Grocery Trip

oboecady Vesuvi
5 months, 1 day ago

SC Log (Dec 12th 2023)

Judas needs sleep, Judas also has a passion for baking. Andy's concerned for various reasons.

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Author's Notes

Buckle up buckaroo, there's a lot to read YTGHIDF


Where would the lad be rn? 


well we've been back at HQ for a while so my guess is he went straight to the punching bag and completely tired himself out. he's probably walking around  HQ aimlessly now because he cant sit still.


Poor Judas. Andy may run into him while outside to pick up a few groceries. Maybe spots him from afar and calls out with a “Hi Judas~!”


Judas was not paying attention to anything around him so it takes him a slooow second to register someone called out his name. looking up with bloodshot eyes sees Andy. "oh, hi Andy" very soft response and a tiny wave


His spidey sense is tingling. Andy isn’t close enough to see Judas’s state, but something just feels… wrong. His happy expression fades into concern and without another word, jogs over.  

It’s when he’s close enough to be heard at a normal volume that he asks “Everything alright?” 


Judas blinks a couple times all of the sudden having someone in his space. He gives a week shrug. "my head is a little shity right now." he admits taking a slow breath
"I'll be fine. it just needs to run its course I guess"


Now that he’s closer, Andy can’t sugarcoat it. Judas looks rough.  
His voice gentles. “Wh-What happened?” 


hums a little "the mission- I remember most of it some of it gets a little blurry- I was a hinderance at best. the fucking demon was able to brain wash me essentially. everything was completely out of my control and-" he huffs cutting himself off feeling kinda silly talking about it out loud "people have gone through worse its not like I was seriously hurt or anything. feels stupid to complain..." looks at his feet shifting in place slightly


Andrew winces. He may not have been there (which he still feels really bad about), but he can sympathize with the situation. 

“Y-Yeah, I get it. It’s not fun. It’s like a-“ gestures around his whole head. “-thick fog of sorts. Though I’m sure it filled you with some very different.. ‘emotions’.”


Judas shivered slightly remembering the forced emotions. he had never felt that much anger before but it left a sinking feeling in his chest any time he remembered it.
"yeah-thats a good way to describe it. I hate feeling like I'm not in control it- sigh it fucking sucks" shoulders sag. 


Andy nods sympathetically. “Would you... like a hug?”


Judas looks up from his feet and just looks at Andy for a second. He's a little surprised by the offer. his body immediately leaning closer. does he want one? yes he does... he gives one very small nod and his arms spread out s little to give Andy room


Andy watches him for a few, nervous seconds, wondering if he’d accidentally overstepped any boundaries. Luckily those fears are washed away when Judas offers his unspoken yes.  

Andy looks at Judas and offers his best smile, steps closer and envelopes as much of the larger man as he can.


Judas tenses for a moment then sinks into the hold, his body shaking slightly only detectable if you were touching him. wraps gentle arms loosely around Andy. his head was at the perfect hight to lean his chin gently on the top pf his head. he takes a shaky breath in and whispers a "thank you"


Andy wordlessly tightens the hug a little and hums happily, patting Judas’s back.  “Hugs don’t fix everything, but they can help you feel better.” Andy turns his head to the side to look up at the other. “That’s what my Gigi used to say.” He holds the hug for a moment longer before letting Judas go.


hums softly in thanks appreciating the pressure in the hold backing up a little when the smaller man let go. he eyes are little lighter "my mother said the same thing" nods a couple times. "she also said that the pain would pass and you come out stronger at the end."


Andy beams. "Haven't heard that last bit, but I'd say she's right." Nods.
"Do you wanna talk about what happened?"


huffs out a heavy sigh "theres not much to say in regards to the mission- I got scratched thus was under her control. felt the fake emotions, never felt that much jealousy and anger in my life. I tried to kill Jack, he was where all the emotions were directed at, we wrestled for a while and eventually he knocked me the fuck out." blinks a couple times "its the emotions and memories it stirred up that are messing me up. stuff I haven't thought about in a while."


Andy winces, not so much at what Judas did, but the situation itself. If it were him that had lashed out and made to remember old traumas, he’d be in a bad mood too.  

He waits a few seconds after Judas is done to sigh at the sky, then glance back with a sort of ‘what can you do?’ smile. “Demons suck.”


Judas gives a startled huff in amusement. he send Andy a tired smile of his own. "yeah- figured that one out" gives a quick stretch and another deep breath. 

"enough feeling sorry for myself for now" he tries to sound firm but by god he's too tired to give any more than 20%. looks to Andy, "want some tea? i was thinking of brewing some"
has an after thought "or coffee you looked like you just woke up when you called out at first dont want to put you back to sleep- or whatever" hes rambling


“It definitely sounded more severe than mine and David’s experience for sure.” He nods. 

