
4 months, 22 days ago
3 months, 22 days ago
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Chapter 3
Published 3 months, 22 days ago

idk man im in my feels about nemo

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Most people know Nemo as softspoken, generous, kind. He would rather give than take, would rather write than speak, and would do everything his contractors want from him, with a smile.  

He is who you want him to be.

But deep, deep underneath that exterior is a side of Nemo that only few have ever truly seen - the dark abyss of water that slumbers and broils quietly. The thundering waves, unexpected and yet crushing, that can and will drag you down with them. Through all his pain and hurt, Nemo has kept a tight grip on his power, even as it threatens to explode, like a dam bursting. However, there is one place that is home - a place without judgement, without light. 

With only the stars and moons there to guide him, Nemo takes his place at the shore, the jagged black edges of stone offering all the appeal of a tomb. But that is not why he is here; it is not the stone that calls him, but the calm darkness of the Depths. An abyss of unending water, with only the faint glimmer of bioluminessence at the very bottom - a far, far off distant bottom. Faintly, he recalls rumors of a patron hiding themselves in the depths - Leviathan - and he swears he sees an eye open in the inky black depths, all seeing and yet... kind.

And so, with no one to judge and no one to hurt, Nemo lets it all out.

He rages, magic rushing out of him with all the tenderness of a bomb, exploding into sharp blades of water. A torrent of pain and anger, at why he is the way he is, why the patrons allowed this, at being immortal. His emotions so thick, he feels like he is drowning. why why why

And as the stars twinkle, and the moons watch over him, he finally allows himself to breathe.

The night protects him, keeps him safe. And no one, absolutely no one gets to see him cry.