Kaori's old character sheet

4 months, 14 days ago


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Name: Kaori

Species: Unkown, Lineage Unknown

Character Origin: OC birthed in a Zelda Roleplay Chatroom, appearance lifted from Google image search of something along the lines of “neko anime girl”.

This character has existed in multiple settings and has gone through several reworks over the course of 15 or more years. Think of it as the “Doctor Who” anomaly in the Risik OC “continuity”.

The most recent Character Sheet [2/22/2013]:


Excels in survival and craftsmanship, possesses a strong will and is self-driven. Motivation is never an issue for her, as long as the outcome falls in her favor given she participate. She has also had an excess of time on her hands which she has put to use by developing her own technique of close-quarters physical combat.(edited)


Personal attachments. Kaori prides herself in showing at least some form of compassion to any stranger, given they have not wronged her or given her reason to doubt their sincerity. She is judgmental and first impressions are under the “extremely-EXTREMELY-important” category. But if you’re a long-time friend, she’d give her life for you. She is also a glutton.

General Personality:

Kaori is often on her own, she does not rely on the support of others for her survival. Rather, she enjoys helping others in need if she happen by them. In that rare occasion, she treasures the company of a companion, even if it’s short-lived. Kaori used to have a temper problem, and though some of that still remains, it mostly comes out through snarky, cynical remarks and playful banter. She will not hesitate to tell you exactly what she thinks of you. She can be harsh, but it doesn’t necessarily mean she doesn’t like you. She can also be extraordinarily vivacious.

Kaori sticks fast to her morals; she will not concern herself with anything that seems unethical or out of place in any way. In a general sense, she’s opinionated, compassionate on occasion, cynically humorous, and playful.


She was born in a small patch of forest with a narrow creek running through it. That creek was the life-force of a scarcely-populated town a valley or so away from the walls of Seretei. The town was called Peskel. Kaori was an orphan. Parents cause of death unknown. Or at least, assumptions were made or lies were told somewhere along the line. She was raised by a single man that appeared to be in his early 30s. Kaori and Uncle (as she called him) met sometime near her fifth birthday. Up until that point Kaori would catch rabbits with her toddler claws and fry them rotisserie-style over the local farmers fire pit. Uncle raised Kaori and encouraged her to make friends with the other children inhabiting the town. This is where Kaori met Miki. Miki and Kaori became great friends and would often spend their days in the woods climbing trees and designing games with pebbles and leaves. They became inseparable, following one another wherever they went. Miki and Uncle taught her many things during their time together that helped her to grow into a beautiful, stubborn, snarky cat-woman. Although restless isn’t exactly the word that I would choose to describe Miki or Kaori, they seemed to need more substance in their lives than just the small village. Upon the discovery of their talents for the art of spirit-power-based combat, Uncle insisted they attend the Academy.

After the first week Kaori encountered enough pompous, pig-headed snobbery to last her nine lifetimes and reinforced her defensive nature. Miki’s quick show of talent and skill allowed her to excel in school and rise through the ranks extremely quickly. Kaori hated to be apart from her, but she just couldn’t handle the setting. Kaori quit, and instead would spend her time sitting perched on the wall of Seretei watching the squads practice combat in the barracks courtyard. After an unfortunate event involving some rock being thrown by some certain someone called Uncle at some certain cat sitting so precariously perched on some certain wall, she tumbled down over the edge and landed face-first into a career as a Shinigami. As punishment for interrupting such an important training session, she was forced to demonstrate her skill in what felt like a life-or-death clash of warriors. Kaori did not fail to impress and found herself placed in the elite class. The class sponsored by captains on the prowl for fresh talent to serve as their lieutenants. Working her way up through the ranks didn’t take long, she found home in the Third Division as its lieutenant (Internal affairs (Processing and judging of Shinigami Criminals)), and soon became it’s Captain. She enjoyed the company of her subordinates, but of course, something was missing. When Miki graduated she was immediately awarded the rank of Lieutenant. Kaori, being the Captain she was at the time with an empty seat just below her, requested Miki be stationed as her personal right-hand man. Her request was granted. Once again, they were inseparable.