“Hm..” Andy fiddles with his shirt, thinking. I probably could, after I get back from the grocery store. I’ll have to stick with the tea though, since Andrew and coffee don’t mix well.” He giggles.  
“Oh, have you tried that chamomile yet?”


Has a sad brain moment about the coffee. Andy can’t enjoy the nectar of the gods? He’ll keep that in mind. Nods in understanding.  
“Ah groceries... no problem I’m not going anywhere” winced at the thought of a crowded grocery store.  
“Yes tried it recently, it tasted good! Can’t really tell you if it works for sleeping though-ehm the lavender tea, which worked before all the shit exploded, isn’t working either at the moment.” 


Andy doesn’t catch the wince. “It shouldn’t be too far. HQ was built in a surprisingly great area. A lot of things are just a walk or bike ride away.” 

“Aw.. sorry to hear. But hey, at the very least, it doesn’t taste like crap!” He hums to himself, thinking as he starts walking. “You could always invest in a weighted blanket. Maybe blackout curtains too but I’m not sure how Spare would feel about that..” “Oh! That reminds me, how’s it going sharing a room with him?”


Gives a small laugh following after Andy “very true” gives thought to the weighted blanket. The black out windows would probably make the already small room feel even smaller.. skips to the next question
“Honestly haven’t met them yet. See them in passing around HQ but I don’t go in the dorms much so don’t sleep in their much either”


Andy stops in his tracks and turns to look at Judas, baffled. “Wait, you don’t??”
“W.. Where do you sleep?”


Blinks back at him like what he said was completely normal. “Yeah no-“ tilts his head. “I guess just wherever I end up passing out. If fallen asleep on the roof, the common area, the gym-“


He blinks, mouth agape from trying to find the words. "W- You-"
"Well no wonder you're not getting any sleep, Judas! Why aren't you sleeping in your room?"


Nods “no you’re right, if I could handle sleeping in that room on the bed I’d probably sleep better.” Hums in thought trying to figure out how to explain this. “My brain is a fickle bitch. I tried one night to sleep there but it felt like the walls are caving in. It’s a combination of sharing the space and the fact that the door is closed. I think?”


"Hm.." Andy hums. That sounds a lot like claustrophobia. Or at least something of that nature. "And you can't really leave your door wide open over there.." Andy taps his chin, trying to think of something Judas could substitute for a place to sleep. 

"Well, I think one of the cryptids here lives in the woods around HQ. Maybe you could have like a camp or something there with their permission?"


Perks up a little at the thought of sleeping outside. “That could work…do you happen to know which one? If not I’ll just ask around I guess” man is tired of only getting power naps.


"Well.. I've only met the tall one, and.. I don't seem them around too often except sometimes during missions. I think they both just kind of.. wander HQ?" Sorry Judas, Andy knows not the life of Thistle and Bones  "But I could always keep an eye out for them and bring you up, if it'd help! Though.. don't be surprised if they decide to come through a wall..." He shivers.


Judas nods his thanks appreciating the thought.  

Now that he thinks about it he hadn’t seen any of the cryptids either till the mission. He wrinkled his nose thinking about them wondering through the walls. No thanks.  

“That’s fine. I know we have the opportunity to move out of the dorms eventually. Worst comes to worst I can endure the lack of sleep till then.” Shrugs. “Not like I haven’t done it before” mumbling under his breath.


Andy doesn’t seem convinced. “You gotta try and at least sleep somewhere. That can’t be good for your body or mind.” 

“If you’re gonna insist on staying outside, I’d ask one of the cryptids about camping in their woods, or maybe for now I can lend you some blankets and pillows so at least you’re not uncomfortable.”


Huffs a little at his insistence. “Okay okay I’ll pay more attention as I’m walking around so I can ask one of them.”  

“Don’t worry too much about the blanket and pillow if I know I’m going to try and fall asleep I take my own with me as I wonder. Most of the time it’s simply my body gave up staying awake randomly so I don’t have the planning to bring the stuff. I might invest in the weighted blanket idea though that might help me stay down longer” nods to himself


Judas buddy you’re not helping your case. But Andy’s fussed all he can for now, and Judas is still getting over what happened, so he lets it go for now. He offers a little smile. “As long as you’re not running yourself ragged.” 

“Alright!” He claps, pointing in the direction they were just walking. “To the grocery store!” 


Sadly Judas sees no problem  one day he will let people help him. Jude nods along “no need to worry I’m getting by” he smiles back  

Back on track he puts his hands in his pockets and starts following Andy casually to the grocery store “onwards then”


Mhm sure. 

