It's a Piece of Cake to Bake a Pretty Cake

oboecady Vesuvi
4 months, 24 days ago

SC Log (Dec 31st 2023)

Judas and Andy work on Andy's birthday cupcakes!

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Author's Notes

-Cooking by the Book plays ominously in the distance-


Is Judas ready to heckin bake




Andy’s already setting stuff up in the kitchen for Judas
Being a lil busybody today


Hehehe he’s aloud!
Judas walking in like “someone’s raring to go” fond smile “how can I help?” 


Andy just vibrating with excitement like “Yeah! This’ll be my first time celebrating with friends ^^” 

“Uhh let’s see..” He mutters and looks at what he has laid out so far. “I got the cake mix, the bowls, a whisk machine thingy, cupcake molds..” He lists off.


Judas gives a small chuckle very happy to see so much excitement from Andy. “This will be my first time celebrating a birthday with friends as well. I’m glad it’s yours-“ he hums and hard pivots to early to be a soft teddy bear  

“it’s just called a mixer” he laughs and looks at back of the cake mix box. “Are you allergic to milk by chance?” He asks his baker mind twirling madly “we will need eggs, sugar, salt, flour, vanilla, and if you’re not allergic milk and sour cream- err trust me on the sour cream I know it sounds weird but it makes the cake more flavorful and-moist” winced a little at the last word. He doesn’t like that word.
He looks up from the box realizing he’s being a bossy bitch and looks to Andy- “this is your show… let me know if I go to hard please” sheepishly


Andy simply nods along! “If you mean lactose intolerance, I don’t! Though to be fair, there’s a good bit of people that would still eat it anyways.” He giggles. 

“You’re fine!” Andy assures him. He goes to fetch the things Judas lists, but pauses at the sour cream, staring at the container. “I’ve never heard of anyone using sour cream in baking before. Applesauce maybe-“


Judas takes a breath gladly he’s not overstepping. “Yeah it’s a weird ingredient, my mom is the one who taught me that one” he hums happy smile at the memory.
“Generally, I hate milk but we need it for the recipe so I I don’t get a fucking say” half hearted grumpy noises. “There are some exceptions I guess” thinking of cheese and ice cream


Andy smiles. “Well we don’t have to use milk if we don’t need it. I’m sure it’ll taste good regardless.” Pats his shoulder.


Judas gives a soft smile grateful  “thank you for the thought, but these are your cupcakes and I know they will taste better with the milk. Like I said there are exceptions to milk being the liquid from hell- this is one of those exceptions” nods looking over the ingredients to make sure they had everything.


Andy chuckles at that. “If you’re sure.” He rolls up his sleeves, ready to start. “Alright chef, let’s get baking~!”


With a happy hum Judas starts separating the ingredients “well first thing first we need to put dry and wet ingredients in separate bowls… you got the dry ingredients and I’ll get the others?” Judas offers passing Andy the cake mix


“Yessir!” Andy beams with a little salute, and gets to it! 


Judas goes over to wash his hands really quick then strolls to the fridge to grab a glass of water for the both of them placing one next to Andy then moves over to his own area to mix his assigned ingredients together. “I know you’ll be fine but if you have any questions feel free to ask” he hums plugging in the mixer once his ingredients were ready setting them aside to mix in later.


Andy follows his lead and washes his hands as well, peeling open boxes and containers as he gets to mixing. Sometimes when it gets too quiet, he’ll hum random tunes.


Judas hums along sometimes, “when you’re ready bring those over and we can start mixing all this together” he plugs in the mixer


“Yep yep!” With a quiet ’hup!’ Andy lifts his bowl and scoots to Judas’s side. “I’m a little curious, what exactly do you have planned for these?”


Hums taking the mix and started up the mixer. “Not much just make sure they have fluff and are moist /shivers/ enough.” He cracks one egg at a time in the mix then offered the bowl he prepared to Andy so he could add it in as he controlled the mixer 


Andy takes the bowl and all but dunks it in the other, causing a small splash in the process. "O-Oops" He giggles, albeit nervous. "My bad."


Judas quickly turns off the mixed down so it won’t splash any further then blinks a few times in surprise not expecting to get wet. A huff of air leaves him evolving into an actual laugh. “It’s- it’s okay huff I should have warned you to pour it slowly” he says though the laughter giving Andy an amused smile refocusing on the mixture.  
“Now that everything is in here I can handle the mixing. Would you go grab the cupcake trey?”