When war broke out across the three worlds, Seretei, Hueco Mundo, and the Human World, things took a turn for the worst. The Empress of Seretei developed a ceaseless lust for power. Orders were placed to advance without cause and to bulldoze any and all obstacles to achieve the objective. All functionality within the ranks was lost within the turmoil. The entirety of Seretei outskirts was burned to the ground, including Peskel. This devastated Kaori and solidified her resolve to turn against and leave behind the regime she had dedicated her life to.

She paid her respects to the dead of her hometown. In mourning of Uncle she fell into a deep depression and retreated to the human world, tearing her captains garb in half and setting it aflame as she departed. She spent the first few months or so wandering the United States, crossed a few state lines, passed through a few cities, until she found a nice quiet town in rural Missouri. She fixed herself up a small shack near the edge of the forest that set between miles of crop and a dead tourist-route with a few run down gas stations and home-y diners. It was there that she decided to settle down a bit and spend some quiet time. During her first year there, she received a message from Miki. Seretei had been rebuilt (more or less), the war was over, yet peace had not been restored. There was rumor of revolution circulating the Spirit Realm, and the rumors were true. Miki was going to be a part of a rebellion on route to overthrow the Empress, and Kaori was offered an all-access pass to head the crowd and lead them into battle with Miki at her side. Kaori refused.

The revolution proceeded without her and Miki drove the operation. The rebellion fell at the hand of the Royal Guard and Miki was captured, tortured, and stripped of all spiritual power. She was then banished, cast out into the human realm to fend for herself. She made her home in New York, losing all contact with Kaori.

Kaori still lives in her little shack on the edge of the forest.

~ ~ ~

Zanpakuto: Kanshu (Jailer)

APPEARANCE - A pair of Kamas joined at the base in the form of a 'Z'. These Kamas can be separated from one another and used as a dual-wield. They can also be strung together by a chain of Kaori's Reiatsu for ranged combat.


Search Warrant (Investigation) // Taihojou

= Every time Kaori inflicts a wound on an opponent, the rest of her abilities' effects that target the wounded opponent are amplified in duration and in strength.

Forced March (Arrest) // Hikitateru

= Is able to utilize thin cords made of reiatsu and shoot them at any target object. Although its effects are most impressive when used against other “reiatsu-filled objects”. Given their thin width, they're surprisingly durable, though it's still possible, with slight effort, to cut them down. The main function of this ability is that once the cord finds its target, it binds them and Kaori can pull and push them away, as well as drag them around, at will. The cord does have a limited distance.

(Effects of Search Warrant Examples: Forced March’s cord strength and length limit.)


First Offense // Shohan

= Creates an enclosed structure of dense Reiatsu that seems to be impenetrable, and is inescapable until Kaori disperses First Offense or is defeated. The prison disperses the Reiatsu of everyone within it, only Kaori is immune to its effects. Injuries caused by Kanshu intensify the prison’s effects.

Second Offense // Saihan

= Within the same structure, Kaori can trigger the Second Offense if the opponent has drawn blood from Kaori at least once or if he or she has made an active effort to try and escape. The opponent is now marked within the walls, and ethereal chains will attempt to tie them down to the point of immobility. The chains are extremely relentless and appear in great numbers. It is tough to get out of without the exertion of massive amounts of reiatsu. Despite this, the chains do not last longer than several minutes at a time before becoming brittle.

Final Judgment // Saishuu Monogokoro

= If the opponent has drawn blood from Kaori again and escaped Second Offense, a spatial cage will engulf the opponent from the ground and will be restrained with bonds from all corners of the cage, rendering the opponent completely immobile.

-This effect is nullified if Kaori is incapacitated before the cage is summoned.

-The opponent is also slowly drained of reiatsu while bound and in the cage.

-At this point Kaori has three options: Kill the opponent, let them go, or activate Life Sentence.

Life Sentence // Eirou

= Kaori can choose to activate this ability only after Final Judgment, and the opponent must still be within the cage, bound immobile. This is a very strong effect with a steep penalty for Kaori herself, slightly shortening the duration of her own life in order to completely purge the reiatsu of the captive, permanently relieving them of all spiritual or magical ability.