When they get to the store, Andy fetches a buggy, and gets what you’d expect from someone grocery shopping. Food, snacks, some toiletries, but eventually after grabbing some cake mix and icing, he gets a small pack of candles, and some gift wrapping paper. He smiles warmly at the candles before heading towards the front.
“I’m getting ready to check out. Is there anything you might want before that?”


Judas has grabbed three boxes of monsters and some coffee filters along the way.  
“Nah I’m good-“ looks at the obvious party stuff.  
“Is it someone’s birthday soon??”


“Yep! Mine~” He proceeds forward to checkout, happily tapping his hands on the handle to an invisible beat as he waits for his turn. “The wrapping paper’s for something else, though.”


Blinks a couple times surprise! He looks down at the cake mix. He’s slightly taken aback.  

“Wait- it’s your birthday?? And you’re- no no fuck the cake mix what kind of cake do you like I’m baking you a fucking cake that’s not from a fucking box from the store” picks up the box to try and see the flavor


It’s a box for strawberry flavored cake mix.
Andy blinks a few times, taken aback. “W-Wait, huh? M-My birthday’s still a few weeks away, I was just getting everything ahead of time. And- A-And I was gonna make cupcakes.” He starts fidgeting with his sweater. Did Andy do something wrong? He’s not understanding.. 


Nods a solid pick strawberry cake is very good. “Cupcakes huh-“ humming in thought. “You can get the cake mix if you want but I’m making you fucking strawberry cupcakes as well. A few weeks gives me time to think about how I want to make them… there are options. ” Looks directly into Andy’s soul dead serious eyes “cake,or cupcakes, always taste better when someone makes them for you. Especially on a day like a birthday.” He explains like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.


Andy’s mind is still struggling to catch up. “I- It’s fine, really! I do this every year. Usually I only make just one, but I’ll be making a batch this time since there’s more people to share it with.” He huffs, but more from amused exasperation than anything else. It’s just cake mix, buddy. 


Glare at the cake mix like it offended him. He will try one more time because he does not want to be bested by a box of cake mix. Different angle. “I like baking.” He starts firmly like that will solve all the problems “my sister loves strawberries so I make her strawberry layer cake or strawberry short cakes.” Nods to himself proud
“Do you like strawberry buttercream on top or a different icing.”


Andy continues to fidget with his sweater, glancing at the progressively shrinking line and the one starting to form behind them. Alright fine, Judas seems really determined about this for some reason. He throws up a white flag of surrender. “I- I like buttercream. Or cream cheese. Either work.”


Stars in his eyes the fire of determination burning brightly. He looks incredibly excited chest puffed out. It’s his time to shine. He deflated a little finally noticing he’s being pushy. “Oh-erm” looks away. “Sorry I pushed too far didn’t I. I would like to make you the cupcakes but if you would rather I back off just say so”


“I-I mean you’re fine, just, you seemed really insistent on it so I figured it’d be alright this time.”  
He smiles. “As long as it’s a cupcake, it’ll be fine!”


Perks back up again “no problem” eyes shining very bright. He has plans! He’s pulling all the stops all out 100% of his power going into this one cupcake.


Andy feels like he just opened Pandora’s box.
Nonetheless, he lets Judas do his thing so Andy can pay for his groceries and head back to the dorms. “You said you wanted to have some tea too, right?”


Judas calms down with the topic change. “Oh yes- I have some options for what kind. You have an idea for what you might want?” Trailing after Andy after paying for his monsters. Goes ahead and cracks one open for the walk back.


“Mmm..” He hums thoughtfully, swaying side to side with each step due to the weight of his bags. Andy doesn’t seem to mind though, or notice. “Not really. I could probably go for some more lavender tea but I’d be okay with anything.”


“Lavender tea sounds good” nods seeing Andy swaying he holds out a hand “want me to carry some of that?”  He had already chugged his monster and placed the can in the bag with his monster boxes so one hand was free.


“Hm?” Andy looks up at Judas, then to his arms. “Oh! If you wouldn’t mind?” He twirls and arm to get a bag loose and easier for his friend to grab.


“Not at all” takes the offered bag off the smaller man’s hands.  
“Lots of people are leaving HQ for brake. You have any plans?” He asked trying to contribute to small talk.


“Thank you!” He feels much lighter now!
“Not really. Unless by plans you mean sleeping in and binging a bunch of movies. What about you? Anywhere you’re thinking about visiting?”


“You’re welcome” nods. Gives a Huffs in amusement at Andy’s answer. “Well I guess those could be plans-“ tilts his head in thought. “I didn’t have a lot of time to explore around HQ before we left to the mission so I guess I’ll explore and find what’s around here.”  Shrugs. Once they make it to the dorms he holds open the door for the smaller man


Andy thanks him! “I mean I guess the campus is pretty big enough for that. I dunno if it’d take a whole vacation time, though. I’m sure there’s other things to do.”