Andy's nervousness fades and he giggles himself, finding Judas's laughter to be contagious (and to be fair, it probably was funny).  
He hurries over to the cupcake tray and grabs it, along with a few paper towels to wipe off whatever got them in the splash zone. "Here." He hands one to Judas. 


Takes the towel and wipes himself and the counter off. “Thank you. And don’t worry about it half the fun of baking is to make a little bit of a mess.” He hums unplugging the mixer and picked up the pink ish mixture of strawberry cake mixture ready to pour into the tray. He looks to Andy really quick “would you hold it still for me please? I don’t want to waste the mix by spilling”


Andy can smell the mix, and already he’s eager for a taste. He nods and quickly sets his hands on the tray to steady it. “It smells so good and we haven’t even put it in the oven yet.”


Judas nods along “it does smell good.” He hums scooping out the remaining mix into the last cupcake holder then offers the spoon he used to scrape the batter. “Did you want to taste it?” Take his pinky and scooping  some from one side of the spoon and popping it in his mouth.


Andy glances up at the spoon and, eagerly, nods and scoops up a bit with his finger, giving it a taste.  

There's no sugarcoating it (pun not intended), it's amazing. And this is only the batter! Andy finds himself licking his lips and sneaking another scoop. "Oh goodness.. I don't know if I can wait very long for these to be done." He's practically beaming at this point.


Judas chuckles happily handing over the spoon so Andy can take the rest. “Well thankfully it will only be about 20 minutes” he reassured him taking the tray over to the oven (which he had sneakily turned in at some point) putting them in and typing in the time. “Now we need to get the icing ready though” he hums looking at the can of icing 


Andy is happy to clean off the spoon, thank you Judas. "Right." He nods, looking down at the same can. "We don't need to mix it or anything, do we?"


“Well we could  just use it like this… but if you want it more of a creamy texture we can mix it in the mixer lightly. And if we add a little butter we can replicate buttercream icing” he explains “it’s up to you though these are yours after all” he nods 


He taps the (now cleaned) spoon to his lips as he thinks. "A more creamy texture couldn't hurt. I think it'd be a nice addition."


“Alright,  first let’s clean some of this up. I need to rinse out the mixed bowl really fast then I can whip the icing. Would you grab a stick of butter for me when you get a chance” he asked picking up the mixer bowl and taking it to the sink


"Mhm!" Andy goes to the fridge to grab said stick of butter and brings it back. 

"This is pretty exciting, the more I think about it." He says. "I've spent a lot of birthdays in different homes with different people, but this feels new." He stares at the spoon, deep in thought. "It's still a new place, new faces, new friends, but when I think about it, it's fairly different from the others. A new country, different cupcakes, people coming together to celebrate the new year with me voluntarily and not just out of obligation because we're all under the same roof." Though he's sure there are still some who'd think that, and that's okay.
He looks up at Judas, and smiles. "I'm happy. It's a nice change of pace ^^"


Judas took the butter and listened pausing what he was doing eyes shining and a little blush on his cheeks. “I’m very glad your birthday is a happy one this year. For the record I’m honored and delighted to wish you a happy birthday and a happy new year”  soft voice soft smile looking back at Andy.
“I know this sentiment is shared with others here as well. Your presence is brighter than any sparkler or firework anyone will light tonight-“ now he’s very much blushing and looking away.


"Thank you! It's definitely been pleasant thus far. I appreciate you spending it with me-"
Oh. Andy's brain short circuits for a moment, and when it finally registers, his face turns red. "O-Oh. I- Th-Thank you-?" Andy's very flattered, but goodness, that threw him for a loop.


Judas hums but it kinda sounds more like a flustered grumble. He gave a very quiet your welcome as he dried out the mixer bowl and set it up again plugging the mixer back in. “Would you hand me the icing please?” He asked already cutting the butter and plopping it in the bowl


He blinks a couple of times before remembering Judas asked him something, and hands him the container of icing. "Here you go!"


Judas grabs the container and gives a soft thank you as he scrapes the icing in the mixer and turning it on low watching the icing fluff up nicely. He hums a little watching closely to make sure he didn’t mix it too much. Turning the mixer off and taking a rubber spatula to scrape the icing off the mixer pieces. Judas turns to Andy and offers the spatula with the excess icing “want to try it?”


