
4 months, 22 days ago
4 months, 22 days ago
1 334

Entry 1
Published 4 months, 22 days ago

A small collection of headcanons created by discord users.

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I feel like he can play the violin or the merman version of it.

He also likes to stargaze by himself.

I feel like his voice is very deep but silky if you get what I mean.

He has an rbf but has the most loveable laugh that can catch someone offguard :))

Likes to hum to himself when he gets lost in his mind just thinking or something

(I might update this headcanon list if I think of some more)


- He definitely has some admirers, but all he needs to do is cast a scowl their way and they go running. He obviously doesn’t want to hurt anyone, he just prefers his peace and quiet since he gets enough scrutiny from the royal guards
- On the flip side I feel like lots of smaller sea critters love him, because despite how scary he looks on the outside, he protects them from larger predators!
- He has a small collection of sea glass— it’s a good hobby to have when you want to get away from the palace (if there is one I mean!!!)
- One of the places he goes to hang out is a sunken shipwreck that’s supposedly “haunted”. No one goes near it because of that, so it’s the perfect place to relax and maybe stash a few treasures he’s found!


- He’s heard about selkies being able to shed their skin and go on land, but he’s always been too afraid to test it out.
- he secretly envies the other merman who are half man half orca/dolphin, since they’re faster than him. He wish he could swim as fast as they do.
- He likes to ditch his father and other royal meetings, including his trident practice. He prefers to hang around pods of mermaid-dolphins and pass the pufferfish around. He wish he wasn’t tied to the castle, he wants to be as carefree as them.
