Little Late for 7 pm

4 months, 22 days ago
1980 1 2

Explicit Violence

Neil has a small business he needs to finish before 7 pm

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Author's Notes

My first try at writing something! I am surprised I managed to finish it. I procrastinated actually editing it and when I finally did I probably didn't manage to fix all the mistakes ( English hard ok ) sorry for that lol. I know no one will actually read this but if you do leave a comment and tell me what you think about this

Big thanks to LovelyTheLoser for beta reading this

6 pm 

It's raining as always. The grey streets, only illuminated by orangish yellow light from the street lamps, are otherwise quite and seem empty. After all who would be outside at 6 pm when it's raining everyone is somewhere inside, either enjoying their evening at home or going into restaurants or clubs with their friends. Nobody has any reasons to be outside at this hour in rain. 

Except Neil. Neil has a reason. 

6 pm he thinks, rolling back his sleeve to cover his watch. I have one hour for this. 

He starts walking leaving the metro entrance, he just came from, behind. If I am lucky I'll catch the metro in 18:30..., he starts planning way back in his head, if I do I should get to the other station at 18:40 and then I should be able to make the walk in 10 minutes and arriving there on time. he finishes the train thoughts and slightly smiles to himself 

As he walked the street started to get darker functioning lamps starting to appear less and less. This was a sigh that he's in the right part of town. Well right for the thing he came to do not in general. 

He stopped at the corner of an entrance to a shady back ally. There was one weak wall light illuminating a door on the side of one of the buildings, with little roof over it. Neil stood at the corner of the ally. He could see inside but hypothetical person could've not seen him from the door. 

So he started waiting. The realisation of what he's planning to do downs on him. He is going kill for selfish reasons. Not money or self defense. He's going to do it for completely sentimental and personal reasons. I am pretty sure I can classify this as self defense. He thought trying to justify it to himself 

Funny enough he used to look down on people who did this exact thing. The ones who killed because of emotions and grudges. Now look at where he ended up, one failed assassination attempt and whole lot of shenanigans later. 

But just because Neil had stupid reasons dosen't mean it wasn't reason. It was important to him and that gave him enough determination to go through with it. 

Suddenly there's a creek. The door open and out comes a man. What a luck, Neil thinks, this is exactly who I need. 

This man was an affiliate of the Boss with capital B. Leader of the most prominent organised crime group in Lyndin and probably the whole dimension #3. Neil had work with them before, they ordered some of his services, who did they wanted to eliminate again? Oh yeah! That one political candidate who wanted to reform the police force. 

This member wasn't too high ranking, but they probably notice if he'd just randomly disappeared. Neil started to think if he just used his ability quickly slith his throat and run off nobody would know, it would be easy. 

But the desire to just come up to him, make a friendly small talk and then strike him where it hurts the most and kick him till he's choking on his own blood, was just so strong. 

He has to pay for what he did to me. What he did to HIM. Neil snapped out of it, slightly rolling up his sleeve to check time, 18:15 well let's see what I can do in 15 minutes... or less... 

Neil started quietly walking to the man, he naturally walks very quietly, his line of work demands it, but today he was extra precise with his steps. He wanted this to be surprise. 

He came up close to the man. Standing under the same roof that that covers the door. Waiting for the man to notice. 

The man turned his head around, finally noticing someone's presences next to him, and slightly jumped. 

He opened his mouth and say, "Ugh Can I help you?" With little irrigation in his voice 

Neil looked at him through his glasses, "Good evening." He responded, "Neil Creal. I did business with your organisation some time ago." He offered his hand 

"Ohhhh I remember you!" The man said and shaked Neil's hand, "We hired you to kill, shit- what was that guys name, that one annoying guy who wanted more efficient cops or something like that." 

Neil nodded, "Yes I know who we're talking about! I took care of him!" He said with playful tone 

"Nice we're on the same page then!" The man smiled dropping probably dropping all the suspicion he had against Neil, "What brings you here today sir?" 

Neil gridded his teeth, "oh I came to ask about the Boss" that was a lie, "I heard your group got into some fight with the police recently, I wanted to know what was that about and if everything is ok" that was even bigger lie. He knew exactly what happened in the fight, what happened to HIM . And he didn't want to know if everything is ok at all, he in fact wanted everything to suck. 

"Oh yeah that!" The man reacted with amusement, "Some of the cops decided that they wanted to stuck their stupid noses in our business" he started telling the story with excitement, like a child telling you about the dead squirrel they found. 

"I actually shot one of them! The detective that's constantly on the news, you know that one. The one who can't shut up about getting rid of the crime in the entire dimension. You know he always seemed like giant egoistic asshole to m- AUGHT!!" he didn't get to finish his rant because Neil stabbed him in the guts with a pocket knife. 

