Letter's from Ampha

5 months, 9 days ago
5 months, 9 days ago
4 1803

Entry 1
Published 5 months, 9 days ago

Things Ampha wished she could say to people, but can't or won't

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Mama and Mom

Dear Mama and Mom,

I miss you so much. I’ve never really been good at writing down how I felt about stuff and I know it's too late to even bother doing this but I thought I might as well try and get something down.

Thank you for being my Moms. You didn’t have to take me in. Seeing a changeling baby must have freaked you and Somchai out so much but you just rolled with it. You were so good at just rolling with things.

I remember when I first became Amelia. There was nothing wrong with the name you gave me and I think I did make a big deal about changing it. You would have been completely shunned if I hadn’t changed. It was hard enough not being suspicious coming back from the woods holding a literal baby in your arms. Somchai was definitely weird about me to begin with. I know you tried to hide it but I did notice. It's ok, I made up with him after you died. We were best buds for ages so hope that fixes that.

I lost the soup recipe. Sorry about that. I kind of remember how to make it but it's not really the same. Maybe if I go back to the house in Moorswren I’ll search the house for it. I don’t want to go back particularly but that’s not for this letter that’s for Somchai’s. Oh yeah I guess you never knew where we moved to. We went to Moorswren, yeah. It was fun for a while. I made a new friend (she’s called Aster, she’s great) and I know how to make weapons now so that’s cool.

I would give you a whole long description about the place but I blanked most of it to be completely honest with you. I only really remember telling Aster that my real name was Ampha and she took that fairly well? Well we stayed friends after so I assume she was cool with it. She started just calling me “Am” to be either Amelia or Ampha which was sweet. So when we moved together I changed to Amber, so the nickname could still work.

This is going to be a difficult paragraph and I am quite relieved I don’t have to do this in person. Somchai died two years after you did. I guess that’s what I get for being careless in the “weird about the Fae” town. I had to run away with Aster after he died. Actually fuck that no. He was murdered. I need to stop being soft about that. I’m still looking for the fucker that did it (sorry for swearing). I learnt some stuff about it when I went to Levythi on my own (long story).

So that’s that. I’m going to Aumyn for a job at this Guild. I got too careless in Levythi so I had to leave again. Aster told me she was planning on going in that direction so maybe I can see her again. I miss her a lot even though it hasn’t been that long. You would have liked her I think.

Anyways. I think that’s mostly what I wanted to write. I guess I could just do another one when I think of something, it's not like you’re ever going to see this.

Forever yours,