Judas hadn't really thought about the break  
"I guess I'll try to catch up on sleep as well I guess... if most people are leaving maybe I can find a spot to rest where people wont wonder in much... that and I will probably experiment with some recipies ive been wanting to make. I'll need to find someone who is willing to taste test some of them-" starts trailing off about ideas he wants to cook as they walk in still kinda just trailing after Andy like a puppy


“Well I’ll be here, so if you wanna do anything, just give my door a knock! Or send me a message. I think that’s a feature on ghoulme?” He mutters the last bit before leading them to the kitchen, where he writes his name on his stuff and packs away for later, save for the wrapping paper.

“Alright!” Andy puts his hands on his hips, feeling accomplished. “Tea time~!”


Smiles appreciatively while putting his away putting a few cans in the fridge also labeled them with his name. “Thank you, I’ll let you know then. If you ever have an idea of something you want to try feel free to shoot me a text or- well I won’t be in the dorm room but we seem to run into each other enough you could probably just find me”  

He started up a kettle to warm up the water and went into his stash of tea pulling out the lavender packets.


Andy nods, and is content to let things simmer down, enjoying the calm quiet while he listens to the kettle boil. At some point he thinks to look for some cookies or something to snack on the tea with, but alas, nothing he's quite looking for.  Some time during the comfy silence, Andy asks "So where are you originally from? Before you came to Romania, I mean."


“Hm? Oh I well I bounced back and forth between Birmingham where my father lives and a small town-mmm- 5 or so hours away from there where my mother lived.” Does mental math in his head like ‘haven’t had to think about that in a couple years’.  

“And yourself?” 


“Ooo, I’m going to guess you mean in London and not Alabama-“ Andy nods.  
“I’m from Florida!” He grins. “No specific area. I’ve been a little everywhere. Is Birmingham pretty?“


Smirks “the accent doesn’t give that away? Yes there are some very beautiful places there. My mother and I would just take a drive and find the most gorgeous spots.”  

Tilts his head. “Florida is the place with good beaches and Disney world yes?”


He snorts. “Basically, yeah. Though we’ve got a reputation for other things, just about everyone knows it for Disney world.”  

“Oh? What kind of spots?”


His eyes shine a little as he talks “well there are plenty of big places in the heart of Birmingham like the art museum, sea life center, the symphony hall, but what I really loved seeing were the spots that looked like you stepped into a fantasy book or stepped back in time. Outside the cities if you look around you can find the most beautiful spots in nature or little towns that still hold the old buildings that look like castles or little cottages. Mom took me to a place that had an old castle like building. Got to tour it and learn where it came from- eh I don’t remember the details because I was so young but it was some rich guys summer home or whatever.”


That last bit catches Andy off guard, and he laughs. "I mean maybe he saw what y'all saw, so he decided he'd make it his home?"
"That sounds very pretty, though. Maybe if we're ever in London, we could go check some places out!"


Shrugs “who knows what rich people back then were thinking” Smiled and nods “yeah that would be nice. If people want to wonder around I could show them the places I know that aren’t touristy. Or I guess I could play tour guide if they really wanted to see the crowded places too” shutters a little.


"Honestly I think either would be fun~." Then notes the shutter. Hm.. "Though nature away from civilization or smaller populated area seems just as charming ^^"


Sighs as he pours two cups of hot water and puts a tea bag in it   placing one in front of Andy “it is but if it’s your first time it would be a shame not to see at least a few of the “bigger attractions.” I may not like crowds but I can suck it up if it’s for someone else” swirls the tea bag around in his cup


Andy smiles softly, and nods. "Sure thing! But if it gets to being too much, we can always leave early." He says, as if they'll actually be in England any time soon. Andy grabs his own cup too, mimicking Judas by twirling his bag around for a bit, blowing on the hot liquid and taking a sip. 

His shoulders droop and he lets out a small breath, already feeling relaxed by the familiar taste. Goodness, you just can't beat the power of lavender~


Chuckles softly at Andy’s pleased look. He agrees the tea really makes one relax.  
“Sounds like a plan. We’ll see if we ever go though” he hums


He gives Judas a thumbs up mid-sip! 

Eventually though, the tea works its magic, and soon has Andy yawning every now and then. "I think.." He says mid yawn. "I should probably get back to bed. Will you be alright?"


Smiles softly “mhm I appreciate your company greatly. It’s helped.” He looks brighter than before. “I’ll finish this, then probably look for a place to crash first and hour or so”


Andy smiles back. “I’m happy to hear that! Well, if you ever need anything, you know where to find me ^^” Judas gets a soft pat on his arm before Andy makes his way up the stairs, off to take another snooze.