Andy watches the icing get fluffy, and is low key happy he decided to go this direction. When Judas offers for him to give this a taste as well, he’s more than happy to sample it. 

He hums “A tad too sweet, but I like it ^^ Those store brands don’t play around with the sugar, that’s for sure.”


Judas takes a sample of his own and winces slightly “you’re definitely right there” he hums taking the bowl out of the mixer and going to grab a few icing squeeze bottles. He’s feeling fancy and he thinks Andy would enjoy this part. He quickly fills them and presents the nozzles to Andy. “Which one speaks to you”


“Ooo-“ Andy looks over his options. “This one makes the icing look like rose petals, right?”


Judas twisted the one Andy was suggesting around to see for himself. “Mmm- yes! It takes a little finesse but I could try and show you how to make a rose if you want?” He offers happily




“Cool let me check on the cupcakes” he wonders over and takes a peek shutting the door and going to grab a toothpick to check them further. “They’re done!” He hums grabbing some mits and taking the tray out. “Alright we’ll let this cool for a bit and I can show you how to use this icing tip on a a plate for now.” He scoots next to Andy and places a plate on the table. He takes the icing  bottle and does a single beautiful petal describing what he was doing as he went then offering the bottle to Andy.


Andy follows along with Judas’s instructions to the best of his ability. Some cupcakes look a little funky, but others managed to come out alright! (Aka: the ones Judas did) 

Andy is, to put it simply, excited. “I’m going to get these set out, but first-“ gently picks up one of the cupcakes and sets it aside. “This one’s gonna have a candle~!”


Judas hums proud of their work. “You learn quick nice job” he hums looking at the cupcake in Andy’s hand. “I believe I promised you a cupcake of my own. Don’t forget to save room for one more I haven’t forgotten” he hums looking around at the mess. “There’s some strawberries in the fridge if you’d like to add one of those as well” he mentions.  

Judas start picking up around the kitchen cleaning instincts tingling. “Feel free to go ahead and take those to the common area when you’re ready. I’ll let you off the hook this once on cleaning duty” he teases lightly


Andy had just opened a packet and was inches away from sticking the candle in his chosen treat before pausing. “Oh- I’d thought you were talking about these.” He puts the candle back in the package.  He looks up again, intrigued. “Ooo, a strawberry would be a nice touch!”  

Taking a quick look at the kitchen, he realizes then the mess they’ve made. “Oh, I can help with that! Lemme just put these away real quick-“ His voice trails off as he’s already leaving with the cupcakes and into the lobby.


Judas hums already working through the dirty dishes. He waits till Andy comes back to reply “I promise a home made cupcake, so no box mix for this one.” He remind him. “We don’t have to do too much considering I’ll be getting some if this dirty again anyway so don’t worry about the counters or anything I’m about to reusing- I’ll put the things we actually need to clean near the sink” he decides placing the mixing bowl and some of the measuring cups they used. He couldn’t help himself from wiping up some crumbs though


When Andy comes back, he tilts his head a bit. "You're making one from scratch?" He hums, intrigued!
"Well alright then! I'll leave you to it." He helps Judas gather what needs to be washed, and busies himself at the sink so Judas doesn't have to split his attention everywhere. At some point he's humming again.


Judas hums a thank you when Andy takes over at the sink, “mmhm- it’s the best way in my opinion, hope you like it.” He says kinda distracted. He starts gathering the ingredients most of them already there from their baking. He’s enjoying the peaceful atmosphere back in the zone of baking.


For the remainder of that time, Andy is content to doing the dishes, and when he's done, he finds himself a spot to relax and watch random videos (low volume ofc) until Judas is finished with his lil project.


Aww that’s sweet of him to wait! Once he’s done he probably will store the cupcake for when he’s ready to give it to Andy! Then he would go down with him with a soft “thank you for waiting” (he’ll come back at some point to put icing and the garnishes on it so he can give it at midnight needs too cool off and such 


Andy looks up from his phone, reflexively smiling at Judas before scooting off his seat. "Yeah, of course! Leaving you alone would've felt a little awkward.." He admits, chuckling.


He hums gratefully “Ready to go then?”  Smiles back


"Yep yep~!" He gives a double thumbs up. He's so excited to see this special cupcake!