Blazing Rage, Cold Forgiveness

4 months, 18 days ago

Mild Violence

Dracula confronts his old friend over Lisa's death.

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A fire roared within Dracula's chest, a boiling inferno of rage that could put the flames of hell to shame. The ground beneath him shook with each step. The wake behind him left the foliage in ashes.

His wife was dead. The church was to blame, and in his mind, Magnus Belmont did absolutely nothing to stop it.

His fury against the masses would be quelled soon enough. But he first had to confront the man that he had trusted to provide sanctuary for the love of his life, the woman who had brought a new perspective to him, the woman who brought joy in the form of a son into this world.

The woman who had also saved Magnus's life on multiple occasions.

He stormed into the Belmont home, the cries of farm animals signaling his arrival. He burst inside, flames cascading across the furniture. But its burning tongues did not light anything ablaze. Although his faith in humanity had been permanently crushed, there was still part of him that hoped he could trust Magnus.

And within, to his utter surprise and despair, he found a bedridden Magnus covered in blood-soaked bandages, and a somber Adrian sitting at his bedside.

The boy jolted upright, spinning around on his stool and gasping.

“Father--” he squeaked.

The flames around Dracula subsided, his cold, hard eyes staring at Magnus, who began to stir.

“What has happened here?” He demanded, though his voice was soft.

Magnus's eye fluttered open. His left eye was bandaged, as well as his forehead, lips, and neck. Further injuries were hidden beneath his quilted blanket. The man turned, his eye growing weary as it met with Dracula.

“I'm sorry,” he whispered, his voice cracking with clear soreness, “I could do nothing to stop them.”

The silence that followed suit was so oppressive that it pressed against Dracula's ears. Cape draped over his body, his gaze fell to the floor. He was wrong for accusing Magnus of betraying his trust by not at least trying to keep Lisa safe.

And because of his actions, Magnus was now gravely injured.

His eyes drifted to the breathing apparatus that Lisa created for Magnus. Admittedly, Dracula knew very little about it, but he could see that the medicine within was getting low. Magnus had clearly made good use of her handiwork.

Closing his eyes, Dracula drew a long breath. He let it out slowly through his mouth, and spoke. 

“Adrian, step outside.”

The boy hesitated, but with a nod from Magnus, Adrian rushed out of the room.

Once the door closed behind Adrian, Magnus slowly pushed himself upright, “I must apologize further. I feel like this is my fault in some capacity.”

“I doubt that.” Dracula cut in.

“Still, I feel responsible. A man from the church walked in as Lisa was showing me how to use my breathing apparatus,” one hand was placed over his mouth as his eye screwed shut, tears forming, “It was later that night that they dragged her away. To accuse her of witchcraft.”

The vampire bore his teeth. “Science is not witchcraft!” He barked.

“I know. I agree.” Magnus pulled his hand away, shaking his head. “God uses us in many different ways, but men fear that which they don't understand.”

“Men are fools. Miserable wenches, killing and maiming as they please!”

“But there are good men. Others tried to defend Lisa, but—”

“That isn’t enough! The entire town should have been in her defense!” He began to pace around the room, his boots heavy against the wooden floor, “The church never should have accused her of such a crime!”

“That is true.”

“And look at what they did to you for defending an innocent woman!” He threw out an arm to motion towards Magnus, “Your own people, nearly killing you for doing what's right!”

Magnus's head fell, unable to look Dracula in the eye. It was true, he had been injured significantly--and all for naught, because he couldn't even save Lisa's life. Men that he greeted cheerfully on Sunday morning threw their arms at him the moment he defended a woman declared a witch.

“And Adrian, what will he do now that his mother is gone?” Dracula snarled, his fangs glinting in the low light, “Thanks to those wretches who have cursed, and traumatized my son! On top of the crime of killing my wife, an innocent woman!”

Flames began to flicker around Dracula again, his breathing heavy. “Did he have to witness his own mother’s death?!”

Magnus slowly nodded, “I had to flee with Adrian. Lisa asked me to take him somewhere safe,” he buried his face in his hands, “I had sustained so many wounds, and the flames were making it impossible for me to breathe, I had to escape, I…”

Dracula roared, the heat of the room growing as the flames rose. He struck the wall with force, splintering the wood and shaking the house.

