations counting into the hundreds, these areas however, are avoided like the plague by the sentient species of the world.
They hunt for both food and seemingly sport, that or they are simply highly aggressive and consider any creature even attempting to step foot onto their massive territories a danger that needs to be eliminated, and the only way to do that is death.
Note- Tamed Udonkeer, as the name suggests are considered far friendlier than their wild cousins, they will not go out of their way to hunt or attack the Odonfee [or other species] that raise them. However, it is still considered safest to only enter their paddocks when absolutely necessary and to bring meat with you as a distraction when you do.

-Udonkeer are large beasts, especially compared to the general average size of an Odonfee, with large claws on both their front and hind feet with a humped back.
Both tamed and wild Udonkeer will have head horns and backs with two rows of spines running along them, a short thin tail ending their body. Most uniquely their nostrils are found high up their snout, just as it starts, and their mouth splits vertically rather than horizontally, razer sharp teeth held within. It is currently unproven as to exactly why they have developed their mouths like this, though they are highly successful predators so it seems to work for them.
-Wild Udonkeer often come with more spikes and spines covering their body and are a little larger often scarred and covered with broken horns and spines, a few older specimens are even seen walking around with the broken tips of other Udonkeer’s spikes and horns stuck into their body.

-Udonkeer tend to come in earthy tones & shades from white to black, much like Earth’s cows. They tend to be minimal on markings, with point colouring [think cat markings, like Siamese] or patches and spots. Often there is a mix between the two marking types. Tame Udonkeer are often bred to have more interesting and clean patterns, a few farmer families are known for the patterning and colour they’ve brought out from their lines.

-Unable to swim
   They’ve even developed an ingrained fear of the substance
  Udonkeer are able to habitat pretty much anywhere dry, the only thing they struggle with is the thick forests due to their size, making it harder to get through the plant life.
They require incredibly large spaces, with the wild variants it’s actually unknown what the minimum or maximum territory the herds will use. Tamed Udonkeer seem happy with the amount of space they’re provided with by their farmers.

-Obligate Carnivores
Udonkeer will hunt and eat any other creature that’s on the planet, a reason very few are exported off of the planet. While an Odonfee isn’t their main prey, these large beasts will more than happily go after one until they flee back into the ocean. Udencean have a harder time avoiding the far larger beasts.
Wild Udonkeer have never been spotted feeding on their own, killed by their own claws or not; however, it has been known for farmed Udonkeer to be picked off and killed by their wild variety. As if it is some strange revenge against their tamed variants.

While it is noted an Odonfee who has shifted to make themselves as close to an Udonkeer as possible will not be hunted and even greeted friendly by the tamed versions. This should NOT be attempted with the wild variants, be it that they have the ability to tell, or simply due to their aggressive nature they will still hunt the Odonfee who will not have the ability to flee to the water for safety.