"ENOUGH." Neil said firmly. "How dare you talk about HIM like that! You don't know anything!" He barked with nothing but a rage in his voice. 

The man snapping out the shock hissed in pain, " WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! I thought we were on the same side!" He grabbed Neil's right arm, the same one Neil held the knife with. 

Neil saw red. He promptly kicked the man in to the stomach near the stab wound. The man proceeded to go and try to tackle Neil to the ground but Neil dodged and he fell over on the ground.

Neil did not hesitated pulls out his knife once again and slights the man's throat. 

Blood started flooding out and the man started to cough, looking up on Neil from the ground . 

Neil looked back at him. Unimpressed, with disgust. And proceeds to kick him some more. 

After the man stopped twitching Neil kneeled down, to check his puls. No pulse. Good. Neil thought, standing up. He rolled up his sleeve again to check time. 18:25 

Well he better go. Neil activated his ability and disappeared into the night.

Adryel looked up from his TV screen to check time 


There's no way he'll make it here on time. Adryel thinked, Sitting up from his lying position on his sofa. It's weird he didn't let me know he'll be late, he continues the though, it's already pretty fucking weird that he's late at all. 

He stood up scratching his bandages. His whole chest and stomach were bandaged up, it was uncomfortable but it was necessary. At least there's now motivation for not searching 'abandoned' storage halls, head on without proper planning and back up. 

He walked over to the kitchen, the TV still playing in the background some stupid reality show, he turned on the light, and pulled out glass from the cupboard and proceeded to fill it up with water. 

As he drinked Mitoo started to brush around his leg. "What are you doing?" He asked with amusement picking up the dark blue cat with one hand, holding her like a baby. "Are you excited to see Neil too?" He said. Talking to an animal and expecting answers is normally seen as foolish until you actually get your own little guy and all shame goes out of the window. 

"Would be nice if he at least let me know he'll be fucking late but whatever" he rolled his eyes while Mitoo was still looking at him with her bright blue eyes trying to keep her last braincell inside of her head. 

The second he finishes the sentence his phone ringed. Adryel turned his head around setting the glass on the kitchen counter. "Well we about the wolf and the wolf learned how to use a phone" he said sarcastically, making his way back to the living room, Mitoo still in his hand like the baby she is. 

He picks up the phone. The time is 18:59. 

"Hey Adry!" Neil's voice can be heard from the other side. 

"Cut the politeness. Why are you late?" Adryel answered. It came out ruder than he intended, he has to really watch his tone more. 

"Well you know..." Neil said back and paused for a moment, "...the metro was late. sorry I didn't let you know sooner." 

"It's fine. I was just worried" Adryel said, he managed to clamed down. The anger he felt towards Neil's delay and failure to inform him about said delay faded away. "I am guessing you can't make it here before 7 pm?" He jokingly asked 

"Given it's 7 pm right now I don't think so." Neil said. Adryel couldn't tell his tone but he guessed he was joking too. 

"So when will you be here?" Adryel asked 

"I just arrived at the station I'll try to get there in 15 minutes" Neil answered 

"That's great" Adryel said trying to sound enthusiastic and failed. He was happy he truly was he just couldn't figure out how to say it properly. 

"Alright! I better be getting going now! Love you!" Neil said as his way to end the call 

"I love you too" Adryel said back. The beep announcing end of the call echoed from the other side and then there was silence. 

Adryel put his phone down and set Mitoo on the floor. And though, The Metro wasn't supposed to be delayed according to the online website. What the fuck was Neil up to? 

Neil was standing in front of the public bathroom mirror, just finished cleaning his pants from blood. This funny little side adventure he just went on was way more messy than he expected. Thank the guardien his ability makes him invisible, he really didn't need the complications that come with being seen covered in blood. 

Getting ride from the blood on his hands and torso was easy. He always wears gloves so he just tossed those in a random dumpster on his way here, and he had second shirt with him anyway therefore he just changed. 

The pants on the other hand were problem. They weren't nearly as bloody as his hands and shirt but they still were little dirty from the kicking. 

He managed to scrub most of it off with toilet paper, the cheap soap he found in here and water but he still hopes Adry won't notice that his pants are darker down near the ankles. 

He didn't have any problem to clean his leather shoes though. 

Neil checks the time. 19:05 I better be going. 

He looks back into the mirror, pondering. 

Adry makes me do crazy things. And he doesn't even know about it. He contemplates, I wish he could know. I should take him out somewhere, as a sigh of how much I love him. 

I know what I should do!  He brightness up at the idea If he makes me fell like this, I should just ask him to marry me! 

He jumped a little from excitement, turns around grabs his suitcase and leaves the public bathroom. He quickly exited the metro station and started fast walking in the direction of Adryel's apartment. His mood greatly improved. 

The time was 19:06