Although he wasn't angry at Magnus for failing, he was getting frustrated that the Belmont wasn't matching the vampire's rage. 

“Those humans--they, too, deserve death!” he bellowed, "I should release all of Hell's demons upon them, to rip them limb from limb! Force them to endure the same pain that Lisa did!”

Magnus's head snapped up, his eye shooting a glare. “We both know what I must do, should you do such a thing.”

“Then what?!” The flames roared, consuming the room with his burning hatred, “Allow them to walk free?! To forgive them? Such transgressions should not be allowed to slide! We need judgment NOW!”

“I am not asking you to forgive them.” Magnus said sternly, “I'm inviting you to release your anger. Let it out, but do not kill them.”

“And why not?!”

“Consider, for a moment, what Lisa would want in her compassion for mankind.”

Snarling, Dracula started to pace in a tighter circle, clenching his jaw as he tried to find his words, “Certainly, mercy is what Lisa would have wanted. But what about what I want?! I want retribution! Blood!”

Magnus sighed. He slowly swung his legs over the edge of the bed and rose to his feet. He was stripped down to his trousers, bandages around his chest and arms, and his right arm was even in a sling. Dracula's rage burned even more.

“Not every man deserves it.” Magnus urged, “Many of them are simply misled when corruption is allowed.” He stared up at Dracula with a sullen look, his gaze full of intent, “Find the man who instigated, but do not punish the masses.”

There was a pause.

“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing,” Magnus continued, “And when good men commit evil themselves, all hope is lost.”

Dracula clenched his fist, hissing through his teeth. With a sweep of his cape he turned, the flames dying behind him. 

“Do NOT project yourself and your views upon me,” the vampire growled, “You know nothing. And I shall do as I please, Belmont. Whether or not you approve.” 

He did not wait to hear Magnus's reply before he stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

There Adrian stood, his golden eyes wide and his hands clutched to his chest. He trembled as he looked up at his father.

They stared at each other for a moment until Dracula stepped past him. 

“Come with me, Adrian.” He ordered.

“Father,” The boy managed to squeak. 

Dracula glanced back at his son to find that the boy's face was contorted with anguish, tears streaming from his eyes. He hiccupped as he lifted his hands to his face, meekly drying his cheeks with his sleeves.

There was a pause, but Dracula lowered himself to his son's level and wrapped him within his arms. He was rarely the fatherly type, usually cold and distant. But for now, for once, he could quell his burning rage and could defrost his frigid nature to be the father Adrian needed.

Adrian's frail frame trembled within his arms. It was so easy to forget how small a child was in comparison to himself. How cruel were the humans to make this poor, tiny boy so distraught. How dare they…

The boy began to mumble something into his father's chest, and so Dracula pulled away.

“P-please… Father, d-don't kill them.” 

He shrank back when Dracula's arms withdrew completely. Adrian swallowed the lump in his throat and tried to continue, his voice unsteady and uncertain. “It really isn't what mother would've wanted! You don't--” His voice grew quieter with each word, “D-don’t have to forgive them, but please… Don't kill them.”

Adrian closed his eyes and braced himself for the worst.

Dracula couldn't say he didn't see it coming. Lisa was forgiving to a fault, and Adrian had spent more time than he would have liked with the Belmonts.

But he did not have the heart to take it out on his own son; the last reminder of Lisa. Even at his most distant, he still loved Adrian. He loved him so much, it often ached. It tugged at his cold heart, ripping at his ribs. 

He couldn’t expose this boy further to his rage. He couldn’t guarantee, after his threats to the masses, that Adrian would remain safe.

“So my own son is against me.” 

Dracula turned away and closed his eyes. He could hear Adrian attempt to speak up, but the boy's words failed him. 

“Stay with the sniveling Belmonts if you like. Make sure that Magnus stays in good health; the world may soon need him.”

Harsh eyes glared over his shoulder, “Should you change your mind--should you come to despise humanity--the castle doors are always open to you.”

With that, he swept out the door, taking to the night by wing. Adrian followed him out into the cool night air. The sky was remarkably dark as it was a new moon, and it didn't take long for Dracula's black form to vanish into the stars.